BA vs. BS - Which course is better


The most basic type of bachelor degrees includes Bachelor of Science or BS and Bachelor of Arts or BA. Both of these degree courses can be completed normally in a time period of 3 years. The time duration may change according to the University and the area of study.  The bachelor degree in Science concentrates on technical and science related subjects where as bachelor degree in Arts imparts knowledge in a wide range of areas in arts and humanities.

BS or Bachelor of Science

BS degree is normally awarded in areas of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Engineering and other science related areas. This degree makes the student equipped with a specialized area of study. After completion of the course, the students get equipped with sufficient skills to procure a job in the specialized area. Students also have the option to go for higher studies in the related area by which they can get into hi-profiled jobs.

To provide a bachelor degree in science the College requires much more infrastructure facilities than the normal colleges. Science students have to go through a lot of practical areas in their academic curriculum. So well equipped lab facilities are required for awarding a BS degree course. The expense for meeting these requirements is collected through fees from students. The expense of study mostly depends on the Institute (public or private), the area of study and the time duration. Normally BS degree courses are found to be much more cost effective as it has to meet up with a lot of infrastructure facilities.

BA or Bachelor of Arts

BA degree is normally awarded in areas of literature, humanities, history and languages .This degree course does not make the student specialized in a specific subject. It imparts knowledge in a wide range of areas in arts and humanities. After the completion of the course the students have the option to get into a masters degree where he can specialize on a specific area. BA students mostly go through classroom practice during their academic era. So cost incurred in providing BA course is much lower than technical subjects.

Key Differentiators between BA and BS

  • BA imparts subject-oriented knowledge where as BS imparts career oriented knowledge.
  • BA provides knowledge on vast areas where as BS is specific.
  • BA provides courses on arts and humanities where as BS provides courses on technical as well as science related subjects.
  • Cost imparted to procure BA degree is low when compared with BS degree

Which Course is better?

Both these courses have their own merits. Those who wish to get a technical job after degree can choose BS degree where as people interested in arts subjects can choose BA degree. After getting a masters degree and a Ph.D in arts subjects, students can get into Colleges as professors. Those who wish to have hi-profiled jobs in science have to procure master degrees in Science subjects after BS.


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  1. 1
    Vishwas Soni:

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