6th March 2019, 05:19 PM
Criteria and procedure for degree students to join Para Military Commando?
Sir, is there any chance to join the Para Military Commando Force for B.tech degree holder students? If so, then please tell how to apply for it? Further, what is the difference between Para Military Commando and Black Cat Commando? Which is superior?
15th March 2019, 03:41 PM
To join the Paramilitary forces, the most common pathway is to join any of the Defence Force army,Indian Air force on Navy. Officers from defence have option to volunteer for certain courses. For some of the para Paramilitary forces like Indian Coast Guard, you can join directly by clearing the SSB interview.
Basically you can not join para force directly, you have to pass the GD physical and written test. General duty age limit is 22 years and minimum required height is 5.9 |