17th June 2013, 02:29 PM
Where are the institutes of acturial sciences?
where are the institutes of acturial sciences are situated in india ??? how can i get admission in the institute and when,after 12 standard or something else?? and is there any entarnce exams ???
2nd July 2015, 05:27 AM
List of institutes with address of acturial sciences as given below.
--> Bishop Herber College, Trichy, Tamil nadu - 620 017 Website : www.bhc.ac.in --> Ernakulam Insurance Institute, C/O LIC Of India Divisional Office, Jeevan Prakash, M.G.Road, Ernakulam - 682 011 --> The National Insurance Academy, Balewadi Bancer Road, Pune. --> College Of Insurance, Greeshnan Assurance Building, Sir PM Road, Fort Mumbai - 400 001 --> Insurance Training Centre , 25 Baranshi Glash Street, Calcutta - 700 007 --> College Of Vocational Studies, Delhi University , Triveni (Sheikh Sarai) Delhi - 110 017 --> Directorate of Distance Education, Alagappa University, Karikudy, Tamil Nadu 630 003 --> Tolami Institute Of Management Studies, P.B.No.11 Adupur, Gujarat - 370 205 --> Kalyani University, Kalyani Nadia Dist West Bengal - 741 235 |