8th November 2014, 08:17 PM
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Procedure to get job in ISRO? In which entrance exam I have to appear? Topics to covered and preparation tips?

i want to get job into isro...wat are the procedures...
i want to achieve high position in life..
can u help me for isro...cant understand how to enter into isro....
please guide me sir...wat exam i ve to write??
how to prepare??wat are the topics???

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1st September 2015, 05:09 PM
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Default Re: Procedure to get job in ISRO? In which entrance exam I have to appear? Topics to covered and preparation tips?

ISRO stands for Indian Space Research Organisation.. I respect your willingness for getting a job in space sector..

ISRO conducts their own exam for the recruitment of engineers..
The minimum qualification for this exam that student must possess a B.Tech degree or in final year of the degree course..

Below are the attachments regarding the detailed notification and previous year paper of ISRO..
Attached Files
File Type: pdf BILINGUAL ADVT.pdf(1.02 MB, 51 views)
File Type: pdf EC-2012.pdf(616.8 KB, 7 views)
File Type: pdf EC-2013.pdf(628.0 KB, 10 views)
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