8th June 2011, 12:29 PM
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Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

hey i m a general category candidate my aieee rank is 152351 & state rank is 8210 which colleges i can get ??

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8th June 2011, 06:55 PM
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please tell your category if u belongs to oc u cant get seat in aieee and their recommended colleges....if you are bc you can try for private colleges like bhagwanth university.jagannath university etc.... refer this website www.ccb.nic.in and check your rank according to 2010 analysis...have good luck....
9th June 2011, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

i m a general category candidate.. i hav already mentioned it . can i get any govt. college or should i wait for mp pet result??? can i get addmission in the following colleges??

VIT Pune
Shri Ramdeo Baba K.N. Engineering College Nagpur
Muffakham Jah Engineering College Hybd.
Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
D.J. Sanghvi Mumbai
Sathyabhama Engineering College Chennai
Kongu Engineering College Erode
Mepco Schlek Engineering College Sivakasi

Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College Ludhiana

Hindustan Inst of Engineering Technology Chennai

SDM College of Engineering Dharward

R.V.R. & J.C. College Of Engg Guntur

Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

K.L. College of Engineering Veddeswaram

Dharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology Nadiad

S.G.S. Institute of Technology & Science Indore

Jabalpur Engineering College Jabalpur

Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering Trivandrum

G.H. Patel College of Engg & Technology Vallabh Vidyanagar

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Bhubaneshwar
9th June 2011, 02:17 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

In AIEEE my overall rank is around 117000 and in state ranking it is 2001 while in state category it is 1514. I belong to general category. Will state ranking help me in getting into nit's ?? Please reply......
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10th June 2011, 07:02 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

hello sir my aieee air z 339982 & stste rankz 8902 in which college i will get admission plz reply sir my email id z [email protected]
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10th June 2011, 10:25 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

which college shall i get with an AIEEE AIR sc rank 30740 and state sc rank 526
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11th June 2011, 01:58 AM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

the exact college name cant be said just like that you need to keep a track of the daily counseling status.
keep a regular check at the AIEEE official web site
>>> www.aieee.nic.in
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11th June 2011, 12:14 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

list of engineering colleges:
1. Heritage Institute of Technology, kolkata
2. Netaji Subhash Engineering College, kolkata
4. Sri Krishna Engineering College, chennai
5. Sathyabhama Engineering College, chennai
6. Rajalakshmi Engineering College, chennai
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11th June 2011, 08:19 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 31
Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

Dear friend
as you have mentioned your state rank but has not mentioned your state name, so on the basis of state rank we can't help you.

As you have got Aieee all india rank 152351 and if you belongs to general catogery then there is no chance of getting any collages through direct councililing of aieee.
So you need to try to different states colleges which use Aieee rank for there admition.
West bengal, orissa, maharastra, rajasthan etc are such states.
As your rank is satisfactory so there is a chance of getting good colleges in these states.
So you need to appear in the counceling
of these states.
To know the counceling scedules you need to visit on the oficial sites of these states joint entrance exams.
for west bengal- www.wbjeeb.ac.in
for rajasthan -www.rjpet.ac.in
you can also take the help of google search in finding the oficial sites of states counciling boards.

Dear friend
if you belong to obc category then there is a chance of getting few colleges through direct counciling of aieee.
So you can visit on the counciling site
you can also appear in the states counceling for better colleges as mentioned above.

If you belongs to SC or ST categories then you will surely get good colleges through direct counciling.
No need to appear in the state counciling,
as they use Air rank, not catogory rank.
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12th June 2011, 09:45 AM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

Your rank is too far for getting admission in Govt. Colleges through AIEEE Counseling.
As you are belonging to general category so you have no chances of getting admission..
You can try for these private Colleges.-

BITS Pilani

PSG College of Technology Coimbatore

BIT, Mesra Ranchi

Thapar University Patiala

VIT University Vellore

Manipal Inst. of Technology Manipal

Dhirubhai Ambani Inst. of Information & Comm. Tech. Gandhinagar

RV College of Engineering Bangalore

SSN College of Engineering Chennai

SASTRA Thanjavur

PES Inst. of Technology Bangalore

Amity School of Engg & Tech. Noida

Karunya University Coimbatore

Nirma Univ. of Science & Technology Ahmedabad

BIT, Sindri Dhanbad

Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Sivakasi

Inst. of Technolgy & Management Gurgaon

KIIT university Bhubaneshwar

ICFAI Institute of Science & Technology Hyderabad

Kongu engineering College Erode

Amrita School of Engineering Coimbatore

MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore

Bangalore Inst. of Tech. Bangalore

Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engg College Vijayawada

GITAM Inst. of Technology Visakhapatnam

Hindustan College of Engineering Kancheepuram

Sona College of Technology Salem

Babu Banarasi Das national Inst. of Tech. & Mgmt. Lucknow

Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Sreenidhi Inst. of Science & Technology Hyderabad

BMS Inst. of Technology Bangalore

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering Nagpur

Shri Ramdeo Baba KN Engg College Nagpur

Galgotia’s College of Engineering & Technology Noida

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Pune
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16th June 2011, 07:58 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

i scored 218756 th rank in overall B.E\B.TECH so wich collage i get
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19th June 2011, 02:33 AM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

plz tell me about the all college i can get in mp through ma aieee air 155126 and ma state rank 8561 and ma category rank 1890.. plz tell me as soon as possible...........
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20th June 2011, 10:33 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

I have scored 145933 AIR (State Rank is 7965) for B.Tech. My state is Madhya Pradesh and My category is general. And i scored AIR 22032 with state rank of 1383 in B.Arch.
Kindly tell me for which colleges i can apply and what are the chances of getting some good college.
Please tell me the colleges which i can get.
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8th July 2011, 04:52 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

i am a sc candidate and my rank is 492655 and state rank is 844 can i get pudhucherry nit reply please to [email protected]
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15th April 2012, 09:29 AM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

which college and which branch can i take if i am around 5000 rank ? will i get a mechanical engg seat at trichy ?
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8th May 2012, 08:17 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

can i get galgotia college through aieee rank
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10th May 2012, 11:52 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

Sir i am a sc candidate and expecting 70 marks in AIEEE 2012 ie approx 1.5 - 2 lacs
can i get any Nit in UP As i belongs to up...
Sir plz hlp me plz <3
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12th May 2012, 03:05 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

Sir i am expecting 70 marks in AIEEE 2012,i am from west bengal....can u plz give the list of best collages i can get in west bengal!
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11th June 2012, 07:48 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

i had got my state rank 6112 obc cat in mahahrastra state ........can i get nit nagpur ussing state quota???????/my air is 330001....plz help me ......
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12th June 2012, 06:33 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

My AIIIE ranking at national level is 160000 and my state level ranking is 24000. In which college I get admission for ECE
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13th June 2012, 02:37 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

my AIR in gen category is 179881 and my state rank in gen category is 6032 in jharkhand state in aieee entrance exam 2012 .In which college i can get admission based on this rank in india as well as in jharkhand & orissa state.plz mention them nd rply me as soon as possible..............
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17th June 2012, 07:46 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 3
Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

best colleges for b.tech. after having all india rank 151235 in general categories. state uttrakhand and state in girls categories 1667.
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5th July 2012, 09:44 AM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

Whitch best college can i get in 90000 aieee rank .in
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20th July 2012, 10:57 AM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

sir,my aieee rank is 117000.can i get admission in galgotia college of engineering and technology.
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17th August 2012, 08:38 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

Sir, my rank in aieee is 123265 and state ranking is 3200 .whether i will get mechanical engg seat in nit,surathkal. And i belong to sc category
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6th July 2013, 01:33 PM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

Sir i (obc) got 130980 rank in jee main . Could i get any aieee college ???
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8th June 2014, 11:45 AM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

In karnataka Comed-k for Engg. my ranking is 3200, which college I can get
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5th April 2015, 01:32 AM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

Sir I am a general candidate.I I have scored 106 in jee mains 2015. Expected rank 90000. Can I get admission in NIT durgapur in chemical engineering?
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3rd June 2015, 01:34 AM
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Default Re: Colleges which I can get with AIEEE rank of 152351 and state rank of 8210?

Sir, I'm a candidate of SC category. My jee main marks is 42 and cutoff for SC category is 50 , now this time my jee main actual rank is not defined, but rank predictor show my rank is between 41000-52000. I want to admission in government college in b.tech ( machnical ), So Please sir help me.
Which government college I get..??
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