22nd July 2014, 03:10 AM
Posts: n/a

How do I know my NDA entrance examination venue?

sir please help me how i know my nda 2 2014 examination venue....

registration id :11437014607
please sir ...
give me answer sir

29th April 2016, 07:51 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 316
Default Re: How do I know my NDA entrance examination venue?

NDA entrance exam venue is given in the admit card published by UPSC.
The venue of examination timing roll number and all other details are available in admit card which is generally issued by UPSC.

You must have filled all your details while applying for NDA exam on line or offline after submitting it you must have your unique Registration number,that unique registration number is your identity.

Now NDA is conducted by UPSC(Union Public Service Commission) and you have submitted your form through UPSC only.
Hence all your details will be mentioned among your Name,Roll no,Venuse,Exam time in admit card which will be published in the official website of UPSC.
UPSC will publish admit cards in their own website in the admit card which will be in .pdf form all your details will be there,you need to download your admit card by putting your unique registration number.

Do not panic UPSC issues admit card exactly three weeks or 21 days before examination takes place,you just download the admit card will be able to find all your details.
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