19th November 2010, 11:30 AM
Ankit Nagori
Junior Member
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I have completed my BE in computer science : What to do next?

I completed my BE in Sept in Computer Science and since from I m in searching for a good job but can't get the job. Now it almost 2 year are going to be and still not getting any idea to "what to do?" Please suggest me what to do know should I join a course or any other option.

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22nd November 2010, 08:25 AM
Jinu Alex
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Default Re: I have completed my BE in computer science : What to do next?

dear friend,
since you have tried for job in many places, but to get only disappointed, why not try getting certified courses in C,C++, JAVA or get yourself mastered in various operating softwares like LINUX and get certified in them.
also you have another option of attending courses in multimedia and animations, 3D networking and graphics.
all these above mentioned courses would act as boon or additional bonuses for you when you submit your resume. but be careful to get yourself certified from a reputed center. just have a detailed study of which course you want to join as per your interests and the centers of training that suits the best for it.
you have another option of studying for GATE or CAT exams and cracking them well and study M.E or mba. all depends upon your selection and interest.
so, All the very best. God bless you.
31st December 2010, 07:30 PM
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Default Re: I have completed my BE in computer science : What to do next?

Dear friend,

There are many options for you that will be fruitful for your career. If you stay in the academic field, then you must complete your M.E in CS.

That will give you the right way to seek for any job.

Other than that you can also go for an MCA and can get placed in renowned software companies.

Get some important professional courses, from reputed institutions that will make your CV strong.

All the best!
6th March 2011, 12:53 PM
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Default Re: I have completed my BE in computer science : What to do next?

Hello...........I think it was wrong on your part to just sit at home after your B.E and wait for a job.You would be knowing about your own abilities.If you didn't get a job during campus placements which meant either you were unlucky or didn't have enough smartness.
If you cannot develop smartness then atleast go for higher studies so that you can atleast have education advantage on your side.You should start doing some parttime jobs atleast if you don't want toi study further till you get a permanent job.You sign up in www.letsintern.com.They'll send you details regarding part time jobs available and at the same time you keep searching for jobs.
You can be a member of this site and post answers like we do.That won't bring you too much money but atleast you'll get some work.Think fast and act faster.Already 2 years are down the drain.WAKE UP!
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11th April 2011, 08:31 PM
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Default Re: I have completed my BE in computer science : What to do next?

Originally Posted by Ankit Nagori View Post
I completed my BE in Sept in Computer Science and since from I m in searching for a good job but can't get the job. Now it almost 2 year are going to be and still not getting any idea to "what to do?" Please suggest me what to do know should I join a course or any other option.
hi friend.
as u r searching job in computer science field for which u have qualification..
then you must complete your M.E in computer science.....................if not then
it will be better if u do any short term course as it ill be better for your path of searching jobs.....
u can do programming languages courses like pgdca,tally,Visual Basic .NET

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24th April 2011, 11:39 PM
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Default Re: I have completed my BE in computer science : What to do next?

tell me about the scope of government job after b.tech in it??
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12th May 2011, 06:28 PM
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Default Re: I have completed my BE in computer science : What to do next?

I have completed my BE in computer science in 2004 but iam working in call center & my salary is 7000 only iam not intersested to work in call center,but if i attend a interview they say we are looking for freshers & experienced person so what course is better for me or i can do MBA what would be better for my future
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29th August 2011, 09:20 PM
amaan khan ak
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Default Re: I have completed my BE in computer science : What to do next?

Originally Posted by Ankit Nagori View Post
I completed my BE in Sept in Computer Science and since from I m in searching for a good job but can't get the job. Now it almost 2 year are going to be and still not getting any idea to "what to do?" Please suggest me what to do know should I join a course or any other option.
I know its a very bad time for you but dont loose your confidence.You have so much scope in IT field.You have to try for a job but first choose any perticular field.Programming is a very good option.If you have good knowledge in programming then you can get a job easily.If you dont have command on a perticular field then choose the one and do hard work for that field.Java and .net are good programming languages in now these days.Both having good scope for future.
One another option is also present which is further education.You can also do your further education in mtech.It give you so much opprotunities for future.
So dont give up.Its time to do hard work.

All the best
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12th November 2011, 12:31 AM
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Default Re: I have completed my BE in computer science : What to do next?

After you have done your B.E in Computer Science, in my opinion you should go for the M.E.

If you do your masters from a good university, then it would add a lot of value to your B.E degree too.

So next you sit for the GATE exam, and crack it trying to score the maximum score and rank.
Based on that you can take a seat in any of the IIT's or NIT's and pursue your M.E in computers.

Then you can apply for jobs, and mind you , you would get a lot better job than just the B.Techs.

All the best.

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