25th November 2015, 12:49 AM
Higher education after D A E civil diploma?
What can a student do after D A E Civil Diploma? Which courses are available after getting D A E CIVIL diploma? Please advise me for my future. Thanking you.
27th November 2015, 11:57 PM
After completion of your three years Diploma in Civil Engineering course, you can pursue your higher studies in Bachelor's degree courses like B.E/B.Tech. To get admission in B.E/B.Tech course after completion of your three years Diploma course, you need to appear in Lateral entry examinations like LEET, ECET, JELET, etc., which is conducted by your respective state entrance examinations board. By qualifying the entrance examination, based upon your examination rank, you will be allotted a seat in a particular college and you can get admission in second year of four years B.E/B.Tech course.