22nd March 2012, 09:28 PM
Date of publish of short list of staff nurse in ESIC?
Sir, i am shaiby tom,I desire to know,when u will published the short list of staffnurse inESIC'
8th March 2013, 08:23 PM
MODEL HOSPITAL NACHARAM, HYDERABAD - 500076 CLICK HERE FOR ONLINE APPLICATION RECRUITMENT OF NU RSING / PARAMEDICAL STAFF FOR (ANDHRA PRADESH REGION) Online Application (on the website of ESI C at www.esic.nic.in & http://psu.shine.com/company/esicmh - hyderabad/ ) are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the posts of Nursing / Paramedical Staff for Andhra Pradesh Region . The details of Posts and tentative number of vacancies are as under: - “A” S. No. Post Code Name of the Post Pay Band Corresponding Pay Bands Grade Pay UR SC ST OBC Total Horizontal Reservation PWD Ex.SM 1 01 Staff Nurse PB - 2 9300 – 34800 4600/ - 29 06 01 14 50 05 (OH - OL) * 05 2 15 Lab. Assistant PB - 1 5200 - 20200 2000/ - 8 02 02 03 15 01 (HH)* 01 3 16 Jr. Rad iographer PB - 1 5200 - 20200 2000/ - 6 01 - 03 10 - 01 4 14 O.T. Assistant PB - 1 5200 - 20200 2000/ - 13 01 01 05 20 - 02 5 03 Physiotherapist PB - 2 9300 – 34800 4600/ - 1 - - - 01 - - Total: 57 10 04 25 96 06 09 * OH – ORTHOPAEDICALLY HANDICAPPED, O L - ONE LEG, * HH – HEARING HANDICAPPED. * Note: - Number of vacancies may be increased or decreased depending upon the actual requirement. TENTATIVE DATE OF EXAMINATION ON 20 - 01 - 2013 * Reservation to Person with Disabilities (PWD) and Ex. Servicemen ( Ex.SM) is as per Govt. of India instructions. The candidates appointed under PWD/Ex - S ervicemen quota will be adjusted against the Vacancy of respective categories of SC/ST/OBC/ U.R. In addition to Pay, the appointees will also be eligible for DA, HRA, Tr ansport Allowance & HPCA/Nursing Allowance, if any, as per rules in force from time to time to the Nursing /Paramedical Staff of E.S.I. Corporation . The vacancies are in various ESIC Hospitals of the ESI Corporation of the Specified State. Those candidate s who are willing to accept the posting anywhere Specified in the State and are willing to be transferred in any part of India on promotional posts, as per policy of ESIC, need apply. The candidates so appointed for the above mentioned posts shall be appoi nted in the State for which application is submitted and are liable to be transferred in any Medical Institution / Establishment / SSMC Office on the same post in that state and also liable to be transferred in any part of India on promotional posts as per policy of ESI Corporation . THERE SHALL BE NEGATIVE MARKING FOR WRONG ANSWER. FOR EACH WRONG ANSWER 0.33MARK WILL BE DEDUCTED” Candidates are advised to submit only one application because written examination for all the categories of posts will be held on the same day and same time. CORPORATION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CONDUCT THE WRITTEN OR ONLINE EXAMINATION . “B” Age Limit, Educational Qualification, Other Essential Qualification, experience & Mode of Selection (As per R.Rs) for the specified posts is / are as under: - Sr. No. Name of the Post Post Code Educational & Other Qualification (As per R.Rs) Age (As per R.Rs) Mode of Selection as per R.Rs/Instruction s of Hqrs.) 1 Staff Nurse 01 (i) Diploma in General Nursing and Midwife or Equivalent for m ale Nurse (ii) Registered Nurse with Nursing Council Not exceeding 37 years. Written Examination 2 Lab Assistant 15 Senior Secondary / 10+2 or equivalent qualification with Diploma in MLT from an Institute recognized by the AICTE. Not exceeding 32 y ears. (Relaxable upto 37 years of age in case of Govt. Servants and employees of ESIC. Written Examination 3 Jr. Radiographer 16 Matriculation or Equivalent from a recognized Board and Two year diploma in Radiography from a Central Govt. / State Government /AICTE recognized Institution. Desirable - one year experience in Radiography Department of a recognize d / Registered Hospital . 18 - 27 years. Written Examination 4 O.T. Assistant 14 Senior Secondary / 10+2 with Science or equivalent qualification from a recognized b oard with One Year experience in O.T. of a recognized Hospital. Not exceeding 32 years. (Relaxable upto 37 years of age in case of Govt. Servants and employees of ESIC. Written Examination 5 Physiotherapi st 03 (i) 10+2 / Sr. Secondary with Science. (ii) Three Years Degree Course or DiplomaTraining course in Physiotherapy from a Central Govt. / State Govt. / AICTE recognized Institution. (iii) Six Months Internship in the field. Not exceeding 32 years. (Rel axable upto 37 years of age in case of Govt. Servants and employees of ESIC. Written Examination “C” AGE RELAXATION: - Upper age limit is relaxable for Govt. Servant & Employee of ESI Corporation, SC/ST/OBC/ PWD/Ex - S erviceman and other categories of persons, as per rules/instructions of Govt. of India and is specified as under: (a) 03 Years for OBC (b) 05 Years for SC/ST. (c) 10 Years for PWD (Additional 05 years in case of SC/ST & 03 Years in case of OBC). (d) Ex. S ervicemen – Length of Service in Armed forces + 3 years (additional relaxation for SC/ST/OBC as per item (c) above). The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date of online application which is on 04 - 01 - 201 3 for all candidates. ( The Link for submission of Online applicati on are available from 10.00 a.m of 15 - 12 - 2012 to 05.00 pm of 04 - 0 1 - 201 3 “D” FEE & MODE OF PAYMENT The candidates who are liable to pay the fee should pay through online generated challan as per procedure stated under para ‘D’ (2). Demand Draft / Ban ker’s Cheque, Money Order, Postal Order, Cheques, etc. will not be accepted. No Fee is required to be paid by Female/SC/ST/Ex.SM/PWD/ESIC employee / Govt. Employee candidates. Fee once paid will neither be refunded nor adjusted under any circumstances. (1) Amount of Fee: - * Applicable Bank charges extra. S r. No Category Fee amount (Grade Pay 1800 to 2000) Fee amount ( Grade pay 2001 and above) 1 SC/ST/ PWD/Govt. Servants/ESIC Employees , Female candidates & Ex - Servicemen. Nil Nil 2 All other categories Rs. 75/ - * R s .125/ - * (2) Mode of payment of Fee: - PAYMENT OF FEE (OFFLINE PAYMENT THROUGH CHALLAN): For applying to the aforesaid post, candidates are advised to remit the requisite fee in STATE BANK OF HYDERABAD at any Branch. For remittance o f fee, candidates have to generate the prescribed challan from ESIC website. The account number in which the amount of fee is to be deposited is available on the challan. The candidates have to fill in the challan and deposit the amount of fee in the bank. One copy of challan duly signed and stam p ed along with deposit scroll/journal number should be collected from the bank for filling up necessary details in the online application form. The copy of challan will have to be produced at the time of verificati on of certificates/documents. GUID ELINES FOR FILLING ONLINE APPLICATION : (I) Candidates should first scan their photograph and signature as detailed under guidelines for scanning the photograph, signature & thumb impression. Candidates have to visit ESIC w ebsite www.esic.nic.in OR http://psu.shine.com/company/esicmh - hyderabad/ for filling the Online Application Form. (II) Fill the application carefully and subm it the application. When the application is successfully submitted, a registration number and password will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidates should note down the registration number and password for further reference. Once the application is filled completely, candidates should submit the data. No change/edit will be allowed after the submission of data. The registration at this stage is provisional. (III) Candidate will receive registration confirmation by SMS/e - mail after submi tting the online application. It may be ensured to furnish correct Mobile number / e - mail address to receive the registration confirmation. (Note – Candidates should have valid e - mail ID. This will help him/her in getting Admit Card/Interview advices, etc , by e - mail. No hard copy of the admit card would be sent by pos t to the candidates ). GENERA L INSTRUCTION S: As large numbers of applications are expected , Corporation will not undertake any scrutiny of applica tion form, a s such no hard copies of applicatio n forms need to be sent to this office. Therefore, the candidates are advised to go t hrough the eligibility criteria carefully and other requirements of educational qualification, age, experience, et c ., and satisfy themselves that they are eligible before applying. When scrutiny is undertaken, even after preparation of merit list, the claim of the candidature can be rejected if the claim made in the application is not found substantiated and the decision of the Medical Superintendent, ESIC Model Hospital, N acharam, Hyderabad shall be final. Experience would be recognized only after compilation of internship and or training period. |
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