1st February 2011, 10:44 PM
ICET student material for the entrance exam?
nw i am pursuing my b.tech final year......
i wish to attend for next icet exam .....so i need icet material to prepare my own at home. can i know the website to download material. thank you |
10th February 2011, 12:14 PM
sir...am sravanthi pursuing btech ece final year...am gonna write icet xam...can u please send me icet material and icet previous papers to my email id
19th February 2011, 05:33 PM
sir...am sairam pursuing btech ece final year...am gonna write icet xam...can u please send me icet material and icet previous papers to my email id
23rd April 2011, 04:22 PM
sir, my self vishal pande but my application form mistake in my name please check. i am send the application form complite document with orignal DD. but check the application status and hallticket but my hallticket is not be issue. sir all requiement are complited by information booklet.
sir, . i am DD drawn on SBI Bank in favour of The Secretary, APSCHE, payable at Hyderabad and send to the DD to The Convener, ICET-2011, A U College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam 530 003 by speed post date is 10/3/2011. my e-mail id is prince.vishal1@gmail.com |
4th May 2011, 04:24 AM
Hi Sir,
this is mohit here from hyderabad, Reg: Late fees charges Although i submitted my ICET aplplication form on time ...but i got the acknowlegement stating tht to pay Rs500/- as a late fees charges... i tried contacting andhra university bt no responce has given..all my friends submitted along with me and late has got no late fees charges than why my application has got? please have a look at the issue and reply back to me at mohitbafna2010@gmail.com/yahoo.com Please do the need full. |
4th May 2011, 04:33 AM
Hi Sir,
This is Mohit here from Hyderabad, Rag: Late fees charges, Although I submitted my application form on time but still got the acknowledgement stating that to pay late fees charge of Rs500/-....all my friend who submitted along with me and later has got the hall ticket without any late fees charge...even I tried to contact Andhra university but they were unable to provide any info. so kindly please let me know why only my acknowledgement is asking to pay late fees charger. please mail me on mohitbafna2010@gmail.com/yahoo.com please try to solve the issue ASAP or provide me the guidance to approach the higher authorities to solve the issue. Thanks & Regards, Mohit...... |
1st July 2011, 01:34 AM
Dear Friend,
you follow better book for ICET is GSR book for ICET and also you follow RS Agarwal for Arithmetic For Reasoning you Rs Agarwal Word power Made easy for vocabulary and read at least two novels. Daily Hindu News paper. |
18th July 2011, 09:52 PM
hi sir..i am divya pursuing b.tech final year..and i want to attend the icet exam..next year..and i want to prepare at home..will you please send me the icet material for entrance exam..my email id is..divya.valeti@gmail.com
7th September 2011, 07:17 PM
Dear sir, this is MANIKANTA REDDY I got 32156 rank in icet 2011, my degree percentage is 51% in Groups, but in aggregate iam having 49.3%. I am from OC catagery, I was shocked when I saw the notification that 50% in aggregate marks is must for OC catagery. Finally i am rejected from icet2011 counselling%u2026 so i am eligible or not for studying M.B.A course please tell me sir... Is there any possible to get admission through management quota%u2026 .my degree valid or not%u2026%u2026. Iam waiting for your suggestion.. 9291281723
13th November 2011, 02:25 AM
ive completed my degree in distance the year of 2011 november so now i would like to join mba wat is the date of i-cet entrance exam pls tell me the details to my email mraghu39@gmail.com Thank you |
2nd December 2011, 10:55 PM
Hi Sir, I am Ashwini pursuing B.Sc final year.I wants to attend the icet exam next year and i wants to prepare at home.So, will you please send me the icet material for entrance exam.My email id is d.ashwini96@gmail.com
13th March 2012, 12:51 PM
hai sir, im bindu pursuing my btech final year can you send icet materal to prepare at home and can tell me the books through vch i can score good marks.i want to attempt exam in this may.my mail id:bindu.charming21@gmail.com
1st April 2012, 01:48 AM
![]() Quote:
ICET- Integreted common entrance test conducted by governament of andhrapradesh for admission to master of computer applications(MCA) and master of business administration(MBA) courses offered by various colleges in andhrapradesh. ICET 2012 ELIGIBILITY CRETERIA: For MBA: A Candidate must have a bacholar's degree or equivalent from a recognized university For MCA: A Candidate must have a bacholer's degree or any equivaleny from a recognized university. ICET 2012 PATTERN/SYLLUBUS SECTION A: Analytical ability 1)DATA SUFFICIENCY-20 QUESTIONS 2)PROBLEM SOLVING-55 QUESTINS SECTION-B:MATHEMATICAL ABILITY 1)ARITHAMATICAL ABILITY-35 QUESTIONS 2)STASTICAL ABILITY-10 QUESTTIONS 3)ALGEBRA & GEOMATRICAL ABILITY-30QUESTIONS SECTION-C:COMMUNICATION ABILITY 1)VOCABULARY- 10 QUESTIONS 2)BUSINESS & COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY-10 QUESTIONS 3)READING COMPREHENSION-15 QUESTIONS 4)FUNCTION GRAMMER- 15 QUESTIONS |
6th April 2012, 10:31 AM
sir...am praveena pursuing btech ece final year...am gonna write icet xam...can u please send me icet material and icet previous papers to my email id praveena4599@gmail.com or mona8990@gmail.com...please sir send as soon as possible......
28th April 2012, 09:21 PM
4th June 2012, 01:26 PM
![]() Quote:
manabadiresult.blogspot.com/.../ap-icet-2012-study-materiel-and-mo... www.jbigdeal.com/icet-2012-question-papers-solution-previous-year... www.ischools.in/icet/ICET_Model_Papers_for_MCA.php www.tcyonline.com/exam-preparation-mca-icet...sample-and.../icet www.webstatschecker.com/stats/keyword/icet_study_material |
27th April 2013, 12:52 PM
Hi ...
This is V.H.Reddy, i completed my b.tech CSE stream 2012 batch. since Last one year searching for a software job but i dont got any job. Now im planning to study postgraduation in MBA or M.TECH. So kindly suggest me which is good for me either MBA r M.Tech.. my email id:vhreddy4@gmail.com |
15th May 2013, 06:27 PM
Hi Sir,
this is mohit here from hyderabad, Reg: Late fees charges Although i submitted my ICET aplplication form on time ...but i got the acknowlegement stating tht to pay Rs500/- as a late fees charges... i tried contacting andhra university bt no responce has given..all my friends submitted along with me and late has got no late fees charges than why my application has got? please have a look at the issue and reply back to me at mohitbafna2010@gmail.com/yahoo.com Please do the need full |