18th July 2010, 12:07 PM
How much scope for BSc CS freshers?
I am a freher in BSc Compuer Science, trying my luck in this world.I would like to know how much is the scope for a BSc CS fresher in the IT field. Hoping for a guideline |
14th August 2012, 11:59 PM
B.Sc. computer science course is one of the job oriented graduate level course. As depicted by the name of the course itself B.A. computer science course involves the study and understanding of computer information processes. The study of the course is based on developing and predicting computer information processes to be able to transform them into computer hardware’s and computer software’s. The course structure consists of algorithms, engineering software’s, program and data representation, computing architecture, mathematics, statistics, multimedia, software testing, computer networking etc.
Eligibility and Duration The minimum eligibility criterion is 10+2 certificate. The duration of the courses is three years. It does not necessarily require that a student applying for B.Sc. computer science should have science background. Scope and Job Prospects The B.Sc. computer science course lays a strong foundation in a student to apply for jobs in computer industry. Students after successful completion of the course can apply with computer institutes, computer based firms, IT companies, schools, colleges, private computer training institutes etc. However a student may also opt for higher education and apply for M.Sc. computer science or an MBA course. A masters degree ids always helpful while seeking for a job, as companies are always looking for skilled and qualified professional. Students after B.Sc. computer science course can also go for B.Ed. degree and venture into the field of teaching. Hence, we can say that B.Sc. computer science is a graduate level course which is open to students from all backgrounds and is highly in demand. Course Structure Computer Fundamentals & Programming Computer Architecture & Computer Programming Data Structure & Programming Methodology Business Data Processing Database Management Systems Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Methods Laboratory Practices Digital Systems Database Management Systems Object Oriented Analysis and Design System Software Professional IT Skills and Human Rights Computer Networks Internet and e-commerce Data and File Structures Microprocessors and Applications Computer Architecture Operations Research Computer Graphics Operating Systems Software Engineering Discrete Structures Calculus 1 Books Recommended R.G. Dromey, How to solve it by Computer, Prentice Hall of India. H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, JAVA: How to Program, Pearson Education C.L. Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill J.P. Trembley, R.Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science, Tata McGraw Hill D.E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming Vol.I: Fundamental Algorithms, Addison Wesley J.Kelly, TheEssence of Logic, Prentice Hall of India T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, Prentices Hall of India P. Lax, S. Burstein, A. Lax, Calculus with Applications and Computing Vol. I, Springer Verlag Malvino, Digital Principles and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition J. Aitchison, The Articulate Mammal, Hutchinson, London G. Yule, The Study of Language, Cambridge University Press S. Sahni, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill |
7th May 2015, 09:03 PM