23rd June 2011, 09:23 PM
Names of the colleges under Orissa JEE in which I can get after scoring 9270 rank?
I got rank 9270(outstate)orissa jee.i want civil branch.......plese collage namea in orissa jee.
30th May 2012, 11:17 PM
which rank will i get in orissa jee 2012 if i get rank of 3659
31st May 2012, 02:01 AM
what are the colleges offered to take admission if my rank is 3720
30th August 2013, 04:34 PM
hello ,
yes its a good rank but with this rank you are not going to get a government college but in the private college you are going to get a well recognised college So those colleges are : Balasore College of Engineering and Technology, Balasore Bhadrak Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bhadrak Bhubaneswar College of Engineering, Khordha Dhaneswar Rath Institute of Engineering and Management Studies, Khordha Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gunupur Gandhi Institute of Industrial Technology, Berhampur Krupajal Engineering College, Khordha good luck !!!!! thank!!!!! |