9th March 2012, 06:03 PM
Any chance of getting good colleges after scoring 33.33/100 in GATE CS?
getting 33.33/100 in gate cs 2012 .is dere any chance of getting any good colg..???wat colgs can i get with dis marks...???
6th March 2013, 07:08 PM
Re: Any chance of getting good colleges after scoring 33.33/100 in GATE CS?
You can get admission with this score in private colleges. These are the M.Tech CSE related Good colleges in order of AIR for general category is as follows: 1-IISc Bangalore (CS AIR below 50) 2-7 old IITs(mumbai,delhi,chennai…)(Below 500),ISI Kolkata(seperate exam) 3-IIT Hyderabad,JNU Delhi(Both have seperate exam) 4-IIIT hyderabad(Seperate exam),New IITs(below 700) 5-NIT Warangal,NIT Trichy(below 800) 6-IIIT Bangalore(gate+interview),NITsurathkal,IIIT Delhi,NIT Calicut(below 2500),BITS (seperate exam) Pilani,Javadpur uni(below 1500) 7-NSIT Delhi(1000-1500),DTU Delhi(1000-1500),IIIT Allahabad (2000-3000) 8-Other NITs(below 3500),ISM Dhanbad,COEP Pune(1500-2000),CET tvm(2000-3500),VJTI Mumbai(1700-2500), HCU Hydbad(2500-4500),PES Coimbtore,Thapar uni(3000-5000),Aligrah muslim uni. 9-Other central univrsities(ndicherrypo(seperate exam),Jamia Millia etc.), Anna uni. 10-VTU Bangalore,JNU Hyderabad ,other state uni 11-VIT Vellore(gate qualified/seperate xam),amity,Other Government colleges 12.Private colleges |