30th May 2012, 10:39 AM
How to prepare for EIL Exam?
tell me how to prepare EIL exam pls reply as soon as possible in my email- [email protected]
30th May 2012, 01:12 PM
![]() Quote:
hi friend, [SIZE=4]This exam is based on only Technical paper.If you have qualify in written exam then they will call you for Interview. So you can study well to your study books because maximum no are comes from B-TECH syllabus EIL question paper will be objective type total 150 number of question. There are 50 questions from English and 100 questions will be from aptitude and general knowledge. you can get the one mark for right question and .025 penalties per question for wrong answer. Every question have 4th multiple type answer you need to select the right question and tick from a black ball pen . you need to give more time for aptitude questions section. This is a very high and competitive type section of EIL Exam. General (GK) part mostly related from current activities and history. The vocabulary part of EIL Exam also will be hard but you need to solve only 5 questions from vocabulary part. i think that those candidates prepare for MBA entrance exam the EIL question paper will be easy for them. [/SIZE][FONT=Calibri][/FONT] |
30th May 2012, 01:20 PM
tell me how to prepare EIL exam pls reply as soon as possible in my email- [email protected]
8th June 2012, 11:43 PM
how to prepare for eil exam,(m from cse branch)....give details on [email protected]
13th June 2012, 09:08 PM
I am an b.e eee student and I am gone attend the eil exam this year.is there any books in specific so that I can go through for my technical part.
[email protected] |
5th July 2012, 03:30 PM
how to prepare for eil exam,(m from IT branch)....give details on [email protected]
17th December 2012, 10:12 AM
pleace send me the difference between gate syllabus and EIL syllabus for cse on my email id
: [email protected] |