6th October 2011, 12:53 PM
Please SEND ME PREVIOUS QUESTION PAPERS AND SYLLABUS OF MANAGEMENT TRAINEE for electrical engineering. my id: [email protected] |
6th October 2011, 02:22 PM
"I have given the exam last year:
concentrate on java oops concepts 75 question wer on them den some questions regarding cloud and other tech.. guys dont waste tim on basic computer gate subjects start reading oops best of luck, karan malhotra executive engineer BEL" i agree As said by the above person in addition i "-- am attaching some files shared by candiadates who have given the engineers india exam..(Intended FOR IT/CSE people: but also have somethings for ece and others) They may not be 100 pc accurate, but surely would be of some help. i downloaded from some other site. Hope it helps. |
6th October 2011, 07:54 PM
can u plz send me eil egg mngment trainee prevoius years papees plz sir at
[email protected] asap |
7th October 2011, 01:15 PM
sir, i'm b-tech(ece) student.i hav applied for EIL Management trainee and the exam is on 9th oct...so if any one has the syallabus plz plz plz send it to my id [email protected]
8th October 2011, 12:24 PM
send me d previous question paper and syllabus of managment tranee for mechanical engineering.
my id: [email protected] |
8th October 2011, 01:06 PM
pls send me EIL management trainee syllabus for IT thru [email protected]
13th October 2011, 01:26 AM
Hai Friends i am sharing eil 2011 papers of cse this is very helpful...cse previous papers of eil is no where u'l find i am the 1st person to share because i suffered a lot how the paper pattern is so i am writing here few ?'s....
there are two sections with 150 ?'s and the time duration is 120mts... its very easy if u prepare these subjects micro processor,dbms,html,c,c++.... section 2: contains gk(10-15 questions),aptitude(10-15 questions), reasoning(10-15 questions),english (10-15 questions) total 50 questions in 1st section.... -aptitude is little bit tough and -gk current affairs(http://www.jbigdeal.com/) -english its very easy concentrate on antonyms, synonyms and prepositions.. section 1:It contains completly Technical Questions Its very easy they ask only basics. Few questions are 1.ADD X,Y is which type of addressing mode........... A.Absolute B.Immediate C.Indexed D.Register 2.Which is not C++ Storage class.... A.auto B.dynamic C.mutable D.extern 3.main{ x=5{ if(x=1) { x++ } HOw many times this condition will execute.......... A.Never B.0 C.1 D.2 4.About FRIEnd function....... i dont know the options 5.How we will change background colour in html code...... 6.What is the main importance of Inheritence...... 7.Which one is the more secure password..... A.Password B.usern name,numbers C.j7!VG5+@BGT D.None Of d above 8. Formatting of disk means........ Ans:Easing the data from disk 9.What is the security problem of operating System..... A.Authentication B.Physical C.Human interaction D.none of d above 10.Encryption is........... 11.Function overloading occrs at........... A.run time B.compile time C.interpreter d.none 12.Exit() will occur.... A.in the block B.in d function C.in d program D.none 13.cout means....... A.common output B.character output C.program output D.none 14.DOM Stands for... 15.XML question........... 16.By default in c how real number will store.... A.flaot B.double C.long Double D.character 17.Machine level language is........... 18.Which language use the interpreter...... A.assembly B.cobal C.pascal D.none 19.default access specifier in c++......... A.public B.private C.protected D.none 20.File systems question............ 21.How to secure file........ A.password B.encryption C.cipher text D.all d above 22.Stack pointer question........ 23.Program counter question........ 24.About storage of variables in c.......... 25.Time complexity question......... 26.Questions about sorting methods....(nearly they ask 5 qns) 27.Which one is not a Tree......... A.searching B.hash C.avl D.binary 28.They ask 4 to 5 qns from tree concept..... 29.Array questions.............. these are the few questions which i remember i think it is useful to who are going to write eil exam its very easy if u prepare those subjects.... all the best guys... |
17th November 2011, 05:08 PM
FOR MECHANICAL ENGG my id- [email protected] |
1st December 2011, 08:43 AM
i am chandan kumar frm jaipur and i knw that how to question pattern of shriram company of the post of management trainee.my email id is [email protected]. thanks |
11th December 2011, 08:50 PM
Plz send me syllabus for HLL Lifecare management trainee on [email protected]
7th May 2012, 10:33 PM
can anybody send me eil papers for cse/it branch on [email protected] help me ...for 2012 mgmt trainee recruitment
9th May 2012, 10:51 AM
Hello Sir,
Can i plz get the syllabus and question paper for EIL ( computer science) plz send me at [email protected] Thanx for ur time & attention.! Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/syllabus-previous-year-question-papers-eil-management-trainee-exam-358633.html#ixzz1uL59a8OE |
9th May 2012, 03:05 PM
please send me eil previous year question papers to [email protected]... i am mechanical
9th May 2012, 10:54 PM
plz send me the syllabus and previous year papers of EIL of Civil branch at [email protected]
11th May 2012, 03:42 AM
can you please send me prevois year papers for computer science
at [email protected] |
11th May 2012, 02:48 PM
please send eil cs apper at [email protected]
12th May 2012, 01:09 PM
I want to know about last year EIL managment tranee xamm pepar. pls send it. my email ID is "[email protected]" I m waiting ur responce. thank you |
12th May 2012, 03:06 PM
please give the Syllabus and Previous year Question Papers of EIL Management Trainee Exam for IT?
my id is [email protected] |
13th May 2012, 05:52 PM
Hi ! I have applied for EIL Management Trainee..Can u provide me the syllabus and pevious question papers..Please please send them to my mail id [email protected]
19th May 2012, 12:09 PM
can any one can send me the syllabus,paper patern and previous year papers for EIL(CSE) in the stream of COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING.It would be really kind for you. Plz send me to my email id: [email protected] Thanks |
19th May 2012, 09:24 PM
hello sir/madam
please send me the EIL syllabus for mechanical branch or previous year question papers at my id [email protected] please, I am eagerly waiting for this. thanks |
22nd May 2012, 09:11 PM
this is gopi... i applied for eil...i belong to civilengg.. pls mail me previous question papers .. pls i wl b very thnkful..my mail id is [email protected] |
24th May 2012, 05:47 PM
hello sir please tell me how can i get the syllabus of ECE n also SAMPLE PAPER of EIL.i need it very much
my email id- [email protected] |
24th May 2012, 08:05 PM
sir i want syllabus and previous year question papers of eil for post of management trainee.
pls send it at [email protected] |
24th May 2012, 08:28 PM
Sir/mam,please send me previous question paper and syllabus of EIL for IT.
my id: [email protected] |
26th May 2012, 02:48 PM
Hello Sir/Madam,
I am Sourabh Goel, I need previous years papers of EIL Management Trainee exam for IT branch.. Please send to my Email Id, [email protected] Thanks.. |
26th May 2012, 11:04 PM
Hello sir/ma'am
it would be great if you could forward this year's syllabus for eil computer science stream n previous years question papers on [email protected] forward it ASAP.. |
27th May 2012, 08:46 PM
Respected Sir/Mam
Plz send me Syllabus & Previous Question papers of MANAGEMENT TRAINEE(Information Technology) on my id i.e [email protected] With regards Pooja |
28th May 2012, 04:14 PM
plz send me the syllabus and previous year papers of EIL of EEE branch at [email protected]
28th May 2012, 06:08 PM
hello sir/madam
please send me the EIL management trainee syllabus or previous year question papers for civil engineering at [email protected] please, I am eagerly waiting for this. thanks |
30th May 2012, 12:02 PM
Sir, Plz send me syllabus of eil for computer science and previous question paper??What is included in technical subjects???
my id:[email protected] |
31st May 2012, 04:52 PM
hi sir/mam
my branch is B.TECH(IT)....I want previous eil papers for preparation(cs).pls send to my id [email protected] |
4th June 2012, 08:30 PM
could any one send me syllabus n previous year papers of EIl on [email protected]
6th June 2012, 10:49 AM
Respected Sir/Mam,
Can you kindly sent me the syllabus and previous year question papers for Electrical And Electronics Engineering (EEE) branch students who are applying for the post of management trainee. So kindly consider my request and sent the required data to my id: [email protected] thanking you. |
11th June 2012, 01:08 PM
plzz send me CIL syllabus and previous papers of CIVIL stream
[email protected] |
11th June 2012, 09:50 PM
hello sir/madam
please send me the EIL management trainee syllabus or previous year question papers at my email id- [email protected].......... |
14th June 2012, 12:11 AM
please send me syllabus and previous year question paper of EIL exam on [email protected]
14th June 2012, 04:58 AM
Dear sir,
I want syllabus and last year papers for the post of "MANAGEMENT TRAINEE"(Civil Engg.) so kindly request to send it on my Email Id: [email protected]. Thank You |
14th June 2012, 10:30 PM
send me previouS year papers of [email protected]
15th June 2012, 04:26 PM
pls mail me eil management trainee syllabus for IT at [email protected]
15th June 2012, 08:55 PM
Could anyone send me a question paper for Electrical Major :-) [email protected] regards, Bala
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