26th August 2010, 06:03 PM
vyshnavi sai
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Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

what are the job opportunities of a civil engineer in the upcoming years? what are the more beneficious course regarding the civil engineer in future?

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26th August 2010, 06:31 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Dear friend,
there are a lot of job opportunities for civil engineers not only in India but also outside India.as India is a developing country a lot of construction work is done every time.you do not need to do any course to get a good job.you will get it without doing that only.
All The Best!!!!
26th August 2010, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Damn, civil engineering has tons of scope now, today and in future. As you must have learnt in your primary classes that Clothes,Food and Shelter are the most important things one MUST have. So shelter is the basic need of the human being and we need civil engineers to provide us houses.

So dont worry about the scope. There are lots of opportunities all around the world

and you can do courses like Autocad which if you did thoroughly can really boost up your career
26th August 2010, 09:33 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

dear friend,
There are a lot of career option for the civil engineers.
Recently you can see how many construction works are being performed.
There are so many construction companies that can recruits you after completion of your B.Tech.
So, you need to be panic for your job .
You will sure get chances to enter in government sector as well as private construction companies like JP etc.

good luck.
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26th August 2010, 09:39 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

dear friend,
There are a lot of career option for the civil engineers.
Recently you can see how many construction works are being performed.
There are so many construction companies that can recruits you after completion of your B.Tech.
So, you need to be panic for your job .
You will sure get chances to enter in government sector as well as private construction companies like JP,DLF,Hindustan Construction Company etc.

good luck.
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26th August 2010, 11:54 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

hello dear

see, you can do two career oriented courses.

the given below two career oriented courses will be benificial for you.



if you want to do civil engg related jobs in good company. then mtech will be best choise for you.

but if you don't have interest in engg related jobs. then MBA will be best option for you.

but one things you should remember, for getting promotion in company, mba is essentially required.

all the best............
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27th August 2010, 12:01 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Career in Civil Engineering

Well, dear likewise Mechanical, Civil Engineering is also a ever green Engineering branch, with a promising career prospect in India and Gulf also.

Just by applying simple logic, we can explain why in following terms.

Population is increasing as a result demand for Residance are also increasing. Similarly its negetive effect creating Deforestation as a result new branch of civil engineering & Architechture that is Enviromental Engineering is also increasing.

Hundreds of Infrastrutural projects are going on while thausands are awaited for ther turn.

Priviously, only Kolkata has metro facility, then come delhi's turn now, other metropolitian cities are also moving towards it.

Roadways are getting much better from what it was 25 years before.

Township, Residencialship, IT parks, Malls, Gardening, Railways, etc. all has created plethora of oppurtunities for Civil Engineers India.

Being a Civil Engineer you can expect anything betweeen 15k-40k at starting level. Even IIT's have highest placement record of 1 lacs per month for a civil engineer, where as it has placement record in crores for other branches.

Where as in Gulf, nothing to say it about as every body knows. In UAE Civil Engineers find starting salary of about SR 3,000-4,000 (SR= Riyals, almost equivalent to Rs.12 INR).

I want to make you understand that Civil Engineering is a branch whose 1st priority is experiance and Analytical Bent of Mind. Experiance is the most powerful tool for Civil Engineers for creating a benchmark in career prospect.

So, there is nothing to worry about it, if you have decided to opt for Civil Engineering then just go for it.

Higher studies will always act as an Asset and a gaurantee for increased Employbility oppurtunities.

But not forget what I have said above that "Civil Engineering is a branch whose 1st priority is experiance and Analytical Bent of Mind".

Weather you will be a B.Tech holder or M.Tech holder you will face little problem in the begining and also can not expect very good pay, because Civil Engineering takes time to take off from career point of view.

However, for Higher Studies for exploring the better career in civil sector and keeping mind the upcoming market in future following courses will be helpful in this regards

M.Tech (Enviromental Engineering/Reservoir/Roadway/MEtro/Railway/survey/Architectural Engineering etc.)

MBA(Construction Management/Supply chain management/Production etc.)

M.Plan(Town Planing etc.)


Last edited by faiyaz; 27th August 2010 at 12:06 AM. Reason: some text was missing
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27th August 2010, 12:08 AM
rushi adhia
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs


Today India is the fastest developing nation in the world so you would surely get a good job. If you are joining any private company then they would give you a training of few months then only they will select you as an employee. so there is not much need of any good course but there is a lot of importance of practical knowledge.
-All the best
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27th August 2010, 12:13 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

not to be worry.....
there are lot of job ooportunities for civil engineer not only in private sector but also government sector like pwd, mes,bhel,dssb ect..... for next years.
to get good job in this industary ......
for design department .staad pro is very use full, auto cad
planning -primavera ,or ms project

all the best for future

thanks an regard
[email protected]
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27th August 2010, 12:30 AM
rushi adhia
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs


If you are joining any private company then they would give you a training of few months then only they will select you as an employee. so there is not much need of any good course but there is a lot of importance of practical knowledge. So don't worry you will surely get a good job
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27th August 2010, 12:41 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

dear friend
for getting good jobs like manager,m.d,g.s u can do the courses like mca,m.tech,mba,p.hd etc.
good luck.
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27th August 2010, 01:55 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

civil engineering is the fastest growing field in the country at present,
there is no dearth of job opportunities in the field,
people are being recruited even when they don't have good qualifications or having backlogs in the engineering,
i think m.tech in construction engineering will really help you a lot,
all the best
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27th August 2010, 08:57 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

daer friend,

there is no any doubt that in the persent era,

the civil engineering branch is growing very fast,

specially after the crisis such a big growth intend the students toward this sector.

also if you will do this course there is really a very good job.also the salary will be high.
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27th August 2010, 04:02 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Civil engineers have vast opportunities in India and abroad. You can get offers from MNcs.If you wish to study further you can do MBA/Mtech/MCA.Post graduation will boost your career and it will fetch you good jobs and good salary.
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27th August 2010, 04:25 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Originally Posted by vyshnavi sai View Post
what are the job opportunities of a civil engineer in the upcoming years? what are the more beneficious course regarding the civil engineer in future?
you have scope in BARC,ISRO, pwd, mes,bhel,dssb AND MANY MORE LOG ON TO
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6th April 2011, 06:45 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Tell me any courses in civil engineering after graduation like MSP,Primavera
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22nd April 2011, 11:30 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

what are the M.TECH courses in civilengineering and designing ?
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7th May 2011, 10:51 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

I have completed my BE and I just want to do official job (not site jobs)... so what courses must I prefer????
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17th May 2011, 12:58 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

none have mentioned about MS after Civil Engineering....what is the scope for Ms...???will it fetch me a good job and a good salary??
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27th May 2011, 05:05 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

public or private which sector has better oppurtunities for civil enggs.?
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4th June 2011, 12:32 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

sructural engineering or construction engineering , which course is better and easy
to get job with high salary???
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29th August 2011, 12:45 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

is there not any .institute which which offer traning for civil engg .student
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3rd September 2011, 11:43 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Sir, as per my own experience civil engg branch is growing at a very rapid rate. There are many short term courses in civil engg. field which you can join for a good exposure in civil engg.
The courses are
auto cad
staad pro
microsoft excel advance
estimating and valuation by computing

all the best
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11th September 2011, 10:05 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

sir i am a student of 2nd year civil engineering..........i am confused whether to take up mba or m.tech after my b.e...........which one has more demand and good scope??
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13th September 2011, 12:34 AM
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Default civil engineering always get good jobs

I think CIVIL engineering is the branch for which number of ways are open.

1.after b.tech you will definitely get a job with good package PSU's has number of vacancies every year for civil engineer
2.higher study in m.tech
3.after mater degree go for p.hd and become a lecturer in govt. college and get more than 50,000 per mounth.
4.you can apply for civil service.
5.IES is one of the best option after B.Tech
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14th September 2011, 09:25 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

student of 1st year polytechnhic college i wnt to knw information bout govt. engineering college overall hw mch i hv 2 scord 2 get da (gec) govt engineering college....plz tel me..
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28th September 2011, 02:09 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

i'm civil engineer fresher..send good company name, reference or id to my mail
[email protected]
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14th October 2011, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Originally Posted by kool View Post
dear friend,
There are a lot of career option for the civil engineers.
Recently you can see how many construction works are being performed.
There are so many construction companies that can recruits you after completion of your B.Tech.
So, you need to be panic for your job .
You will sure get chances to enter in government sector as well as private construction companies like JP etc.

good luck.
dear lot of lot of....wts der in lot of..name few sectors in which a graduate can get after his graduation....either in public sector or private sector with good packages..
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15th October 2011, 12:42 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Dear friend,
there are a lot of job opportunities for civil engineers not only in India but also outside India.as India is a developing country a lot of construction work is done every time.you do not need to do any course to get a good job.you will get it without doing that only.
All The Best!!!!
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15th October 2011, 03:08 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Dear pal, civil engineering is a good field where you have a wide option and scope. Civil engineering being the basic field you can do a number of course. The best way to develop your resume is by doing masters course in engineering. There are many branches in which you can choose in masters the most widely choosen is structural engineering.You can also do some course in auto cadd or stad pro. But they are only additional one but do not help you to get into a good position in the company. You can do masters in business administration also which will boost your resume .
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9th May 2012, 04:07 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

presently i'm doing b.e in civil & whether i can prefer annamalai university,chidambaram for m.e???
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10th May 2012, 12:08 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

i hav interest in civil eng. shud i choose B.E are B.Tech ? what is the difference between the both?
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17th May 2012, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

i am diploma civil engg any courses for mi for good jobs..
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13th June 2012, 08:46 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Get membership for AACEI www.aacei.org if you are interested in Project Controls
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13th June 2012, 08:48 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

check www.aacei.org they have lot of course for civil engineers
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14th June 2012, 12:49 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Hi dear,

civil engineering has tons of scope now, today and in future. As you must have learnt in your primary classes that Clothes,Food and Shelter are the most important things one MUST have. So shelter is the basic need of the human being and we need civil engineers to provide us houses.

So dont worry about the scope. There are lots of opportunities all around the world

and you can do courses like Autocad which if you did thoroughly can really boost up your career

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20th June 2012, 08:08 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

sri iam student of civil engineering 4 year .........i pefer to do job after my btech ..... their is need to learn any course ???? if need wt are their ????
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29th June 2012, 02:43 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

After completing Civil Engineering, you should study softwares such as AUTOCAD, ARCHICAD, STAAD etc. Various other designing softwates are ther, but these are the basic skills for computerised drafting and analysing. Now a days, every company and govt. offices do their Civil Engineering works using softwares which require thorough knowledge on the subject and skill in the software.
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6th July 2012, 03:33 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

are there any chances of remaining unemployed after completing degree years in civil engineering???
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23rd July 2012, 01:48 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

is civil engineering good for girls? is there any scope for girls in civil?
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8th August 2012, 09:25 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

i'm in civil 4th year....i want to know about the courses useful in it to get better job other than AUTOCAD,STAD,ARCHICAD.......????!!!!????
nd what are the better jobs for girlzz????
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23rd January 2013, 07:44 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

How much years is the courcw of civil engineering after 12th ???
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12th June 2013, 05:50 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

what are the courses available in civil enginer?
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12th June 2013, 10:05 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

dear friend,
There are a lot of career option for the civil engineers.
Recently you can see how many construction works are being performed.
There are so many construction companies that can recruits you after completion of your B.Tech.
So, you need to be panic for your job .
You will sure get chances to enter in government sector as well as private construction companies like JP,DLF,Hindustan Construction Company etc.
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14th June 2013, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

this is btech second year student.can u please suggest me the courses that I CAN LEARN
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14th August 2013, 09:52 PM
nanabala jyoshna
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

i m studying 4th year...i m interestd to do auto cad,staad pro...what are the better jobs for girlss?? please suggest me sir..
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15th August 2013, 09:04 AM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

B.Tech(Bachelor of Technology) Courses:

B.Tech in Ceramics and Cement Technology

B.Tech in Civil Engineering

B.Tech in Civil Engineering+Master of Technology in Structural Engineering

B.Tech in Civil and Transportation Engineering

B.Tech in Civil Infrastructural Engineering

B.Tech + Master of Technology in Civil Engineering

After successfully completing Civil Engineering Diploma one can directly pursue the following Advanced Diploma courses:

Advance Diploma in Drafting and Design

Advance Diploma in Structural Design

Advance Diploma in Civil Engineering

Advance Diploma in Surveying

Advance Diploma in Construction Management

All the best.........
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16th August 2013, 09:36 AM
Aj Arya
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Thumbs up Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Civil engineering is the only one to get most job choices to get job compare to other branches
The coarse's like Highway engineering, Hydraulic engg, soil mechanics, Surveying with new technology, Transportation Engg , railway and water line engg, airport engg, Design of concrete structures like Dams, tunnels, Bridges, Buildings, Design of steel structures like Trusses, Suspending beams etc
Civil engineering is offering the more govt jobs compare to other branches (AE , Surveyer ETC----)

All the best
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17th August 2013, 11:13 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Sir recently i hv comltd my b.e ryt now im confsd vat to do which corcs shld i hv to do to get an good job as soon as posble
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17th August 2013, 11:16 PM
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Default Re: Courses for civil engineering students to get good jobs

Sir recently i hv comltd my b.e ryt now im confsd vat to do which corcs shld i hv to do to get an good job as soon as posble
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