24th April 2013, 01:10 PM
How can I prepare for CAT entrance exam? I am a final year BBM student
Kumar, im a final year BBM student. Can u guide me when to prepare for my CAT Exams. What are the best books to be referred for the CAT Exam and a model of question paper with solution is preferable. Thnk u.
7th May 2013, 10:57 PM
CAT comprises questions from topics like Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation, GK, Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning. Self study or training under coaching centre can be employed for exam preparation. Reference books like Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Exams by Guha Abhijit, and R.S. Agarawal books on verbal reasoning can be used for studies. Exam preparations should be started now itself. Reading newspaper will be useful to clear GK section.
8th May 2013, 01:57 PM
CAT Entrance exams includes Verbal English Ability Quants/ Math Ability Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning Verbal/english ability includes Reading comprehension, verbal reasoning, syllogisms, analogies, antonyms and synonyms, fill in the blanks, sentence correction, idioms, etc. Quants includes Number systems, geometry, trigonometry, probability, permutation combination, algebra, mensuration, time and work, averages, percentages, profit and loss, quadratic and linear equations, etc. Data Interpretation includes Interpretation and analysis of data based on text, tables, graphs (line, area), charts (column, bar, pie), venn diagram, etc Logical reasoning includes Clocks, calendars, binary logic, seating arrangement, blood relations, logical sequence, assumption, premise, conclusion, linear and matrix arrangement, etc You can start with any book that contains the above syllabus. You can join good coaching classes to ensure syllabus coverage and good practice. To start with you can take R. S . Agarwal. All the best |
5th July 2013, 09:19 PM
I m sunil frm bangalore, can i get a information whether final year bbm students can apply for cat extrance or not in this november 2013
when wil the cat results announced and when wil be the councilling starts? Pls provide a ans for this question please reply as soon as possible??? |