30th March 2011, 01:00 PM
prachi lobo
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Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

1)colleges for msc in forensic science in india after bsc in biotechnology.
2)entrence test for msc in forensic science in india.

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30th March 2011, 02:28 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

This field is a high-growth area that has thrown up several job opportunities. At present, most of the universities/institutes do not offer courses in genetic engineering as a separate discipline, but as a subsidiary to biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry streams.
Some of the universities in South India conducting related courses are the following:

- The University of Kerala (Department of Botany), University Campus, Kariavattam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 581 - M.Sc. Genetics and Plant Breeding;

- The School of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, Chennai - 600 005 - M.Sc. Biomedical genetics;

- The Vellore Institute of Technology (Deemed University) Vellore - 632 014 - M.Sc. Biomedical Genetics

- Andhra University, Visakhapatanam - 530 003 - M.Sc. Human Genetics

- Sri Rama Chandran Medical College and Research Institute (Deemed University), Porur, Chennai - 600 116 - M.Sc. Human Genetics;

Madurai Kamraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai - 625 021 - M.Sc. Plant Genetics Engineering, M.Sc. - Microbial Gene technology.

I know Osmania University in Hyderabad offers M.Sc in forensic science (http://www.osmania.ac.in/Science%20…). So does Madras University. The Forensic Science Department under the Government of Tamil Nadu offers a two-year full-time M.Sc. programme in Forensic Science. The course is affiliated to the University of Madras. Those who hold a B.Sc. degree in physics, chemistry, zoology, botany, biochemistry, microbiology or applied science of Madras University or of any other university are eligible for admission. Ten students are admitted every year for this course.

The course of study comprises subjects such as forensic chemistry, forensic physics, forensic biology, forensic medicine, criminal law and police administration and criminology, criminalistics, general instrumental methods and special subjects covers advanced instrumental techniques, analytical chemistry, chemical toxicology, microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, ballistics, questionable documents, serology, genetics and molecular biology, forensic odontology, project work/dissertation, practicals, viva-voce and records.

The examination for the course is held twice a year by the University of Madras.

The Forensic Science Department functions in the Forensic House on Kamrajar Salai, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004. Email: [email protected].

The other universities/departments that offer M.Sc. /MA in Forensic Science / Criminology / Criminology and Forensic Science courses are:

- Karnataka University, Pavate Nagar, Dharward - 580 003 - MA Criminology and Forensic Science

- Tata Institute of Social Sciences, PB No. 8313, Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai - 400 088 - MSW Criminology and Correctional Administration as specialised subjects

In Kerala, there are no courses either in forensic science or in criminology at the degree/PG level.

To become a forensic pathologist one should obtain an MBBS degree and then go for an MD in Forensic Medicine. A forensic pathologist is one who performs post-mortem on bodies to find out the cause and manner and time of death among other things.

Almost all Indian universities offer MBBS and MD in Forensic Medicine.

Those who qualify for M.Sc. forensic science are also eligible to become fingerprint experts.

The source of this information is: Education Plus section, The Hindu. Hope it helps!
30th March 2011, 02:29 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 603
Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

have the information on the courses available for genetics and the career prospects
Those who wish to pursue higher studies in genetics should have an aptitude for scientific research, a probing mind, dedication, and team spirit.

Aspirants for careers in genetics or genetic engineering should have studied physics, chemistry, mathematics, and biology at the Plus Two level.

Genetics deals with the study of genes and heredity. Genetics comes under biological sciences and it is related to biotechnology and microbiology.

Genetic engineering is the scientific process by which the genetic make-up of an organism is manipulated by introducing or eliminating specific genes. In agriculture, genetics provides the know-how for developing new kinds of crops and livestock.

The biotechnology industry depends on genetics to produce pharmaceutical products such as insulin and other medicines. In the medical field, genetics focuses on genetic diseases. It strives to understand the molecular basis of diseases and cure. Genetic tests help in identifying culprits in criminal case.

Biotechnology has a major role in industrial production, especially in bio chemical engineering. It involves the integration of many branches of biology such as microbiology, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology with chemical and systems engineering. This field is a high growth area that has thrown up several job opportunities.

There are two options for higher studies in genetics and related subjects. After Plus Two, you can go for B.Tech. in biotechnology or biotechnology and biochemical engineering through an entrance test.

Another option is to undergo a three-year B.Sc. degree course in biological science/life science/biotechnology subjects, and then go for postgraduation in genetics.

Some of the B.Tech.-level courses in genetics/biotechnology/biotechnology and biochemical engineering are the following:

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur (www.iitkgp.ernet.in/jee…) : Four-year B.Tech. and five-year M.Tech. courses in biotechnology and bio- chemical engineering.

IIT - Madras Chennai (http://fee.iitm.ac.in…): B.Tech. biotechnology; M.Tech. - five years' dual degree in biotechnology.

IIT - Guwahati ( http://iitg.ernet.in/jee… ) B.Tech. biotechnology.

IIT Delhi (www.iitd.ernet.in/jee… ) M.Tech.- five year's dual degree in bio chemical engineering and biotechnology.

Admission to all the above courses is through a national level IIT - Joint Entrance Examination. Eligibility is Plus Two pass with physics, chemistry, mathematics, or relevant subjects prescribed by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

In Kerala, few private engineering colleges offer B.Tech biotechnology. Admission to the merit seats is based on ranks obtained in the engineering/entrance test conducted by the State Government. Details can be obtained from the website www.cee-kerala.org…

Few universities offer two-year postgraduate courses in genetics. Graduates in biological sciences/life sciences / biotechnology and related courses could take up the postgraduates programme in genetics. Some of the universities conducting M.Sc. genetics are the following:

University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi - 21

Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 007

Barkathulla Vishwa Vidyalaya, Bhopal - 462 026

Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana - 141 004

Chowdhary Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University, Hissar - 125 004

Rajandra Agriculture University, Samastipur - 848 125

Some of the universities that offer related courses are given below:

University of Kerala (Department of Botany), university campus, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 581 ? M.Sc. genetics and plant breeding.

School of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, Chennai - 600 005 ? M.Sc. biomedical genetics.

Vellore Institute of Technology (Deemed University) Vellore - 632 014 ? M.Sc. biomedical genetics

Andhra University, Visakhapatanam - 530 003 ? M.Sc. human genetics.

Gurunanak Dev University, Amrithsar - 143 005 ? M.Sc. human genetics.

Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute (deemed university) Porur, Chennai - 600 116 ? M.Sc. human genetics.

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221 005 ? M.Sc. Molecular and Human Genetics

Madurai Kamraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai - 625 021 ? M.Sc. plant genetic engineering, M.Sc. microbial gene technology.

To become a scientist or a genetic engineer, one should obtain a doctoral degree in the relevant field. Job opportunities exist in research and development organisations, pharmaceutical companies, biotech industries, academic institutions, colleges, and so on.

National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi; Centre for DNA Finger Print and Diagnostics, Hyderabad; Biochemical Engineering Research and Process Development Centre, Chandigarh; and Institute of Genomic and Integrative Biology, Delhi are some of the institutions that appoint genetic engineers and biotech scientists.
12th May 2011, 09:05 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

how can i know about BSc (biotech) courses in gujarat. and what percentage required for admission???
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19th May 2011, 09:17 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

scope of forensics?
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20th May 2011, 09:54 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

i am student of BSc school of physics from panjab university Chandigarh....i want to do msc frensic pls suggest me the colleges in north india.....mail id [email protected]
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6th June 2011, 01:23 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

sir,please tell me the date of entrance for msc in forensic science 2011
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15th June 2011, 08:11 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

sir i m student of Bsc botech. how many % requier for appearing in the exam?
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20th June 2011, 02:51 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

i want to do bsc in forensic science after 12 th board exam can i
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21st June 2011, 11:06 AM
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Lightbulb Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.sc in India? Entrance exams for the same?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
scope of forensics?
wat"s the scope of m.sc. forensic science in india??
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28th June 2011, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

what is the scope of forensic science after doing bsc.biotechnology
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9th July 2011, 02:27 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

I want to do m.sc. in forensic science after b.sc. biotechnology , please tell me about colleges, percentage req. for this, and scop in this field.
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15th July 2011, 08:17 AM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

I passed B.Sc.(zoology,botany and chemistry )I want to do M.Sc.forensic science or not
admission fee tell me.
plese reply me
Thank you sir. form-D.N.mishra
[email protected]
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19th July 2011, 05:22 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

scope in(forensic science) after Bsc? colleges in maharashtra?
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4th August 2011, 02:48 AM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

I am doing BSc in biotechnology sub
i want to do forensic science so how much percent is needed to get admision in forensic science
and how much percentage is minimum for giving related enterance exam
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12th August 2011, 10:10 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

which course is beter after B. Sc. Nursing- forensic medicine or biology?
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24th August 2011, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

sir,which courz is best after completing bsc.biotech?my mail id [email protected] .please suggest some courses havng job oppurtunities
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24th August 2011, 08:10 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

i m in my 2nd year bsc biotechnology which are the best colleges for forensic science in mumbai?and which are the entrance exam to be given? and if want to apply out of india which entrance exams are to be cleared ?
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28th August 2011, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

Plz help to guide abt entrance test of colegs offering forensic science.and also the grades in graduation are helpful or not to take admission
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4th September 2011, 01:27 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

i ve bachelor in medical laboratory technology and want to do masters in forensic science tell me about the entrance date and the cost. thank u
Mr. Rakesh Dutta
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24th September 2011, 11:59 AM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

Respected Maam/Sir,
This is SHAMSHAD ALI, Complete graduation in B.Sc BIOTECH. this year(2011),I want to know how can i get the addmission in M.Sc genetic college or how we can find so plz send me some college who provide M.Sc genetic college.


[email protected]
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7th October 2011, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

Respected Sir/mam,
This is Saddam Ali, I M appear in B.Sc. biotechnology final year from MLS university Udaipur Rajasthan., I want to do M.Sc. in forensic science, please suggest me about scope for this, collage for me & instruction for entrance examination, entrance exam date, syllabus, etc.,,,,please send me these information by e-mail.....on this add.,,,
[email protected]

mob. 9660119694
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5th November 2011, 10:56 AM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

I want to do m.sc. in forensic science after b.sc. biotechnology , please tell me about colleges, percentage req. for this, and scop in this field.

email id [email protected]
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5th November 2011, 12:05 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

im doing my 2nd year bsc biotech and want to know about the best college in hyderabad to do my msc in forensic science
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6th November 2011, 01:14 AM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

whats the criteria for the forensic science n how much aggregate percent required for this? n plz tell the information about the entrance exams(2011-2012)
thank you
[email protected]
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6th November 2011, 05:51 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?


Banaras Hindu University

University of Kerala

Barkathulla Vishwa Vidyalaya

Osmania University

Vellore Institute of Technology

Andhra University

Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute

Rajandra Agriculture University

Punjab Agriculture University

Gurunanak Dev University

School of Basic Medical Sciences

Chowdhary Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University
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15th November 2011, 09:37 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

sir, please tell me how to proceed in the field of biotechnology.i m dong b.sc. biotechnology from banglore university my id is [email protected]
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28th November 2011, 06:25 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

Hi, I am sanjay kumar jogi & i want to do Biotechnology of forensic please suggest me I am already complete my m.com p.G. but i want to go in Bio field I cross 12th in 2006 with biology of 59% My Email Id have [email protected] & contact no. 09229787334 please suggest me.

Thanks & regard
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9th December 2011, 01:49 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

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3rd March 2012, 10:04 AM
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Post Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

Forensic Science Institutes/Universities

Many universities/institutes offer M.Sc. Courses in Forensic Sciences. These include:

1. Punjabi University, Patiala

It offers a two year course of M.Sc. in Forensic Science

2. Amity Institute of Behavioral & Health Allied Science, Noida

The university offers 2 years M.Sc. Course in forensic Science. Minimum qualification for the admission is B. Sc.

3.Department of Criminology and Forensic Science, Sagar University, Madhya Pradesh

The department offers M.Sc (Master of Science) in Forensic Science and Forensic Toxicology.
4. Department of Forensic Science, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra, U.P

This University offers an M.Sc. in Forensic Science.
5.Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi

It offers a certificate course in Forensic Science.
6.Osmanaia University, Hyderabad

The University offers an (MSc) in Forensic Science.
Many laboratories also conduct courses on forensic science, these include:
-- Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Hyderabad, CFIs Complex,Ramanathapur, Hyderabad.
--Neutron Activation Analysis Unit, BARC, Mumbai.
Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Chandigarh, CFIs Complex, Sector 36A, Candigarh.
--Central Forensic Laboratory, Kolkata, CFIs Complex, 30 Gorachand Road, Kolkata
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17th March 2012, 10:05 AM
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Smile Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

Sir,I am jyostna galande doing B.Sc.biotechnology,after completion of this course I wish to apply for M.Sc. in forensic science,so please guide me for choosing best college and sent syllbus,entrance exam for my preparation. My e-mail id is [email protected].
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17th March 2012, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?


Here is the list of Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science)

Topiwala National Medical College - Mumbai, Maharashtra

Amity University - Noida, Uttar Pradesh

West Bengal University of Health Sciences - Salt Lake, West Bengal

Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University - Chennai, Tamil Nadu

SRM University - Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu

Punjabi University, Patiala

Jawaharlal Neharu Medical College - Belgaum, Karnataka

Lucknow University - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

G.S.V.M. Medical College - Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

MVLU College of Arts and Science

The Nagar Yuvak Shikshan Sansthas College of Arts,Mumbai, Maharashtra

Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar

National Institute of criminology and Forensic science (NICFS)

Osmania University

Vellore Institute of Technology

Best of luck!!
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10th June 2012, 11:10 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

m doing my bsc biotech from zoology..and now want to msc forensic..plz suggest me if it will be right or not...and also suggest me gud colleges of msc forensic..
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13th June 2012, 11:42 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

hey! can i know if there are colleges in karnataka offering msc forensic sciencs...plz mail to [email protected] if yu have any info regarding this
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14th June 2012, 02:00 AM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hey! can i know if there are colleges in karnataka offering msc forensic sciencs...plz mail to [email protected] if yu have any info regarding this


Here is the list of Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science)

Topiwala National Medical College - Mumbai, Maharashtra

Amity University - Noida, Uttar Pradesh

West Bengal University of Health Sciences - Salt Lake, West Bengal

Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University - Chennai, Tamil Nadu

SRM University - Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu

Punjabi University, Patiala

Jawaharlal Neharu Medical College - Belgaum, Karnataka

Lucknow University - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

G.S.V.M. Medical College - Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

MVLU College of Arts and Science

The Nagar Yuvak Shikshan Sansthas College of Arts,Mumbai, Maharashtra

Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar

National Institute of criminology and Forensic science (NICFS)

Osmania University

Vellore Institute of Technology

Best of luck!!

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14th June 2012, 08:43 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

Hi dear,

This field is a high-growth area that has thrown up several job opportunities. At present, most of the universities/institutes do not offer courses in genetic engineering as a separate discipline, but as a subsidiary to biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry streams.
Some of the universities in South India conducting related courses are the following:

- The University of Kerala (Department of Botany), University Campus, Kariavattam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 581 - M.Sc. Genetics and Plant Breeding;

- The School of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, Chennai - 600 005 - M.Sc. Biomedical genetics;

- The Vellore Institute of Technology (Deemed University) Vellore - 632 014 - M.Sc. Biomedical Genetics

- Andhra University, Visakhapatanam - 530 003 - M.Sc. Human Genetics

- Sri Rama Chandran Medical College and Research Institute (Deemed University), Porur, Chennai - 600 116 - M.Sc. Human Genetics;

Madurai Kamraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai - 625 021 - M.Sc. Plant Genetics Engineering, M.Sc. - Microbial Gene technology.

I know Osmania University in Hyderabad offers M.Sc in forensic science (http://www.osmania.ac.in/Science%20…). So does Madras University. The Forensic Science Department under the Government of Tamil Nadu offers a two-year full-time M.Sc. programme in Forensic Science. The course is affiliated to the University of Madras. Those who hold a B.Sc. degree in physics, chemistry, zoology, botany, biochemistry, microbiology or applied science of Madras University or of any other university are eligible for admission. Ten students are admitted every year for this course.

The course of study comprises subjects such as forensic chemistry, forensic physics, forensic biology, forensic medicine, criminal law and police administration and criminology, criminalistics, general instrumental methods and special subjects covers advanced instrumental techniques, analytical chemistry, chemical toxicology, microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, ballistics, questionable documents, serology, genetics and molecular biology, forensic odontology, project work/dissertation, practicals, viva-voce and records.

The examination for the course is held twice a year by the University of Madras.

The Forensic Science Department functions in the Forensic House on Kamrajar Salai, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004. Email: [email protected].

The other universities/departments that offer M.Sc. /MA in Forensic Science / Criminology / Criminology and Forensic Science courses are:

- Karnataka University, Pavate Nagar, Dharward - 580 003 - MA Criminology and Forensic Science

- Tata Institute of Social Sciences, PB No. 8313, Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai - 400 088 - MSW Criminology and Correctional Administration as specialised subjects

In Kerala, there are no courses either in forensic science or in criminology at the degree/PG level.

To become a forensic pathologist one should obtain an MBBS degree and then go for an MD in Forensic Medicine. A forensic pathologist is one who performs post-mortem on bodies to find out the cause and manner and time of death among other things.

Almost all Indian universities offer MBBS and MD in Forensic Medicine.

Those who qualify for M.Sc. forensic science are also eligible to become fingerprint experts.

The source of this information is: Education Plus section, The Hindu. Hope it helps!

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14th June 2012, 08:50 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

Hi dear,

This field is a high-growth area that has thrown up several job opportunities. At present, most of the universities/institutes do not offer courses in genetic engineering as a separate discipline, but as a subsidiary to biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry streams.
Some of the universities in South India conducting related courses are the following:

- The University of Kerala (Department of Botany), University Campus, Kariavattam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 581 - M.Sc. Genetics and Plant Breeding;

- The School of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, Chennai - 600 005 - M.Sc. Biomedical genetics;

- The Vellore Institute of Technology (Deemed University) Vellore - 632 014 - M.Sc. Biomedical Genetics

- Andhra University, Visakhapatanam - 530 003 - M.Sc. Human Genetics

- Sri Rama Chandran Medical College and Research Institute (Deemed University), Porur, Chennai - 600 116 - M.Sc. Human Genetics;

Madurai Kamraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai - 625 021 - M.Sc. Plant Genetics Engineering, M.Sc. - Microbial Gene technology.

I know Osmania University in Hyderabad offers M.Sc in forensic science (http://www.osmania.ac.in/Science%20…). So does Madras University. The Forensic Science Department under the Government of Tamil Nadu offers a two-year full-time M.Sc. programme in Forensic Science. The course is affiliated to the University of Madras. Those who hold a B.Sc. degree in physics, chemistry, zoology, botany, biochemistry, microbiology or applied science of Madras University or of any other university are eligible for admission. Ten students are admitted every year for this course.

The course of study comprises subjects such as forensic chemistry, forensic physics, forensic biology, forensic medicine, criminal law and police administration and criminology, criminalistics, general instrumental methods and special subjects covers advanced instrumental techniques, analytical chemistry, chemical toxicology, microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, ballistics, questionable documents, serology, genetics and molecular biology, forensic odontology, project work/dissertation, practicals, viva-voce and records.

The examination for the course is held twice a year by the University of Madras.

The Forensic Science Department functions in the Forensic House on Kamrajar Salai, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004. Email: [email protected].

The other universities/departments that offer M.Sc. /MA in Forensic Science / Criminology / Criminology and Forensic Science courses are:

- Karnataka University, Pavate Nagar, Dharward - 580 003 - MA Criminology and Forensic Science

- Tata Institute of Social Sciences, PB No. 8313, Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai - 400 088 - MSW Criminology and Correctional Administration as specialised subjects

In Kerala, there are no courses either in forensic science or in criminology at the degree/PG level.

To become a forensic pathologist one should obtain an MBBS degree and then go for an MD in Forensic Medicine. A forensic pathologist is one who performs post-mortem on bodies to find out the cause and manner and time of death among other things.

Almost all Indian universities offer MBBS and MD in Forensic Medicine.

Those who qualify for M.Sc. forensic science are also eligible to become fingerprint experts.

The source of this information is: Education Plus section, The Hindu. Hope it helps!

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6th July 2012, 04:54 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

colleges for M.sc(forensic science) after b.sc(chemistry) in maharashtra? entrace exam for same?
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29th April 2013, 06:40 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

Sir please tell me M.sc forensic science after doing B.sc(hons)biotechnology in north india or near by north india... because I'm basically from himachal so its difficult to me to join college in very distant area from the home..
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24th May 2013, 01:15 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

I am doing my B.Sc(polymerchemistry) after this i mant to do M.Sc(forensic science).So please guide me for choosing best colleges for this course.I am from kerala and my email id is [email protected] guide me sir.
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28th June 2013, 01:23 AM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Sc(forensic science) after B.Sc(Biotechnology) in India? Entrance exams for the same?

i am completed B.Sc.(hons)& i want to study M.Sc.(forensic science) so, please guide me for choosing best college for this course. i 'm belong to rewa m.p. my email id [email protected] sir please guide me.
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