21st June 2010, 01:47 PM
After btech want to be pilot
hello sir,
i m 4th year student of btech (branch:computer science),want to be in airforce or in airlines after completing my btech degree,pls guide me what should i do,how to prepare for it. thanx. |
1st July 2010, 01:45 AM
You can give exams like IAF, For pilot you may give SKY HAWK FREIGHTWAYS CARGO PILOT ENTRY EXAM for this you you have to score higher than 70% , you also can give GRE exam for pilot in abroad.
1st July 2010, 03:29 AM
Well, if you only want to get in Flying Branch of IAF, then Basically there are following options available for you.
1) CDSE: Combined Defence Service Examination, is conducted by UPSC (http://www.upsc.gov.in) twice every year, basically in the month of April and September. Eligibility Criteria: Candidate those who have passed there Bachelor Degree or B.Tech (aggregate no Bar) and also have studied Physics and MAthematics at +2. Those who are in there final year can also apply, but there should not be any Backlogs. Age Limit: 23 years 2) NCC Special Entry Scheme: Candidates who holds at least NCC "C" Certificate in Air Wings od Senior Level. Eligibility Criteria: Same as above Age Limit: 23 years 3) Short Servie Commission: Which are specially meant for recruiting Candidates in flying branch for 14 years of service. After end of period if they deserve will be granted permanent comission, if not then get placed in reputed companies like- Air India etc...... Eligibility Criteria: Same as above Age Limit: 23 years Keep reading Employment News notification will be announced basically in the month of April, September October. Regards ~Faiyaz~ Last edited by faiyaz; 18th July 2010 at 12:59 AM. Reason: updated as per latest schemes |
1st July 2010, 10:05 AM
dear if you want to become pilot you have to appear for the following exams:
1 CDSE: Combined Defence Service Examination 2 ncc special entry scheme for further detail please visit their official site ok good luck |
1st July 2010, 05:48 PM
You can try for CDS (Combined Defence Service) examination after your graduation or appear for SSC (Short Service Commission) exam if you are looking forward for a short term career in armed forces. If you are looking for airline companies then you can atend a short term commercial pilot course and become a commercial pilot with any of the private airline companies.
5th July 2010, 12:25 AM
![]() Quote:
Because the sooner you fill the form you get the call for GD and PI. The forms are available in your local book store which sell out all other forms or you may even download it from the internet. This will solve your problem. |
15th July 2010, 11:05 PM
to work in commercial airlines you should do a flying course from a flying school..for which you are elegible according to academics...jakkur flying school is there in bangalore.. US offers standard training.. but getting a commercial pilot license is very expensive.
16th July 2010, 04:16 PM
sir ,i am ashwini mehta doing b.tech in information technology ,can i do m.tech in embedded systems through iitb by qualifying gate exam ,if yes should i take ECE SUBJECTS FOR QUALIFYING GATE OR I CAN DO IT WITH Information technology subjects!!
pls reply soon!!! |
17th July 2010, 12:57 AM
I am telling u some basic details & procedures of selecting as a pilot
Eligibility criteria for joining the Indian Air Force: Age: 18 to 28 years (At the time of commencement of training) Branches in Btech / BE: Electronics,Tele-communication, Electrical, Electrical Communication, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation, Computer Science & Engineering Salary Range: approx. 17000 along with benefits and various allowances. Percentage in Btech / BE: 60% or above Time for Recruitment Notice: Twice in a year (around March and September). . Application Procedure: The detailed information is provided by the Employment News or Rozgar Samachar newspaper. Steps for Recruitment: Engineering Knowledge Test also known as EKT Once the students are able to clear the EKT step, they receive a call letter to report to any one of the Air Force Selection Boards located at Dehradun, Varanasi or Mysore where they have to clear an array of tests specifically crafted for assessing Officer Like Qualities – OLQ of the candidates. The test lasts for 5 days Day 1: Intelligence and Psychological Tests Day 2 and 3: Group tasks involving field events and physical activities. Day 4: Interview Day 5: Conference day where all the different assessors sit together and discuss the abilities and performance of candidate in order to check whether he is to be recommended or not. Those students who successfully complete these steps have to appear for the medical examination. Lastly, a merit list is prepared and joining instructions are provided to the successful candidates by the Air force Head-Quarters. General Schedule for OLQ tests Similar Posts Indian Air Force (IAF) as Aeronautical Engineers after engineering| Electronics and Mechanical Branch Engineers Join INDIAN AIR FORCE as Flying Pilot | SSC Officer Jan2011 Entry | Last Date 6th April 2010 | Job In Indian Airforce for Btech graduates | public sector job opening Joint campus placement drive by Indian Air Force| Landran, Mohali| 31 October 2009 Join Indian Air Force as Aeronautical Engineers | Engineers vacancy March 2010 | last date 14th April 2010 | Electronics & Mechanical Engineers Government job for Engineering ( BE/ Btech) students in Indian Navy July 2010 course, University Entrance Scheme(UES). |
17th July 2010, 02:27 PM
You can give exams like IAF, For pilot you may give SKY HAWK FREIGHTWAYS CARGO PILOT ENTRY EXAM for this you you have to score higher than 70% , you also can give GRE exam for pilot in abroad.
17th July 2010, 05:20 PM
First thingis that you must have scored a minimum of 60% in your b.tech. Then you have to post your applcation to the address given elow by ordiary post to reach latest by 6/4/2010. 7 SSC(M)/36 SSC(W) F(P)course (as applicable) Post bag no. 001, Nirman bhawan post office, new delhi-110106 |
1st August 2010, 10:50 PM
sir i am student of computer science (b.tech) ,just finished 2nd year and into 3rd now ...i wish to establish my career as pilot..i had heard tht pay scales are really high and very good like 70k-1lak pm(starting)..but i read above that its just 17k...and please guide me how can i become a pilot and is it gonna be a good choice leaving an engineering job for becoming pilot..??
7th August 2010, 06:47 PM
sir i am namrata chauhan student of mechanical engeenir(b.tech) 3rd yr .i want to be a polit after completing my b.tech so i want full information ,to how can become a pilot.and also tell me what should i do for entrance exam.pls give full informatino.
16th September 2010, 01:31 AM
hi friend,
If you want to join Airforce then please take test in your final year EKT, as Engineering Knowledge Test, conducted to check the candidate's proficiency in engineering core field. However you can be a commercial pilot into which you can do following courses: Advance Diploma in Aviation Management Air Transport Pilot’s Licence (ATPL) Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Licence Aviation Security Awareness Course BTEC [HNC] in Aviation Certificate Course in Aviation Studies Certificate Course in Personality Development Certified Flight Instructor Certified Professional in Ground Staff Services Commercial Helicopter Pilot Training Commercial Pilots License (CPL) |
11th November 2010, 12:33 PM
sir , I am in second year mechanical. I want to become pilot at indian airlines or any other company ..and I am middle class family boy. What should I do.. Please give me information with how much it's cost.
Thank you |
12th November 2010, 10:48 AM
sir , I am in final year student and my branch computer sicence. I want to become pilot at indian airlines or any other company ..and I am middle class family boy. What should I do.. Please give me information with how much it's cost.
Thank you |
9th December 2010, 06:07 AM
If you want to work in IAF then you can get in through CDS examination held twice a year.
You can get the application in the head post office since its one of the exams conducted by the UPSC board. You an even get in through SSC which is of a fourteen year service.The notifications are published in The Hindu newspaper else the weekly journal Employment news.So,please go through newspapers.For additional details you can refer the following links http://www.upsc.gov.in http://www.upscexam.com there are even many flying schools around India where you can take up the training. all the best |
11th December 2010, 09:52 PM
I want more details..and what is ncc special scheme..
6th May 2011, 08:00 PM
hi dear,
if you want to join Airforce then please take test in your final year EKT, as Engineering Knowledge Test, conducted to check the candidate's proficiency in engineering core field. However you can be a commercial pilot into which you can do following courses: Advance Diploma in Aviation Management Air Transport Pilot’s Licence (ATPL) Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Licence Aviation Security Awareness Course BTEC [HNC] in Aviation Certificate Course in Aviation Studies Certificate Course in Personality Development Certified Flight Instructor Certified Professional in Ground Staff Services Commercial Helicopter Pilot Training Commercial Pilots License (CPL) thanks |
22nd May 2011, 12:35 AM
Contact these people they r pilots them selves [email protected]................ |
18th July 2011, 03:37 PM
sir,i am a student of b.tech 3rd year electrical and i want to build my career in pilot.sir please guide me and tell me the exact procedure of making an career in that including that what should be the fee structure,eligibility please consider my request and reply me. thank you
12th August 2011, 11:07 AM
dear friend You can give exams like IAF, For pilot you may give SKY HAWK FREIGHTWAYS CARGO PILOT ENTRY EXAM for this you you have to score higher than 70% , you also can give GRE exam for pilot in abroad.
12th August 2011, 11:17 AM
Dear friend i will suggest you to quickly fill the form of Air force which is for degree holder students if you have completed your B.tech.
Because the sooner you fill the form you get the call for GD and PI. The forms are available in your local book store which sell out all other forms or you may even download it from the internet. This will solve your problem.okay friend... |
23rd August 2011, 10:02 PM
In order to become a pilot after btech you need to qualify the CDSE exam or SSC(Short Servie Commission) exam conducted by UPSC.However you can get more information regarding this in the site listed below.
http://www.upsc.gov.in |
15th September 2011, 01:33 PM
iam ging to finish my b.tech(EEE) in coming april.As i want to starton my career as a pilot,need the neccessary guideness from u ppl.can u help me out to reach my goal with some guidelines and alternative info. regarding different examination details for pilot training. And the material or study documents we are suppose to prepare to qualify in those exams. |
16th September 2011, 01:05 AM
1) CDSE: Combined Defence Service Examination, is conducted by UPSC (http://www.upsc.gov.in) twice every year, basically in the month of April and September.
Eligibility Criteria: Candidate those who have passed there Bachelor Degree or B.Tech (aggregate no Bar) and also have studied Physics and MAthematics at +2. Those who are in there final year can also apply, but there should not be any Backlogs. Age Limit: 23 years 2) NCC Special Entry Scheme: Candidates who holds at least NCC "C" Certificate in Air Wings od Senior Level. Eligibility Criteria: Same as above Age Limit: 23 years 3) Short Servie Commission: Which are specially meant for recruiting Candidates in flying branch for 14 years of service. After end of period if they deserve will be granted permanent comission, if not then get placed in reputed companies like- Air India etc...... Eligibility Criteria: Same as above Age Limit: 23 years |
9th October 2011, 02:03 PM
Both male and female candidates can join Indian Air Force( Technical Branch) after their engineering (Btech and BE). Mainly there are two branches for which the student can apply for after his Btech or BE. The first one is Aeronautical Engineering Electronics branch and the other one is the Aeronautical Engineering Mechanical branch. The Electronics branch deals with signal and communication stuff while the Mechanical branch has to take care of the maintenance, servicing and other engine related tasks. Eligibility criteria for joining the Indian Air Force: Age: 18 to 28 years (At the time of commencement of training) Branches in Btech / BE: Electronics,Tele-communication, Electrical, Electrical Communication, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation, Computer Science & Engineering Eligibility criteria for pilot Minimum of 60% marks as aggregrate at B.tech Must contain maths and physics at 10+2 Any discipline in Btech is eligible thanks.. |
16th January 2012, 12:00 AM
dear if you want to become pilot you have to appear for the following exams:
1 CDSE: Combined Defence Service Examination 2 ncc special entry scheme for further detail please visit their official site |
22nd January 2012, 04:13 PM
Well, if you only want to get in Flying Branch of IAF, then Basically there are following options available for you.
1) CDSE: Combined Defence Service Examination, is conducted by UPSC (http://www.upsc.gov.in) twice every year, basically in the month of April and September. Eligibility Criteria: Candidate those who have passed there Bachelor Degree or B.Tech (aggregate no Bar) and also have studied Physics and MAthematics at +2. Those who are in there final year can also apply, but there should not be any Backlogs. Age Limit: 23 years 2) NCC Special Entry Scheme: Candidates who holds at least NCC "C" Certificate in Air Wings od Senior Level. Eligibility Criteria: Same as above Age Limit: 23 years 3) Short Servie Commission: Which are specially meant for recruiting Candidates in flying branch for 14 years of service. After end of period if they deserve will be granted permanent comission, if not then get placed in reputed companies like- Air India etc...... Eligibility Criteria: Same as above Age Limit: 23 years Keep reading Employment News notification will be announced basically in the month of April, September October. |
30th January 2012, 02:34 AM
the following are the courses 1 .networking 2.CCNA 3.MCSE(Microsoft certified system engineering) 4. .NET technologies(Network Enable Technologies) 5. Diploma in networking 6. Diploma in computer hardware 7 Core Java 8. c & c++ 9 ASP.net 10 Computer software application |
15th February 2012, 10:16 PM
dear if you want to become pilot you have to appear for the following exams:
1 CDSE: Combined Defence Service Examination 2 ncc special entry scheme for further detail please visit their official site ok |
15th February 2012, 11:38 PM
dear friend,
After completion of B.tech you want to join in Indian Air force..Then you have to appear in AFCAT exam. Through AFCAT exam you can join in different section in India Air force.. AFCAT exam is conducted by Indian Air force itself.. Eligibility for AFCAT exam:--------->> ------->>For Ground duty branch<<------- 1.Candidate must have complete the graduation in any trade from a recognized university.. 2.Final year candidates are also eligible for the exam. 3.Age should be in between 20-27 years. ---------->>For flying branch<<--------------- 1.candidate must have complete the graduation in any trade but must have had maths and physics in 12th class.. 2.Final year candidates are also eligible for the exam. 3.Age should be in between 19-23 years. ---------->>For technical branch<<------------ 1.Candidate must have complete the graduation in engineering field. 2.Final year candidates are also eligible for the exam. 3.Age should be in between 18-28 years. So, get prepare for the exam , and try to crack the exam.. All the best. |
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