22nd February 2013, 04:17 PM
Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
I need last five years cbse board question papers of class 12th for preparation of physics, chemistry and biology
29th April 2013, 03:43 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
If an object is rotating with angular velocity 2w and a plane mirror is infront it and rotating with w then the angular velocity of image is 3w or not
16th May 2013, 12:37 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
last 10 years cbse exam paper pcm
21st May 2013, 07:23 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry
Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/last-5-years-cbse-board-exam-question-papers-class-12th-prepare-physics-chemistry-biology-1082409.html#ixzz2Tvnad6oz |
30th May 2013, 05:01 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
I need last five years cbse board papers of 12th commerce for practise of maths and economics please sent papers on my gmail id [email protected].
Help me! |
15th June 2013, 01:58 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
i want last 5 years question papers of 12 science all subjects. send papers on my yahoo id [email protected] all subjects
23rd June 2013, 01:32 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
i want last 5 years question papers of 12 maths all subjects. send papers on my gmail id [email protected] i will be thank ful
15th July 2013, 11:32 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Here are some tips by which you can score good marks. 1) Prepare Time Table: Try to study as least four subjects out of total five per day. This will keep your memory sharp for all subjects. Then spend one hour for a single subject. It means, you to give four hours daily for your all four subjects. But dont study continuously. Just make a schedule 2) Study with Short Breaks: Do not study continuously for more than 30 to 45 minutes. Give a break of five to ten minutes in between two sessions. 3) Explain to yourself: Pretend you are both the student and the teacher, and try to explain the chapter or study topic to yourself. 4) Discuss: Discuss important study topics with a willing classmate. Holding such discussion will jog your memory. This is like another form of revision. 5) Sleep Well: Sleep for at least six hours. Eight hours is best. Here is a link by which you can download CBSE papers of 12th class. http://mycbseguide.com/blog/cbse-sample-paper-2010-for-class-12/ All the Best |
6th August 2013, 10:35 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
I need last five years cbse board question papers of class 12th for preparation of physics, chemistry and biology mathematics & english[/QUOTE]
9th August 2013, 12:56 AM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
I need last five years CBSE board exam solved question paper of 12th class for preparation of mathematics, physics, chemistr y, English. Please send me on [email protected]
23rd November 2013, 10:41 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
incomplete,,directions of rotationnot given
10th June 2014, 04:06 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Hello friend you can download the previous 5 years question papers from the official website of CBSE.
2nd December 2014, 11:05 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
16th December 2014, 11:08 AM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
i need last five yesrs cbse board exam solved question paper of 12th class for preparation of mathematics,physics,chemistry,english please send me on [email protected]
20th January 2015, 09:50 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Please send last 5 years CBSE BOARD papers class 10 to my mail id
[email protected] Would be thankful |
29th January 2015, 04:02 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
I need last five years cbse board exams of class 12 th for the preparation of subjects chemistry, physics, mathematics, english and physical education. Plz send me on [email protected]
29th January 2015, 04:25 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
I need last 5 years board exams of class 12 th for the preparation of subjects chemistry, physics, mathematics, english and physical education. Plz send me on [email protected]
23rd February 2015, 10:40 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Last 5 years Chemistry,physics,maths board papers send me : [email protected],if possible send me its solution also ty so much for support if can!
8th August 2015, 01:03 PM
Re: Last 5 years CBSE board exam question papers for class 12th to prepare for Physics, Chemistry and Biology
please 4 years Chemistry,physics,maths CBSEboard papers send me : [email protected],if possibal send me its solution also.