18th June 2010, 01:09 PM
Which course has a better job opportunity between Civil, ECE, Computers after 4 years?
1st March 2011, 06:49 AM
All the three options mentioned have good amount of opportunities. It depends on your interest level in each of the subjects. Take the course which you are sure you have the talent in. You will be successful only if you have interest in the field. Job satisfaction is an important factor.
1st March 2011, 10:34 AM
Let me tell you one thing first that these three departments are in different domains..
though ECE and CSE have some link ups but CIVIL is not... so according to the number of companies and their availability it is true that Software companies are on the first list.... so there is better chance for ECE and CSE... but as you know that ression period so no one can say if it is good to take CSE,ECE or go for CIVIL..... BUt civil has a good craze now a days.. so you can also go for it.... but at last but not least i want to say you that go for that course that you adore not go for any others suggestion... best of luck... |
1st March 2011, 10:35 AM
Let me tell you one thing first that these three departments are in different domains..
though ECE and CSE have some link ups but CIVIL is not... so according to the number of companies and their availability it is true that Software companies are on the first list.... so there is better chance for ECE and CSE... but as you know that ression period so no one can say if it is good to take CSE,ECE or go for CIVIL..... BUt civil has a good craze now a days.. so you can also go for it.... but at last but not least i want to say you that go for that course that you adore not go for any others suggestion... best of luck... |
1st March 2011, 10:43 AM
Hi Diptak,
This is too much uncertain to say what will be the condition of job market after 4 years from now. Because, for years we have seen the dynamic nature of the job market in India. With the fast growing IT sector,there are also other business sectors which have shown same growth rate. Be it Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Production engineering, every where there is change that keeps on fluctuating all time. Just go with the career that you are satisfied to take up, that is you should choose the stream of engineering in which you have interest. Perform well in that particular course and jobs will automatically come after you. You won't have to worry for this. All the best! |
1st March 2011, 01:04 PM
Electronics & Communication Engineering will have better job opportunity
1st March 2011, 02:20 PM
well all field of engineering are equally good and you can go for any branch depends on your interest .
if you want to go for government job then i will tell you to go for civil and ECE engineering and there is too much money in government field in civil engineering if you done it from good college.it has wide scope . computer field is also too good but its scope is not that much in government field but in private sector you could be next bill gates .so it totally depends on you where you want to go |
1st March 2011, 03:52 PM
ece is best..ece students have bright future in automation,plc.
so join plc courses during your degree.In baddi industries,plc are used in machines.one can earn more money to repair and set connections in plc drives.you got good job in automation in baddi industries. |
1st March 2011, 05:34 PM
![]() Which branch to be Chosen !!! As seen from each Steam/Branch all the Good,But the thing is Which One is Better than others.Branches are Civil , Electronic & Telecommunication, & Computer Science. Civil Engineering Scope is More in Hilly Areas, even nowadays its Increasing, Where ever there is any Construction there will be an Architecture and A Civil Engineering. So Civil Engineers do have a major Role in our Day to Day life style. Now as Electronics and Telecommunication implies two branches i.e Electronics + Telecommunication. So these days Mobile phones, Electronics gadgets and lots more are from Entc Engineers. And last Computer Science ! Computer Science Students earns more than a guy from Civil Engineers or Entc Engineers. Because Today's era is of IT Sector, Even guys from ECE branches are opting for IT sector if they don't get job in their particular field. Even being a ECE student i would like to suggest you to Go for Computer Science. and Yes if you are Interested then only Opt for this. Because Being a Computer science student it doesn't mean that He will get selected in MNC's companies But Only Deserving, who Knows coding and other Computer Related things are gets selected in these MNC's Companies. Good luck. Choice is yours opt for that Branch which consists of Your Favorite subjects + Your area of Interests. |
1st March 2011, 05:43 PM
computers bcos nowadays everything is getting globlised so more of advancement is required so many IT companies are coming so scope for computers wil increase job opportunity in future
1st March 2011, 05:59 PM
Civil Engineering & Electronics & Communications - these two branches are basic engineering branches. Computer engineering is an applied branch which involves use of electrical engineering & computer science to develop computer systems.
Its always advisable to take up basic sciences as a career as those are the streams that will always remain in scope. All of the above, most important thing is you should make out whether you are good at engineering drawing/ physics or with programming in computers? What is your innate talent? After knowing your skill & interest you can take up any of the branch from the above as that will help you in seeking a better future. Remaining on the top & studying at the well reowned institute is again important. This will help you in getting good placement opportunities too. So, I hope this will help you in catalysing your career. |
1st March 2011, 06:17 PM
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Just analyse in which area you have more interest, definitely that only will bring you more opertunities.If you have more interest in ECE don't hesitate just take that branch. Because only you are going to study for the 4 years not others.People can say anything. According to me , ECE has oppertunities,because the usage of electronic devices in our day to day life increasing enormously. More over,if you take ECE you can go to core companies (e.g. Cisco,Texas Instruments etc.) as well as software companies(e.g. Google,TCS,Infosys etc.) That's the advantage you have. If you have interest ,very well you can take ECE. Best Of Luck!! |
1st March 2011, 09:16 PM
Nothing can be predicted that what will happen after four years! Out of the branches you have mentioned ECE is considered as a favourite as of now and you can call it as evergreen branch along with mechanical.Civil is definitely growing in demand as well.If you don't have any particular area of interest,it is better to go with ECE to be on the safer side.If you are forced to take some other branch,don't worry as you can do MBA and come to a common job scenario and you can get placed in any company dealing in any field irrespective of your engineering branch.All the best.
1st March 2011, 09:19 PM
at present their are lot of demand in civil engineering.As there are little some number of civil graduates in india,but vacancies are many,in coming year vacancies will increased to double,because students are not interest in taking civil courses,meanwhile the person in civil side are getting retired,their position being vacant.so at present demand is more for civil engineers.if we take about information technology,it booms depends up projects we get our indian companies.at present IT also in good position.if we take ECE this course is evergreen it stable every time throughout the year.ECE is good course you can shift to either software side or core side.
1st March 2011, 11:51 PM
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you have lots of option in railways . |
2nd March 2011, 09:14 PM
All cs / ce/ ec branches are best for perusing the engineering.
But in india it sector has grown a lot so you got good job opportunity in computer science |
2nd March 2011, 09:14 PM
the better job opportunity is available in computer science and ECE but at the same time, job under these branch is quiet undulating as availability of job and packege depends on the various national and internationa factors. On the other hand job opportunity in civil branch is a bit less in comparision to CS and ECE but its job is quiet smooth it is ever green. |
2nd March 2011, 10:04 PM
ECE : Electronics and Communication Engineering.
CSE : Computer Science Engineering. IT : Information Technology. and so on like these we have 40 branches in India.. selecting a course should not be done on the basis of the market ...see there's a best example..when my batch was going to start engineering there's a lot craze towards IT ..and drastically.. you know what happened due to Recision. all the students who took IT or CSE want to change their ..group is it possible.. no never..but here i want to tell you something..In the time of recision many of the talented people of my college from IT and CSE groups..got into mnc's they did not beleived the markets they who got selected just beleived their talents ...they have that passion that in the recision time also the companies want to offer them 6 lakhs per annum in this way ...while selecting a course you should not depend on the present situation of the group or stream coz its not permanent .. all that you have to consider your interest and passion. if you got the interest or passion towards your desired course ..then no matter the position of the course in market... there will be somebody to use your knowledge..mean way you can also charm in your desired field. so my friend.. think ....its your turn.. make a wise decision.. all the best |
31st May 2011, 10:57 PM
All the three options mentioned have good amount of opportunities. It depends on your interest level in each of the subjects. Take the course which you are sure you have the talent in. You will be successful only if you have interest in the field. Job satisfaction is an important factor.
7th July 2011, 10:54 PM
hi dear,
Which branch to be Chosen !!! As seen from each Steam/Branch all the Good,But the thing is Which One is Better than others. Branches are Civil , Electronic & Telecommunication, & Computer Science. Civil Engineering Scope is More in Hilly Areas, even nowadays its Increasing, Where ever there is any Construction there will be an Architecture and A Civil Engineering. So Civil Engineers do have a major Role in our Day to Day life style. Now as Electronics and Telecommunication implies two branches i.e Electronics + Telecommunication. So these days Mobile phones, Electronics gadgets and lots more are from Entc Engineers. And last Computer Science ! Computer Science Students earns more than a guy from Civil Engineers or Entc Engineers. Because Today's era is of IT Sector, Even guys from ECE branches are opting for IT sector if they don't get job in their particular field. Even being a ECE student i would like to suggest you to Go for Computer Science. and Yes if you are Interested then only Opt for this. Because Being a Computer science student it doesn't mean that He will get selected in MNC's companies But Only Deserving, who Knows coding and other Computer Related things are gets selected in these MNC's Companies. good luck |
22nd July 2011, 10:55 AM
sir i m intrested in robotics and softwere olso but my confusion is that which is better between ece and ce?is any ec engineer can do work of ce and web devloper?also any c.e can do work of ec engineer's ? job oppo. can be larger
29th August 2011, 12:02 PM
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If you have interest in computer than you should choose computer science branch.There is so much scope for computer engineer.If you have the ability then its very good to get a package of 3-4 lakhs.Its all depend on your knowledge. If you are interested for a job in public sector than you should choose civil branch.There is so much scope in public sector for a civil engineer. If you have interest in technology than electronics and communication is the best option for you. Its depend on you.Choose any branch which give you more satisfaction. All the best |
22nd January 2012, 05:43 PM
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You can choose any of the branch depending on your interest. Every branch has its own importance. As per my opinion ECE(electronics) is more preferable. For electronics students job offers are also more. They can step into both the private and govt sectors. ECE is evergreen branch compared to computers. We can't say the position of computers science in future. Anyhow choose a right path. All the very best. |
29th January 2012, 05:18 PM
There are many branches in b.tech such as ECE,EEE,CSE...etc Among all the branches ECE is more preferable. Comparing to Mech ECE has good scope till now. ECE is evergreen branch.... There are many offers for them...... Coming to mech it is difficult and also not much craze over that.... All the best....... |
30th January 2012, 02:30 PM
No, it is not difficult to learn Java and .NET. Java is a computer language. And .NET is a platform which support multiple language likes C, C++, Visual Basic etc. There are short term courses for Java and .NET. You can easily learn this subjects.
26th August 2012, 09:11 PM
cse is easier definitely but if u welll in mathmatics u should go 4 civil coz now a days india requeired more civil enginear even also good opurnities in etc due to incresing amount of electronics device usage and u can also do job in private company choce subject as ur confidence label
19th November 2013, 03:56 PM
I am a elecronics & Telecommunication Enggineer i want want do a traning course in Networking or hardware in a best institude in pune bt I am confuse about the selection of course .So, please suggest me about the course and the best institude in pune please