24th November 2010, 07:56 PM
3D image of human understanding when it reproduces it
How human brain stores the data of picture ,that were see by him in past? Just like when we meet any one for first time an image is fed in our mind that give us response in second time when we meet him second time.
Another example is: when someone go for an exam, the image of question about which he is writing, revolves in his mind. How this whole data play like a video in a TV or a video that was studied during night? I can not give you a 3D understanding but you can understand it yourself. Give me answer which can produce a 3D image in mind of every reader. |
3rd December 2010, 11:24 PM
its good question i have possible and short answer for that
there are two cells in retina of human eye's named rods and con cell for color and picture which gets the information seeing by eyes and passes to mid brain which stores informations through nerve cells. now when you see the person or object again the rods and con cell again clicks our brain at mid brain portion and matches the pattern if found than we feels that it is one whom we have seen before. all the best |
13th January 2011, 11:27 AM
Hello friend ,
Really you have a very nice thought ... even i was once also stucked at this point. But i found the detailed explanation of this in www.howstuffworks.com . \So please do a visit on this website and you will also find many more interesting material on this. |