1st May 2012, 11:13 PM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 1

Which colleges can I get after scoring 41 marks in AIEEE?

which clgs can i get after scoring just 41 marks (OBC) IN AIEEE 2012?

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9th July 2012, 11:59 PM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 89
Default Re: Which colleges can I get after scoring 41 marks in AIEEE?

As you have just tried to get qualify in AIEEE exam with 41 marks so its quite difficult for you to get a good college. But your OBC category could save you a lot. Due to this you can expect a much better college than your expectation.Nowadays all admissions are done on the basis of AIEEE rank. You should go through the counselling of different colleges in few of the states or the colleges you are interested in.But its quite hard to specify you the particular colleges in a way. So regularly check few of the colleges and you would surely get a good college for your education..

All the best
Thank you.
2nd May 2013, 09:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Which colleges can I get after scoring 41 marks in AIEEE?

I get 41 marks in AIEEE.I am a SC candidate.I want to take mechanical at any NIT.Please tell me sir, which college can I get??????????
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