8th August 2013, 11:49 AM
How to go for civil after completing graduation in B.Pharm?
Hello sir my name is Gulam Jilani recently i completed my graduation.B Pharm.i get intresting in civil service.i wanna go for civil preapration and associated with dis so kindly get m suitble instruction to preapre it.which subject i choose optional prmlnry an mains and a coaching institute also.thanx
13th August 2016, 03:06 PM
Civil services examination are conducted by Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) once in a year.
Eligibility to appear in UPSC civil services examination are -Candidate must have completed Bachelor degree in any disciple from any recognized university. -Candidate must be of age 21-32 years. Number of attempts is also limited for general and OBS candidates which is 6 and 8 while no limit for SC/ST candidates. To crack UPSC civil services examination, students need to labor very hard and study the whole syllabus with full concentration as each topic must be necessarily studied. Preparation is be smart so that you don't waste much time in studying such material which are not important for examination point of view and for that students need coaching institute to show them right path towards their goal. Best coaching institute for preparation are -Vajirao and Ravi -Chanakya IAS -Raus Academy. |