5th April 2014, 02:28 AM
AIEEA PG previous years question papers?
I want AIEEA PG previous year papers. Please someone help me.
1st December 2016, 12:36 AM
AIEEA PG stands for All India Entrance Eamination for admission in post graduate agriculutre course and the same is held by ICAR ( Indian Council of Agriculture and Research ) for offering admission in various agriculture courses in various agriculture colleges across India.
Now as you concerned about the AIEEA PG previous year paper then I would like to suggest you must not try now as you will not find anywhere since ICAR does not officially releases question or sample papers for any examination held by it. Also it does not allow the question papers to be carried after the examination. So for your preparation you must try to solve the question papers of similar examinations like BHU- Agriculture examination, EAMCET, etc. or try to solve sample papers published by Arihant, MTG publications. |
19th May 2019, 08:44 AM
Please upload the previous year question papers of plant biotechnology for pg