7th June 2010, 02:14 PM
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Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

Respected sir/mam

i wrote my sixth semester exam in bsc biotech from madras university and planning to do my msc in biotech...
May i know about the good college for biotech in delhi, bangalore... Also about the entrance exam and admission detail of the college...
Hope your advice may make my career shine......

Thanking you


26th May 2011, 02:23 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 1
Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

Originally Posted by vidya14 View Post
Respected sir/mam

i wrote my sixth semester exam in bsc biotech from madras university and planning to do my msc in biotech...
May i know about the good college for biotech in delhi, bangalore... Also about the entrance exam and admission detail of the college...
Hope your advice may make my career shine......

Thanking you


1.JNU, New Delhi 2.IISc, Bangalore 3.AIIMS, New Delhi 4.IIT, Mumbai / Roorkee 5.BHU, Varanasi 6.Delhi University, South Campus, New Delhi 7 .NCBS, Bangalore / DBS,TIFR, Mumbai 8.NBRC, Gurgaon, Haryana 9.ACBR, New Delhi 10.Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu 11.University of Pune, Pune 12.University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 13.IARI / ICAR, New Delhi 14.Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi 15.AMU, Aligarh 16.Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi 17.PGIMER, Chandigarh 18.JIPMER, Pondicherry

1. JNU, New Delhi

The Center of Biotechnology (CBT) at JNU undoubtedly runs one of the finest masters degree programs in biotechnology. The CBT was established in 1985 under joint sponsorship of the UGC and the DBT. And in the same year the Master of Science program in Biotechnology was started. The Center has established a very successful MSc biotech program, which selects the best of the students from the merit list prepared on the basis of an All India Entrance Test conducted by JNU. Analysis of the merit list indicates that during the past five years about 50-60 percent of the students from the top 100 give their first preference to JNU. But only 20-25 students are taken every year from the top on the basis of their preference. Till now most of the MSc students have gone to do research in different institutions in the country and abroad. Very few students have taken up jobs in the industry. Though the biotech industry is very keen to give jobs to the students and campus placements camps have been organized by various top notch companies like Panacea Biotec, Reliance Life Sciences and Invitrogen, students prefer to complete their higher education first.

Bachelor’s degree under 10+2+3 pattern of education in Physical, Biological Agricultural, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences, Pharmacy, Engineering/Technology, 4-years B.Sc. (Physician Assistant Course); OR Medicine (MBBS) OR B.D.S. with at least 55% marks.

Selection Procedure:
Performance in the written test only

Broad Format for Entrance Examination :
The question paper for the Entrance Examination will be of three hours duration and divided into two parts: Part A will have multiple choice type questions at the level of 10+2. This part is subdivided into Section-I, II and III. Section I will have 40 questions from Physics and Chemistry and must be answered by all the candidates. Section-II will have 20 questions from Mathematics and Section-III will have 20 questions from Biology. Candidates will have option to answer questions from either Section-II or III. Total marks for Part A will be 60 questions x 1 mark each = 60 marks. There will be negative marking and for each wrong answer, ½ (half) mark will be deducted. Part B will also have multiple-choice questions of Bachelor's level requiring thinking and analysis. There will be about 40 questions from Physics and Mathematics, about 40 questions from Biology (e.g., Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics and Molecular Biology) and about 20 questions from Chemistry. The candidates will be required to attempt 60 questions. Total marks for Part B will be 60 questions x3 marks each = 180 marks. There will be negative marking and one mark for each wrong answer will be deducted.

Time-Table for Admission:
Last date for issue of application forms

a) by post : 06 March 2007
b) by cash : 16 March 2007
Last date for submission of completed application forms

16 March 2007
Date of Test

18 May 2007
Time of Test

9.00 AM to 12.00 PM

2. IISc, Bangalore

The Institute offers exciting opportunities to well motivated and talented Bachelor's degree holders with a keen sense of scientific enquiry for pursuing advanced research in frontier areas of Biological, Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences leading to the PhD degree of the Institute. Experience shows that students entering this program save nearly on an average of one year compared to those who go for a 2 years Master's degree programs elsewhere and then join the Institute for PhD program. Each year, the Institute admits 38 students (8 in Biological Sciences, 12 in Chemical Sciences, 10 in Physical Sciences and 8 in Mathematical Sciences) under this program. The program consists of a flexible course work, an internship-type laboratory training(wherein ample opportunities exist for the candidate to acquire basic experimental skills and familiarity with advanced techniques for research),research project to demonstrate attainment of a high degree of scientific ability followed by advanced research leading to PhD thesis on a specific topic.

First Class (as declared by the University) BSc or equivalent degree in Physical,Chemical or Biological Sciences (including Pharmaceutical, Veterinary andAgricultural Sciences).

Selection Procedure:
All candidates who apply to Integrated PhD program should qualify in IISc Entrance Test 2007. The short-listing of candidates for interview is done based onperformance in the IISc Entrance Test. Interviews are held during June 11-13,2007. Selection will be based on the combined performance in the Entrance Testand in the Interview.

Broad Format for Entrance Examination :
Question paper consists of one hundred objective questions of biology, physics and chemistry but mainly of biology. Each question carries one mark and there is negative marking of 1/4 mark.

Time-Table for Admission:
Commencement of issue of Application Form

05 February 2007
Last date for issue of Application form

20 March 2007
Last date for Submission of Application form

23 March 2007
Date of Test

29 April 2007
Time of Test

2.00 PM to 5.00 PM

3. AIIMS, New Delhi

The department conducts two year's Masters course in Biotechnology (M.Biotech.) with 10 students per batch. At a given time 10-15 students are enrolled in the Doctoral programme. Faculty of the department are conducting research in the areas of molecular biology of malaria, tuberculosis and immunology of leprosy, tuberculosis and cancer. The high quality of research has been reflected in terms of international publications, national awards and patents filed by the faculty. This department also has a section of Bioinformatics to cater to the need of faculty and students for database search, literature search and for retrieval of other related information.

Eligibility :
Performance in the written test only

Broad Format for Entrance Examination :
Question paper consists of two hundred objective questions of Biology , Physics and Chemistry but the questions are mostly from Biology part.

Time-Table for Admission :
Last date for issue of application forms

25 April 2006
Last date for submission of completed application forms

29 April 2006
Date and time of Entrance Examination

22 July 2006
Results of Entrance Examination

Last week of July.

4. IIT, Mumbai / Roorkee

The Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology course at IITs is a unique model for an integrated approach towards education as well as research and development of various bioprocesses. The objectives of the Department of Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology (BEB) are: training students and developing expertise in biochemical engineering, biotechnology at the postgraduate and PhD levels; research and development of various microbial and enzyme system and developing understanding of biological/biochemical phenomena underlying such systems; engineering analysis and optimal design of various biological systems and processes; transfer of knowledge through seminars, symposia and short-term refresher courses at national and international levels; and undertaking industrial consultancy jobs to solve the specific problems of bioprocess industries. As the BEB course has been running since many years, over the years it has built up some expertise as well as an elaborate infrastructure and equipment base for carrying out teaching, research and development activities in the area of biochemical engineering and biotechnology.

Eligibility :
Admissions to various M.Sc. and other post-B.Sc. academic programmes in IITs for the academic session 2007-08 shall be made on the basis of All India Merit Rank in JAN-2007. Only those candidates who qualify in any Test Paper of JAN- 2007 shall be eligible for admission to all the academic programmes corresponding to that Test Paper offered by the different participating departments of IITs, provided they also satisfy the essential eligibility requirements and minimum educational qualifications for the academic programme (s) as specified by the Institute(s) in which the admission is sought.

Broad Format for Entrance Examination :
Question paper consists of one hundred objective questions of Biology ( 44% ), Physics( 18% ) ,Mathematics( 18% )and Chemistry( 20% ) .

Time-Table for Admission :
Issue of Application Forms

16 November 2006
Last date for Online Registration

5th January 2007
Last date for receipt of completed Application Forms

12th January 2007
Test Date

25th March 2007
Announcement of Results

24th April 2006

5. BHU, Varanasi

The Department of Biochemistry was established as an independent department in Faculty of Science of Banaras Hindu University in January 1984. Department has basic infrastructural facilities to meet the requirements for teaching and research in various areas of Biochemistry. The department conducts two years (four semesters) post graduation course leading to M. Sc. (Biochemistry) degree.Sixteen students are admitted to this course every year. Course includes 11 theory papers, 4 practical papers, project work and seminar. Research activities encompass different areas of Biochemistry with major emphasis on clinical Biochemistry, infectious diseases and parasitic immunology, Plant Biochemistry and Enzyme Technology etc., leading to Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry.

Eligibility :
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Biochemistry/ B.Sc. under at least 10+2+3 pattern with Biochemistry as a subject in all the three years of graduation course, securing a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate in Science subjects (considering all the three years of B.Sc. Course) or B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry/ Botany/ Zoology/Life Sciences/B.Sc. under at least 10+2+3 pattern with Chemistry as a subject inall the three years of Graduation Course, securing a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate in Science subjects (considering all the three years of B.Sc. Course). The candidate must also have studied any two of the following subjects viz., Chemistry, Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics, Physics, Geology,Physiology, Microbiology, Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology at least fortwo years at Graduate level.

Selection Procedure :
The admission of a candidate in a course will be done only when he/she satisfiesall the eligibility requirements, appears in the PET, qualifies in the Entrance Testand completes all formalities required for admission in the course. The admissionsshall be made strictly on the basis of merit index in the PET, availability of seats in the course, as per rules given in this Information Bulletin and rules framed bythe University from time to time.

Broad Format for Entrance Examination :
M. Sc. In Bioinformatics: There shall be one paper of 150 minutes duration carrying 450 marks. The paper shall contain 200 multiple-choice questions of graduate level on (A) Biology, (B) Physics, (C) Chemistry and (D) Mathematical Sciences, (50 questions each in Section A, B, C and D respectively). A candidate will be required to attempt questions from any three sections.There shall be Negative Marking in test. Three Marks shall be awarded for each correct answer while One Mark shall be deducted for each incorrect answer. Unattempted question shall be awarded zero marks.

Time Table for Admission :
Sale of application forms from the counter and by post

19 Febuary 2007
Last date for sending the application forms by registered post

02 March 2007
Last date for sale of application forms from the office counter

17 March 2007
Last date for sale for recipt of application forms

19 March 2007
Date of Test for M.Sc. in Biochemistry

31 May 2007
Date of Test for M. Sc. in Bioinformatics ( for women only )

24 May 2007

6. Delhi University, South Campus, New Delhi

The department of Biochemistry (South Campus) was established in 1983, shifted to South Campus in 1986, moved over to the building housing life science departments in 1996. It offers various courses such as M.Sc , M.Phil . (Biotechnology) , Ph.D. The faculty at the Department of Biochemistry has a number of research projects in different areas of human diseases withmain focus on macromolecular delivery, vaccine development and diagnostics with both basic and applied aspects. The specific thrust areas include studies on gene regulation and pathogenesis of M. tuberculosis, development of vaccine against TB, production of monoclonal antibodies using hybridoma technology for a variety of applications, phage display and its applications, functional genomics, targeted delivery of drugs, toxins and genetic materials using liposomes and nanoparticles as carriers for the treatment of cancerous and infectious diseases, use of Sendai virus envelopes, F-virosomes for encapsulating a variety of macromolecules for basic and applied work such as targeted delivery of DNA vaccines.

Eligibility :
A degree of B.Sc. (Hons) in Biochemistry / Chemistry / Botany / Zoology with 60% and above or B.Sc.(Gen) in A group from University of Delhi or any other University with 65% and above.

Selection Procedure :
Selection will be made on the basis of a written test and interview.

7. NCBS, Bangalore / DBS,TIFR, Mumbai

The National Centre for Biological Sciences is a part of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), which operates under the aegis of the Department of Atomic Energy and is located in Bangalore. The Department of Biological Sciences (DBS) is located at TIFR in Mumbai. Both units have been setup with a mandate to pursue basic research in the frontier areas of biology. The research interests of the faculty are in four broad areas ranging from the study of single molecules to systems biology. In addition interactive initiatives, such as the iBio, have been developed and new ones in other areas, for example those that promote clinical interactions, are envisaged.

Eligibility :
This programme is for exceptionally talented graduates with a Bachelor's degree in any branch of basic science. Candidates applying for this programme can opt either for M.Sc programme of DBS or for both (Integrated PhD programme of NCBS/DBS or DBS programme of M.Sc.).

Selection Procedure :
All applicants are required to take a written test conducted by NCBS-DBS on December 10, 2006 at 9.30 a.m. The test will be extremely basic and cover topics in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. There is no specified syllabus, nor do we give out sample question papers. Those who qualify on this test will be sent forms for the next phase of the selection procedure. Performance in the written test, together with the information requested in the additional application material will be used in drawing up a short list of candidates for interviews at Bangalore in May/June 2007. The interview will be held in two stages. A good performance in the preliminary interview will qualify the candidate for the final interview to be held over the next two days. The DBS and NCBS admissions processes for the PhD programmes are common upto the preliminary interview stage. There will be separate interview panels for DBS and NCBS in the final interviews. Candidates may choose to face either or both panels, which make independent decisions on whom to offer admission to their Ph.D. programmes. It is possible that some candidates will be offered admission both to DBS and to NCBS. Last year NCBS offered admission to 10 candidates for PhD and 5 candidates to the Integrated PhD. DBS offered admission to 7 candidates for PhD and 5 candidates to the Integrated Ph.D. Programme. In addition 3 candidates who have taken Physics Test and interviewed for iBio programme at TIFR, Mumbai joined NCBS.

Broad Format for Entrance Examination :
Question paper consists of four sections of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General aptitude. Each section contains fifteen question and there is negative marking.

Time Table for Admission :
The last date for request of hall tickets

13 October 2006
Written test conducted by NCBS-DBS

10 December 2006
at 9.30 a.m

8. NBRC, Gurgaon, Haryana

NBRC is a premier institute (An Autonomous Institute of the Dept. of Biotechnology, Government of India) with an objective to pursue research in the frontier areas of Neuroscience to understand brain function in health and disease. Research areas include Molecular, Cellular, Systems, Cognitive, Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience. NBRC has initiated an integrated Ph.D. Programme in Neuroscience for exceptionally meritorious and motivated students with a goal to provide seamless transition from classroom training to high quality research in challenging areas of neuroscience. On successful completion of the entire programme the students will be given both M.Sc and Ph.D degrees.

Eligibility :
Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Science such as Biology / Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Applications / Pharmacy / Veterinary Science / Psychology or equivalent. Candidates with a continuous track record of atleast 55% marks throughout the academic career starting from 10th class only will be considered.

Selection Procedure :
Involve an entrance test followed by interview of the shortlisted candidates. The candidates may apply through on-line registration facility available at the NBRC website ‘http://www.nbrc.ac.in/’ or ‘admissions.nbrc.res.in’. The candidates submitting their applications on-line should send the demand draft and copies of certificates by post to complete the application process. Application forms can be downloaded from the NBRC website (http://www.nbrc.ac.in/). and the same is also available with the Registrar, NBRC which can be collected in person or obtained through post by sending a demand draft of Rs 50/-(nonrefundable)in favour of Director, NBRC payable at Manesar/Gurgaon.

Broad Format for Entrance Examination :
“The questions asked in the entrance test will be distributed among following subjects in the approximate percentages, Biology ( 40% ), Analytical Reasoning ( 20%), Mathematics ( 10% ), Physics ( 10% ), Chemistry ( 10% ), Psychology ( 10%). Question paper has 150 questions of which only 90 has to be attempted. There is no negative marking.

Time Table for Admission :
Opening of Online Application Form

08 November 2006
Last Date for receiving the testimonials

22 December 2006
Last date for off-line application

22 December 2006
Downloading of Admit Cards

08 January 2007 onwards
Date of written tests

04 February 2007

9. ACBR, New Delhi

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar center for biomedical research (ACBR) is dedicated to research and postgraduate education in biomedical sciences. The institute also serves as a prototype of postdoctoral training - a scientific centre where young scientists at the start of their research career can gain the skills and insights required in their chosen fields. Most of the acbr's activities have been directed toward basic research, mainly in the biological and biomedical sciences. Today these studies, on the most exciting frontiers in the sciences, include the biochemistry of the cell, the functions and diseases of the brain and nervous system, the biology and evolution of parasites, biology of viruses, the behavior of organisms in social settings, and the causes of degenerative disease. Apart from the research activities taken up by the center, a M.Sc-Ph.D combined program in biomedical sciences was started in 1998. The admission is based on national entrance examination followed by an interview and group discussion. The courses conducted under the programme is truly interdisciplinary and encompasses organic chemistry to medicinal chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology on one hand, while on the other biochemistry to immunology, physiology, genetics and molecular biology.

Eligibility :
Bachelor’s degree under 10+2+3 pattern of education in Physical, Biological Agricultural, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences, Pharmacy, Engineering/Technology, 4-years B.Sc. (Physician Assistant Course); OR Medicine (MBBS) OR B.D.S. with at least 55% marks.

Selection Procedure :
Candidates seeking admission to the M.Sc./M.Sc.-Ph.D. combined degree courses have to undertake written test, Interview and group discussion.

Broad Format for Entrance Examination :
Written test: An objective (multiple choice questions) test consisting of 200 questions will be administered. The written test will comprise 2-parts. Part-I will comprise reasoning test, general awareness, data interpretation and test of English language. Part-II will comprise question from Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology, Medicine, Pharmacy and other allied sciences. Written test will be of 800 marks and 3 hrs duration. Performance in written test will be sole basis for short-listing candidates for interview & group discussion. For each vacancy in different categories, 7 candidates will be called for interview & group discussion. Interview and group discussion will be of 200 marks. All admissions will be made in order of merit, within the course requirements, category-wise and subject to the number of seats available. Merit will be decided by the total marks secured in written test, interview and group discussion (i.e. out of 1000 marks).

Time Table for Admission :
Last date for issue of application forms

13 May 2006
Last date for submission of completed application forms

20 May 2006
Date and time of Entrance Examination

04 June 2006
Results of Entrance Examination

Within 10 days of Examination

10. Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu

The Madurai Kamaraj University was established in the year 1966 as a public institution of higher education located about 12 km west of Madurai city. It provides high quality educational programs through its 72 departments of study and research. Related departments of the University are grouped into schools, to enable the development of interdisciplinary courses. All the PG courses are offered under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). The CBCS program incorporates sufficient flexibility so that students can opt for elective courses from other departments, to enhance their individual career plans. The Department of Microbial Technology has created a world-class facility to train students who wish to learn cloning of genes, both native and synthetic, in microbes and to express them suitably for easy downstream processing. Students are provided with the opportunity to get trained both in dry-lab as well as in wet-lab work. Data mining and data processing facilities are provided with high-speed connectivity with the inter-net.

Eligibility :
M.Sc., Microbial Gene Technology (M.Sc., MGT): A first class degree in science courses where Biological Science - Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, etc. is either a Major or an Ancillary subject. Students from professional courses such as MBBS, BVSc, BDS, B.Pharm, B.Sc., Agriculture and related subjects from a recognized Indian or Foreign University are also eligible. M.Sc., Biochemical Technology (M.Sc., BCT) : A pass in B.Sc degree (55% marks in Part III) in Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Nutrition and Dietetics / Microbiology / Biology / Botany / Zoology / Chemistry / Triple major with Biochemistry and allied subjects. M.Sc., Genomics : A Bachelor's degree in Science (55% marks in Part-III) in any branch of Life Sciences - Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology or equivalent - Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Veterinary Sciences and Agriculture from any recognized Indian or Foreign University. Students with B.Tech. Degrees in Biotechnology, Computer Science, Information Technology and Bioinformatics, with Biology at +2 level are also qualified to apply.

Selection Procedure :
The selection is based on the merit on a 100 points scale with 50% marks for Entrance Test and 50% marks for Interview. The Entrance Test will have components of Microbial Technology, Molecular Biology and Microbiology at Bachelor degree level. The short listed candidates will be called for interview at Madurai. How to apply: Prospectus and application can be downloaded from the following

Web site
http://www.mkugenomics.org (M.Sc Genomics)
http://www.mgtmku.org/ M.Sc (Microbial Gene Technology)
http://www.bctmku.org/ M.Sc (Biochemical Technology)

Broad Format for Entrance Examination :
The Entrance test will cover the areas of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Mathematics at the under graduate level.

Time Table for Admission :
Admission notification

21 January 2007
Application download available from

21 January 2007
Last date for submitting filled-in application

14 February 2007
Entrance Test

17 March 2007

11. University of Pune, Pune

The Department of Management Sciences, University of Pune, has been offering MBA in Biotechnology, one of the newest disciplines in management, encompassing management and biotechnology. University of Pune (PUMBA) has started this pioneering program from the academic year 2002-2003 (intake capacity 60). This is the first such program in any Indian University/Institute and probably in the world. PUMBA is amongst the leading departments of the University of Pune, which provides its students with every possible input required to afford them a clear understanding of the fundamentals of management. Armed with this self-assuredness that comes only with the mastery of one's subject, the students at PUMBA are in the best position to transform their dreams into reality. "PUMBA, the in-house MBA department of the University of Pune, in a tradition true to our University, has successfully managed to interweave the corporate prerequisites with the academic curriculum. This has been made possible, thanks to PUMBA's sincere and diligent endeavors to take cognizance of the collective voice of the corporate. Located in the environs of the industry, PUMBA has its finger firmly placed on the pulse of the industry," said Dr Ashok Kolaskar, Vice Chancellor, University of Pune.

Eligibility :

First Class (as declared by the University) B Sc or equivalent degree in Physical, Chemical or Biological Sciences (including Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences).

Selection Procedure :
Entrance Test followed by group discussion and Interview

12. University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad

The Department of Biochemistry is one of the most competitive and well known Departments in the country. The philosophy of the Department is to emphasize the importance of chemical basis of the living organisms and to provide a strong basis in Biochemistry to understand and persue research in any of the frontier areas of biology such as cellular and Molecular Biology,Medical Biology and Biotechnolgy.At present, the Department carries out research in the areas of Neurochemistry of ageing, Molecular Biology, Molecular Biophysics, Immunology, Bioenergetics , Protein Biochemistry, Drug designing for HIV and Cancer and DNA repair.The faculty have received many highly competitive and peer-reviewed National and International research grants and are also actively collaborating with several reputed Institutions in India and abroad.

13. IARI / ICAR, New Delhi

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) is the country's premier national Institute for agricultural research, education and extension. It has served the cause of science and society with distinction through first rate research, generation of appropriate technologies and development of human resources. In fact, the Green Revolution was born in the fields of IARI and its graduates constitute the core of the quality human resource in India's agricultural research and education. The Institute has all along been adjusting and improving its policies, plans and programmes to effectively respond to the needs and opportunities of the nation. During the fifties, the advancement of scientific disciplines constituted the core programme and provided the base for its fast expansion in the 1960's and 1970's in all its three interactive areas, namely, research, education and extension. Besides basic research, applied and commodity research gained great importance resulting in the development of several popular high yielding varieties of almost all major crops and their associated management technologies, which brought about an unprecedented increase in the national food and agricultural production.

Eligibility :
Candidates having passed their Bachelor’s Degree (or appearing in final year examination), in the field of Agriculture, Veterinary, Agricultural Engineering, Fisheries, Horticulture, Home Science, Sericulture, Dairy Technology, Dairy Engineering, Forestry, Agri. Marketing Banking and Cooperation, Food Science & Technology, Biotechnology, Process & Food Engineering, Computer Science, Basic, and Allied Sciences under 10+2+4 (most seats) or 10+2+3 (only few seats) are eligible to apply for the combined examination for JRF and admission to Master’s Degree Programme as per norms of participating Universities. Candidates must have obtained at least 60% marks or its equivalent OGPA for general category and 55% marks or its equivalent OGPA for SC, ST, Physically Handicapped, and underprivileged states category. Most of the participating Universities/ Institutes in this Examination require four years U.G. degree. In few Universities/ Institutes, graduates from nonagricultural stream are also eligible for admission to Master’s Degree Programme only in some of the specified subjects. For such candidates, if admitted, the duration of Master’s Degree Programme would be of 3 years at IARI and some other Universities as the 1st year will be for completing remedial courses in Agriculture and no fellowship would be paid during the first year to such candidates. For admission, the candidate has to fulfill the eligibility criteria of the concerned University even if he/she is called for counseling.

Selection Procedure :
Performance in the written test only. All India Entrance Examination for admission to 100% seats of Master’s Degree programme at IARI, IVRI, CIFE, NDRI and 25% seats at all the State Agricultural Universities, Central Universities (CAU, BHU, AMU, and Visva Bharti), and AAIDU in the field of Agriculture, Veterinary & Allied Sciences and award of Junior Research Fellowships. The Fellowships based on merit can be availed in Agricultural Universities, ICAR Institutes based Deemed-to-be-Universities, and other institutions namely BHU Varanasi, AMU Aligarh, Vishwa Bharti, and AAI DU Allahabad. There are 475 Fellowships (JRF) in 19 major subject groups which will be awarded based on merit rank of the candidate in this examination.

Broad Format for Entrance Examination :
Question paper consists of two hundred objective question of Biological Sciences.

Time Table for Admission :
Commencement of issue of Application Form

1 March 2007
Last date for issue of application forms :

30 March 2007
Last date for submission of completed application forms

10 April 2007
Date and time of Entrance Examination

19 May 2007

14. Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi

Eligibility :
B.Sc. in any area of Biosciences/ Biotech. (Vocational) with not less than 50%marks in aggregate

Selection Procedure :
In all courses where entrance test is held, admission will be made on the basis of merit determined by the aggregate of marks obtained in written test (85%) and interview (15%).

15. AMU, Aligarh

Course of Study : M. Sc. (Biochemistry)
Intake : 18

Eligibility :
B. Sc. with Biochemistry as main or one of the three optional subjects of equal value with Chemistry as one of the subsidiary/optional subjects with not less than 60% marks both in the aggregate as well as in Biochemistry and Chemistry.

16. Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi

Over the years, the Department of Biochemistry has emerged as an excellent place of biochemistry education in India at M.Sc. level. Performance of students of the department in admission tests for Ph.D. programmes of various prestigious institution of the country such as AIIMS, GTB, JNU, DU etc. has been very good. This performance of students of the department reflects high standards of teaching in the department. The Department of Biotechnology offers M.Sc. in Biotechnology. The students of Biotechnology have high rate of success in NET/ICMR test. They have been selected in reputed institutes including I.I.Sc. Bangalore. Total Seats: 20 each for Biotechnology and Biochemistry

Eligibility :
A candidate seeking admission to M.Sc. programme in Biochemistry/ Biotechnology must passed B.Sc. or equivalent examination with Biochemistry or Chemistry as one of the subjects securing at least 55% marks in the aggregate.

Selection procedure :
For admission to M. Sc. programme in Biochemistry/Biotechnology, a Combined Entrance Test for Master programmes (MET) will be conducted to test the knowledge of the candidates in Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of B.Sc. level. The selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by the performance of the candidates in written test only.

Time Table for Admission :
Sale of Prospectus and Application Forms

01 March - 15 April 2007
Last Date for Submission of Application Forms

15 April 2007
Entrance Tests

20 to 23 May 2007
Announcement of Admission Lists

25 June 2007

17. PGIMER, Chandigarh

The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh was conceived in 1960 as a center of excellence which would endeavour to develop patterns of teaching in postgraduate medical education in as many branches as possible and attempt to produce specialists in several disciplines of medicine. It was also envisaged that these specialists would spread out in the country in various medical colleges and medical institutions and impart medical education of highest standard to the students and set up nucleus of excellence in their own institutions. The PGIMER was also given the responsibility to broaden the horizons of medical knowledge by intensive research in the field of health.

18. JIPMER , Pondicherry

JIPMER traces its origin to 1823 when a medical school called "Ecole de Medicine de Pondichery" was established by French government. In November 1956 the Government of India took over the medical college in the wake of the ‘de facto’ transfer of Pondicherry. The college was upgraded as a Regional Centre and named as Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) on 13th July 1964.

Time Table for Admission :
Date of Release of Advertisement in Newspapers vv

04 March2007
Date of Entrance Examination

17 June 2007
Date of Publication of Merit List (on or before)

18 June 2007
Date of Commencement of course

01 August 2007
27th May 2011, 08:06 PM
united india
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

Colleges normally conduct there own entrance exam, mostly are admitted on merit base. Your overall percentage in your graduation is what counts most.

Colleges in Bangalore offering M.Sc in Biotechnology :

Acharya Institute of Science
No. 51, Cholanagar, RT Nagar,
Bangalore - 560 032
Tel.: (080) 28398688/28398711

Administrative Management College
4th Block, AMC Building, 30th Cross, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560011
Tel.: (080) 26638991/92
Website: www.amceducation.org

Al-Ameen Arts, Science and Commerce College
Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 027
Tel.: (080) 2222402
Website: www.alameen.edu

AM College
6th Main, 30th cross, IV block,
Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560 011

Anupama College of Management Studies and Science
West of Chord Road, Mahalakshmipuram, Bangalore - 560 086
Tel.: (080)23493096/2560086

Bangalore City College
No.13, 10th Cross, Lakshmiya Block, CBI Road, LIC Building,
Ganganagar, Banglaore – 560 024

Capital College
No. 628/C, 11th Cross, I Stage,
Old Madras Road, Bangalore – 560 038
Tel.: (080) 25288831

Dayananda Sagar College of Management and Information Technology
Shavige Malleshwara hills, Kumaraswamy layout, Bangalore - 560 078
Tel.: (080) 26662226

Don Bosco's College of Science and Management
475, 39 C Cross, 9th Main, 5th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560011
Tel.: (080) 26653248

Dolphin College
215, 39th A Cross, 5th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560 041
Tel.: (080) 26653248

East West College of Technology
2nd Stage, Rajajinagar, Bangalore – 560 010
Tel.: (080) 23423110/23321270
Website: www.ewit.edu

East Point College of Higher Education
Bidarahalli Virgonagar Post,
Bangalore-560 049
Tel: 080-28473777,28473888

Garden City College of Management and Science
RM Nagar Main Road, Banaswadi,
Bangalore - 560 043
Tel.: (080) 25613583/22972744

Ganga Kaveri Institute of Science and Management
No. 1709, 1710/28, 80 feet Road, Dr Rajkumar Road, Rajajinagar,
Bangalore - 560 010
Tel.: (080) 23429266
Website: www.education.vsnl.com

Goutam College
258, 5th Main Road, II Cross, Manjunath Nagar, I Stage, WoC Road, Rajajinagar,
Bangalore – 560 010
Tel.: (080) 23303737, 23385300

Government Science College
Nrupathunga Road, Bangalore - 560 001
Tel.: (080) 22212924

HKES College
2nd cross, Rajmahal Vilas Extension,
Sadashivanagar, Bangalore - 560 080

Indian Academy Degree College
Hennur Cross, Kalyan Nagar,
Bangalore – 560 043
Tel.: (080) 25442370/25444103
Website: www.iadcollege.com

KKECS Institute of Management and Computer Science
No. 3/2, Ambalipura, Sarjapura Road, Bangalore - 560 037
Tel.: (080) 28439397

Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women
63/5 3rd Main, Malleshwaram
Bangalore - 560 003
Tel.: (080) 23349311/23360816

Colleges in DELHI are :

Amity Institute of Biotechnology
AKC House, Defense Colony,
New Delhi (Head Office)
Tel.: 0120 - 2432400
Amity helpline : 1600-11-00-00 (toll-free)
Website: www.amity.edu/aib

Asia Pacific Institute of Management
Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110 044
Tel.: (011) 26947838/26951542
Website: www.asiapacific.edu/

BioInformatics Institute of India
B-15, Sector - 3, Noida - 201 301
Tel.: 2442815/2816/2518421
Website: www.bioinformaticscentre.org

Electronics Niketan, 6,CGO Complex, New Delhi - 110 003
Tel.: 24364870
Website: www.doeacc.org.in

JayPee Institute
A-10, Sector-62, Noida - 201307
Tel.: (0120) 2400973-976
Website: www.jiitindia.org/jiit/

STG International Ltd
176, Gautam Nagar,
Gurgaon - 110049
Tel.: (0124) 5100251-253
Website: www.stgglobal.com

You can go through colleges's website for more details.
27th May 2011, 08:12 PM
Sumit Ahujaa
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

Top 35 Biotech Colleges for doing M.Sc Biotech
India Colleges

scroll down to see Top 20 Private Biotech Colleges of IndiaBelow is the most recent list of Top 35 Biotech Institutes offering M.Sc Biotech in India. have a look
S.No Name of the Institute Address
1. Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology, Trivandrum Trivandrum, Kerala
2. School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
3. National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal Karnal, Haryana
4. Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai Mumbai, Maharashtra
5. Department of Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi
6. University School of Biotechnology, Guru Govind Singh Indraprasths University New Delhi
7. Department of Microbiology & Biotechnology Centre, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayaji Rao University of Baroda Vadodra, Gujarat
8. Department of Animal Biotechnology, Madras Veterinary College, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chennai, Tamil Nadu
9. University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Punjab University Chandigarh
10. Department of Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
11. Bioinformatics Centre, University of Pune Pune, Maharashtra
12. Avinashilinagam University for Women Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
13. Center for Biotechnology, Anna University Chennai, Tamil Nadu
14. Dr BC Guha Center for Engineering & Biotechnology, University of Calcutta Kolkata, West Bengal
15. Department of Biotechnology, University of Kashmir Hazratbal, Jammu & Kashmir
16. Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar Hisar, Hariyana
17. School of Biotechnology, Maduari Kamraj University Maduari, Tamil Nadu
18. Department of Biochemistry, University of Lucknow Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
19. Department of Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science & Technology Cochin, Kerala
20. Department of Microbiology, Bangalore University Bangalore, Karnataka
21. National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research Mohali, Punjab
22. Department of Biotechnology, Bharathiar University Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
23. Department of Biotechnology, Himachal Pradesh University Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
24. Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore Indore Madhya Pradesh
25. Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh
26. Department of Biotechnology, Karnataka University Dharwad Dharwad, Karnataka
27. Department of Biotechnology, Punjab University Chandigarh
28. School of Biotechnology, Banaras Hindu University Varansi, Uttar Pradesh
29. Sri Krishnadevaraya University Anantpur, Andhra Pradesh
30. Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
31. Department of Biotechnology, University of Calicut Calicut, Kerala
32. Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, MS University of Baroda Varodara, Gujarat
33. Department of Biotechnology, Government Science College Bangalore, Karnataka
34. Department of Biotechnology, Gulbarga University Gulbarga, Karnataka
35. Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi
36. Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala
35. Deptt. of Studies in Applied Botany and Biotechnology, University of Mysore Mysore, Karnataka
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3rd June 2011, 01:02 AM
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

admission procedure for MSc biotech colleges under Banglore University for 2011
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20th June 2011, 02:32 PM
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

best collages to study msc biotech in punjab,
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28th June 2011, 01:17 AM
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

Originally Posted by vidya14 View Post
Respected sir/mam

i wrote my sixth semester exam in bsc biotech from madras university and planning to do my msc in biotech...
May i know about the good college for biotech in delhi, bangalore... Also about the entrance exam and admission detail of the college...
Hope your advice may make my career shine......

Thanking you

the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi :-

ICAR, New Delhi
M. Sc. Agricultural Biotechnology

M.Sc. in Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

M.Sc. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biotechnology

M.Sc. in Biochemistry, Plant Biotechnology and Animal Biotechnology

ACBR, University of Delhi
M. Sc. In Biomedical Sciences

AIIMS, New Delhi
M. Sc. In Biotechnology

PGI, Chandigarh
M. Sc. In Biochemistry / Biotechnology

the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Bangalore :-

Acharya Institute of Technology.

B. M. S. College of Engineering

CMR Institute of Technology

Institute of Bioinformatics & Applied Biotechnology

M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology

M. V. J. College of Engineering (MVJCE)

Nagarjuna College of Engineering & Technology

all the best.
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20th July 2011, 05:27 PM
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

will u send me detail abt msc biotect entrance ? to no.9975057431
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29th October 2011, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

msc biotechnology college list in mumbai.private colleges and deemed university and the admission procedure
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9th November 2011, 05:49 PM
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

sir please sand me the eligibilty and syllabus for M Sc animal bio technology.I'm doing pure B. Sc.
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13th March 2013, 08:24 AM
Join Date: Feb 2013
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?


the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore

1.BioInformatics Institute of India

2.STG International Ltd

3.Amity Institute of Biotechnology

4.HKES College

5.KKECS Institute of Management and Computer Science

6.Asia Pacific Institute of Management

7.Indian Academy Degree College

8.Ganga Kaveri Institute of Science and Management

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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27th March 2013, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

MSc Biotech colleges in Delhi-

1 Delhi university,
Established in 1922,

2 Sri Venkatswara college,
Established in 1961,

3 Jawaharlal Nehru university department of biotechnology,
Established in 1985

4 Jamia Milia Islamia university,
Established in 1921,

5 Delhi institute of technology and pharmaceutical sciences,

6 All India institute of medical sciences,

7 Indian institute of technology,
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14th June 2013, 05:18 PM
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

dear friend.....

good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore

1.Anupama College of Management Studies and Science
2.Al-Ameen Arts, Science and Commerce College
3.Don Bosco's College of Science and Management
4.Capital College
5.Bangalore City College
6.East Point College of Higher Education
7.AM College
8.Ganga Kaveri Institute of Science and Management
9.Goutam College
10.East West College of Technology
11.Indian Academy Degree College
12.Indian Academy Degree College
13.Amity Institute of Biotechnology
14.Indian Academy Degree College
15.Asia Pacific Institute of Management
16.JayPee Institute
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7th December 2013, 10:53 PM
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Default Re: Which are the good colleges for MSc Biotech in Delhi, Bangalore? Which is the entrance exam?

what is the rank of dayanand sagar institute in bangalore in terms of faculty in m.sc bn iotechnology
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