17th January 2011, 12:53 AM
Rohit Vashisht
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B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

What is the scope of BSc in Physical Science?? What it is about and what are the main subjects in this??

Any other science graduation course better than this??

Which are the main collages in delhi providing BScin Physical Science??

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20th January 2011, 11:40 PM
monika bharmoria
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

i think i am the best person to answer your question.. i have done bsc. in physical sc. only.. i did it from hindu college.. the course was not that good.. i advice you to go for an hns. course from any college.. college does not matter but the course actually.. but if you still want to go for this course then i would say the only advantage of doing this course is you can choose any stream (maths , physics,chemistry) for your PG.
all the best
25th January 2011, 10:56 AM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

how is honours course is bettr than Bsc phy sci? What is advantage of this over other?
31st March 2011, 05:03 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

i have given class 12th exam {cbse} now i want to do Bsc please inform about different courses and colleges
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1st April 2011, 07:55 AM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?


B.Sc in Physical science: scope
advice you to go for an hns. course from any college.. college does not matter but the course actually.. but if you still want to go for this course then i would say the only advantage of doing this course is you can choose any stream (maths , physics,chemistry) for your PG

good luck
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5th April 2011, 10:46 AM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

job for student only passing in BSc physics?
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15th April 2011, 12:55 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

am doing bsc physical science n i find no future in this n idont want to start again n waste my year iwant to sum up it with economics or hr course can i go for it if yes then from where i can try n i want to do mba after graduation
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1st June 2011, 01:42 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

the scope for physical science june exam common paper
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12th June 2011, 09:12 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

after doing B.SC physical science from d. what type of job opportunities we get?
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15th June 2011, 09:52 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

Please telle me what are the subjects in Bsc. Physical science and Bsc. physical sc. Computer sc. ?????????
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15th June 2011, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

what are the subjects in Bsc. Physical science and Bsc. Physical science computer science ?????????????
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22nd June 2011, 08:30 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

i got the admission in keshav maha vidalaya n get d bsc in phy science wid comp sci....is there any scope or not ????
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22nd June 2011, 10:32 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

what is difference b/w bsc electronics and bsc phy. electronics
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25th June 2011, 06:12 AM
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Lightbulb Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

So true. Honesty and everything recoginzed.
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26th June 2011, 05:50 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

which hons s better in b.sc? in b.sc physical science is not as benificial as hons.
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30th June 2011, 09:15 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

please tell me the scope after doing bsc phy sci (chem)
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4th July 2011, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

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24th July 2011, 04:26 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

what is scop of Bsc physical science
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28th July 2011, 11:31 AM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

What is the scope of bsc.physical science
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18th August 2011, 11:39 AM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

good scope u can further proced for chosing any stream with mats physics comp chem or u can do mba or mca
it s the right choice if u want to study further u have the knoledge of all field which is beneficial.
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8th March 2012, 11:38 AM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

Please tell me about the scope of B.Sc. Physical science
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12th July 2012, 10:28 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

what is the scope for teaching line after doing B.Sc(homescience)
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19th July 2012, 09:54 PM
savan kumar chaitanya
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

In practice most of these branches of physics employ both theorists and experimentalists. Occasionally an individual wears both hats.

Condensed Matter Physics
This is the study of matter when there are large numbers of particles in close proximity. Ordinary solids are the most common example. This research lead to the first transistor and to today's high capacity storage media. But the field also includes many esoteric forms of matter, from Nutronium (the substance of neutron stars) to matter confined to one or two dimensions. Recent work has produced samples numbering in the tens of thousands of atoms that all behave according to a single wave function (the atoms have lost their individual identities). These collections are called Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC) and form a new category of matter.
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Individual atoms or small groups of atoms are the focus in this field. Some researches use single trapped atoms to make extremely precise measurements to confirm theories about Quantum Mechanics or Relativity. Others are exploring the interaction between atoms (or molecules) or the interaction between light and atoms. Lasers and laser physics are an important part of this research area.
Nuclear Physics
As the name implies, this field examines the nucleus of the atom. While the composition of the nucleus is understood for all atoms and their isotopes, the arrangements and interactions of the nuclear constituents is still a rich field of study. Nuclear physics includes the fission and fusion reactions that provide nuclear power, as well as the nuclear synthesis process that fuels the sun and other stars.
High Energy Particle Physics
This is where the theories about the fundamental structure of nature are devised. They are then tested at high energy accelerator laboratories and in the study of cosmic rays. Theories about the smallest particles and the largest structures in our universe have become linked by the Big Bang Theory. Many High Energy Physicists also do work in Cosmology.
Mathematical Physics
Historically physics and mathematics grew up together, each field pushing the other into new realms. The mathematical physicist works on the border between math and physics to help us find a rigorous description of nature. Some of the most subtle and profound ideas in physics were created here.
Physics Education Research
This is a relatively new field in physics departments. The practitioners are physicists who observe students learning physics and examine the difficulties encountered. Their work is changing the face of the college physics course nationwide.
Interdisciplinary research
A growing number of departments support degree candidates who want to straddle two disciplines in their research. Topics like these at UIUC are indicative of the programs available. Here again your best search strategy is to visit the graduate programs, select a particular physics department, and search that site for research topics.

BSc Physics - Semester I

Semester I - Paper I - Properties of Matter and Acoustics

Semester I - Allied Physics - Paper I

BSc Physics - Semester II

Semester II - Paper II - Thermal Physics

Semester II - Practical I - PR I

Semester II - Allied Physics - Paper II

BSc Physics - Semester III

Semester III - Paper III - Mechanics and Mathematical Methods

BSc Physics - Semester IV

Semester IV - Paper IV - Optics

Semester IV - Practical II - PR II

Semester IV - Allied Physics Practicals

BSc Physics - Semester V

Semester V - Paper V - Electricity and Magnetism

Semester V - Paper VI - Atomic Physics

Semester V - Paper VII - Basic Electronics

Semester V - Paper VIII - Solid State Physics

Semester V - Application Oriented Subject - Applied Electronics

Semester V - Application Oriented Subject - Numerical Methods

Semester V - Application Oriented Subject - Energy Physics

Semester V - Application Oriented Subject - Material Science

BSc Physics - Semester VI

Semester VI - Paper IX - Electromagnetism

Semester VI - Paper X - Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

Semester VI - Paper XII - Semiconductor Devices and Digital Electronics

Semester VI - Application Oriented Subject - Microprocessor Fundamentals

Semester VI - Application Oriented Subject - Computer Programming - C Programming

Semester VI - Application Oriented Subject - Molecular Biophysics

Semester VI - Application Oriented Subject - Spectroscopy and Laser Physics

Semester VI - Practical III - PR III

Semester VI - Practical IV - PR IV

Semester VI - Practical for Application Oriented Papers 1 and 2

Semester VI - Practicals for Application Oriented Paper C Language
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8th July 2017, 05:45 PM
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Default Re: B.Sc in Physical science: scope? main subjects? colleges in Delhi? Other better science courses?

Can we do chemistry honors in our PG after doing physical science with chemistry in UG
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