VMOU B.A in Economics-Agricultural Development in India (EEC-04) Papers


Agricultural development in India is an important subject not only for the course but also for the development of country. In economics, agricultural development becomes a major part as India is an agricultural nation. Also, country with such a large population will require lots of development to feed so many people.

Importance of the paper:

Paper of Agricultural development in India is an integral part of graduation in economics. Also, if this sector will grow, there would be all round development as India is an agricultural country and there would be lots of job opportunities for everyone.

Paper Pattern:

Paper of Agricultural development in India is made up of 10 questions in it which are further separated by 2 groups according to the type. Group A is of 3 problems and each problem consists of internal alternative question in it, these problems are to be written in 500 words. Group B is made up by rest 7 questions which are to be solved in 150 words; also only 4 questions in it are to be written. Each problem in a single group is of same value of marks.

Questions asked in the paper:

The subject of Agricultural development in India consists of questions such as types of agricultural lands, different issues of agricultural, types of crops, soil improvement, types of soil, division of crops according to different types, loans and help from government etc.

Marks and time:

The examination of this subject is of 70 marks and the paper is to written in 3 hours which is total time.

Recommended Books:

Agricultural Development in India by P K Chand

Agricultural Science by Pradeep

Download VMOU B.A in Economics-Agricultural Development in India (EEC-04) Papers


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