27th January 2013, 03:14 AM
Which are the good Ph.D topics in Medical Microbiology?
please,suggest to me a good phd topic in medical microbiology(bacteriology).Thanks.
21st September 2013, 10:17 AM
Sir, I am Medical lab Technologist at govt hospital, Khetri Nagar Jhunjhunu , Rajasthan . I want to do Phd in medical /clinical microbiology . Kindly please suggest me some topic for my research.
5th January 2014, 05:18 PM
sir hv a done a msc in microbiology i want to do a phd in medical microbiology so send me a suitable topice for it
30th June 2020, 08:31 PM
These are some of the topics you can choose from: Bacterial physiology and pathogenesis. Fungal physiology and pathogenesis. Protozoan physiology and pathogenesis. Virology and viral pathogenesis. Molecular genetics of retroviral diseases. Immunobiology. Autoimmune diseases. Translational and clinical microbiology and immunology. I hope this helps. Thank you. |