4th November 2019, 03:29 AM
Posts: n/a

Business Studies question papers of previous 10 years for 12th WBCHSE Board exam

Hi Sir/Madam, I am about the appear in the Board exam of 12th standard and I am a WBCHSE student. I am searching for the previous years question papers for Business Studies. Can anyone kindly send me the previous 10 years question papers?

12th December 2022, 03:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Business Studies question papers of previous 10 years for 12th WBCHSE Board exam

Hi Sir/Madam, I am about the appear in the Board exam of 12th standard and I am a WBCHSE student. I am searching for the previous years question papers for Business Studies. Can anyone kindly send me the previous 10 years question papers?

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