29th April 2013, 05:56 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 1

How to do M.Tech in Structural engineering at Correspondence?

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is Shilpa working as Project manager(related to civil & stuctural Engg), interested to do M tech in Civil Structural Engg as corresondence degree. I have degree BE in I&P(Mech Engg), do i eligible for Mtech in Structural Engg. or if any courses please let me know in good university.


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31st October 2013, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: How to do M.Tech in Structural engineering at Correspondence?

How can i do my post graduation in structural engg as distance education.
1st December 2015, 10:13 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to do M.Tech in Structural engineering at Correspondence?

Originally Posted by shilpajraj View Post
Dear Sir/Madam,

This is Shilpa working as Project manager(related to civil & stuctural Engg), interested to do M tech in Civil Structural Engg as corresondence degree. I have degree BE in I&P(Mech Engg), do i eligible for Mtech in Structural Engg. or if any courses please let me know in good university.

Hi Shilpa,
I am Ashish from Mumbai. I have the same querry. If you happened to get the answer from any source to your question, please share it here.
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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