24th September 2012, 11:49 AM
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Maximum age limit to appear for TNPSC Group I and II exam

could u please mention to me Maximum age limit for appearing for TNPSC Group I and II exam?

18th November 2012, 09:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Maximum age limit to appear for TNPSC Group I and II exam

what is the age limit for group 1?in 2012
23rd December 2012, 07:52 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Maximum age limit to appear for TNPSC Group I and II exam

upper age limit of sc candidate for group 1 tnpsc exams
27th February 2013, 08:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Maximum age limit to appear for TNPSC Group I and II exam

wat are the eligibilities for an sc candidate to appear for group exam
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12th May 2013, 05:04 PM
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Default Re: Maximum age limit to appear for TNPSC Group I and II exam

My age 36
I am Most backward class(MBC)
Can i apply tnpsc group2
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31st May 2013, 10:58 PM
vikash kumar prajapati
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Default Re: Maximum age limit to appear for TNPSC Group I and II exam

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
could u please mention to me Maximum age limit for appearing for TNPSC Group I and II exam?
Details for TNPSC(Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission) Eligibility
Details for Group I
  • Minimum educational qualification should be degree passed out in any discipline from recognized university.
  • You should also have a Knowledge of Computer Fundamentals and its Working Principles.
  • Your minimum age should be 21 year's.
  • Your age should not be above 35 year's.
Posts Details
  • Total Number of Vacancies - 292.
  • Salary - Rs 5200 to 20200.
  • Grade Pay - Rs 2400.
Details for Group II

  • Minimum educational qualification should be Inter passed out in nay discipline from recognized board/university.
  • Your minimum age should be 18 year's.
  • Your age should not be above 28 year's.
  • You should have the Knowledge of Typewriting and Short-Hand.
Posts Details
  • Total Number of vacancies - 353.
  • Salary - Rs 4500 to Rs 15,500.
  • Grade Pay - Rs 1500.
Age Relaxation Details :-
  • For SC/ST(Arunthathiyas) will get age relaxations of 5 year's.
  • For MBCs/DCs/BCs/BCMs will get age relaxations of 3 year's.
  • For Widows/Divorced will get age relaxations of 10 year's.

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5th September 2013, 10:48 PM
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Default Re: Maximum age limit to appear for TNPSC Group I and II exam

My age is 40.which government job is eligible for me?
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17th September 2013, 06:03 PM
Junior Member+
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 46
Thumbs up Re: Maximum age limit to appear for TNPSC Group I and II exam

Eligibility conditions for TNPSC Group I are,
Educational qualifications
Physical Qualifications

Age (as on the prescribed date)

Minimum age limit � Should have completed 21 years for all candidates
Maximum age limit � Should not have completed 35 years for SCs, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs and Destitute Widows of all castes. 30 years for candidates not belonging to any of the above said categories
For the post of Commercial Tax Officer - For candidates possessing B.L/Law Degree of any University or Institution recognised by the University Grants Commission - must be below 36 years in the case of SCs, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs and Destitute Widows of all castes and 31 years in the case of candidates not belonging to any of the above said categories
For the post of Deputy Registrar of Co-operative Societies: (Post Code : 1004) In respect of candidates who have held the post of Manager, Secretary or Executive Officer of the Tamil Nadu State Co-operative Bank, Tamil Nadu State Land Development Bank, Tamil Nadu Handloom Weavers� Co-operative Society, The Tamil Nadu Co-operative Union, Co-operative Central Bank, Co-operative Wholesale Stores or The Co-operative Marketing Federation for a period of not less than two years, the maximum age-limit will be increased by two years
Age relaxation of 5 years in the maximum age limit will be applicable to persons (viz., unemployed youth and those who are in Government Service) affected by the ban orders as per the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.98, P&AR(S) Department dated 17.07.06 and G.O.Ms.No.152, P&AR(S) Department dated 18.09.06 respectively
Candidates not belonging to SCs, STs, MBCs/DCs and BCs (i.e. others) who have put in five years of service in the State/Central Government are not eligible to apply, even though they are within the age limit
The Technical and Non-technical staff of TANSI who are facing retrenchment and have not been absorbed in the Government Corporations/Undertakings may also apply (evidence to be produced), if they satisfy all the prescribed qualifications except age. The relevant age rule will be relaxed by the Government in their favour, if they come up for selection
Emergency Commissioned Officers may also apply for that

Educational Qualification

Candidates should possess the following or such other qualification as have been declared to be higher than or equivalent to the said qualification by the State Government in consultation with the Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of the Chairman, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission for the purpose

A Degree of any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or any other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956
The Candidates who have written the final year degree examination may also apply to the Preliminary Examination for direct recruitment to the posts included in Group-I Services, subject to the condition that they should produce proof of having passed the degree examination when admitted to the Main Written Examination failing which they will not be admitted to the Main Written Examination
The Candidates who have passed the final professional M.B.B.S or any other Medical Examination but have not completed the internship may also apply to the Preliminary Examination for direct recruitment to the posts included in Group-I Services provided they should submit along with their applications a copy of Certificate from the concerned authority of the University/Institution that they had passed the requisite final professional Medical examination. In such cases, the candidates will be required to produce at the time of their Interview, original degree or a Certificate from the concerned competent authority of the University/ Institution that they had completed all requirements (including completion of internship) for the award of the Degree.
Provided that, other things being equal, preference will be given to the candidates who possess the qualification mentioned against each of the following posts:-

Deputy Superintendent of Police (Category �1)- A Degree or Diploma in Criminology and Forensic Science and also to those who possess National Award for Physical efficiency
Commercial Tax Officer-
First preference - A Degree both in Commerce and Law together with a Diploma in Taxation Laws
Second Preference - A Degree both in Commerce and Law
Third Preference - A Degree either in Commerce or Law together with a Diploma in Taxation Laws
Fourth Preference - A Degree either in Commerce or Law.
District Employment Officer - Graduate in Economics, Education, Sociology, Statistics and Psychology and to those with Post Graduate Diploma in Social Science and experience in Industrial or Personnel Management or Labour Welfare
Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies
First Preference � M.A. (Co-operation) Degree
Second Preference � M.Com. Degree with Co-operation as subject
Third Preference � B.A. (Co-operation) Degree
Assistant Director in Rural Development Department / Personal Assistant (Development) to Collector
Post Graduate Degree in Rural Service of the Gandhigram Rural Institute, Madurai District
P.G. Degree or Diploma in Extension
P.G. Degree or Diploma in Sociology
Candidates to be admitted to the Main Written Examination shall be required to produce evidence relating to preferential qualifications, if any, possessed by them

Physical qualification

Deputy Superintendent of Police (Category �1)
For Men: Must be not less than 165 cms in Height and not less than 86 cms round the chest on full inspiration and must have a chest expansion of not less than 5 cms on full inspiration
For Women: Must be not less than 155 cms in Height. The Chest measurement will not apply to them.
Divisional Officer in Fire and Rescue Services.
For Men: Must be not less than 165 cms in Height, 50 kgs in Weight and not less than 89 cms round the chest on full inspiration and 84 cms (normal) with not less than 5 cms expansion on full inspiration
For Women: Must be not less than 155 cms in Height. The Chest measurement will not apply to them
An applicant selected for appointment to the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Category �I) and Divisional Officer in Fire and Rescue Services must satisfy the Medical Board in Tamil Nadu as to his/her physique, fitness and capacity for active outdoor work and must be certified by the Superintendent of Government Ophthalmic Hospital, Chennai that his/her vision comes upto the requirements prescribed in the rules without the use of contact glasses.
An applicant selected for appointment to the post of Deputy Collector must satisfy the Medical Board in Tamil Nadu as to his/her physique, fitness and capacity for active outdoor work.e post of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Category-I) even if they do not satisfy the age-limit prescribed. The case of each such applicant will be considered on merit and the question of relaxing the rule relating to age-limit will be considered by the Government, if he is selected

Eligibility conditions for TNPSC Group II

MINIMUM AGE LIMIT � Should have completed 18 years.
MAXIMUM AGE LIMIT � Should not have completed - 30 years.
The Minimum and Maximum age limits will be applicable to all the posts except for the following posts:-

Sub-Registrar, Grade-II � Minimum 20 years Maximum 30 years.
Assistant Commercial Tax Officer� Minimum 18 years Maximum 30 years.

[For SC, ST, SCA, MBC/DC, BC, BCM & DW�s of all castes � Below 35 years]
[For the persons holding a degree in Law 32 years]
[Para 2 of Sl. No. 4 of Instructions etc. to candidates will not apply to the post of Assistant Commercial Tax Officer]

For Junior Employment Officer (DA) - Minimum 18 years, Maximum 40 years.


Minimum qualification: Should posses a bachelor degree from recognized university.

The stream of the degree for all the vacancies will be notified in the TNPSC advertisement clearly.

thank you....
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1st August 2014, 12:15 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Maximum age limit to appear for TNPSC Group I and II exam

Sir. My age is 28 now shall I apply tnpsc exams this year or next yr
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11th February 2018, 09:56 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Maximum age limit to appear for TNPSC Group I and II exam

I am just 18 and I am studying engineering in reputed college what type of could I attend now or when could attend for getting a post for my educational level
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Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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