6th March 2011, 07:11 PM
Procedure to become an IPS officer?
i am studying b tech mechanical engineering and i like to become an ips officer i like to know about the procedure how to become and hat are the steps to be taken to become an ips officer
6th March 2011, 09:33 PM
you can join for IPS exam as any Graduate from a recognised university or a college in India is the minimum eligibility criteria for IPS.
Minimum education criteria = Graduate Maximum age criteria = 28yrs (for General category and I think it is 32 years for SC/ ST categories) CSAT 2011 exams will be conducted on 12th June. and last date of applying for the same is 21at March... please refer www.upsc.gov.in for further detail and to apply.. How to apply:-You have to apply for UPSC (Union Public Services Commission) exam. This time UPSC pattern is changed and it is called as CSAT which is coming into effect from Civil Services Examination, 2011.and so there is no option subjects... It consits of two paper and each paper of Two hrs.. (Paper 1) (200 marks) consists of
It is of purely objective type and qualifying exam... (Paper II) (200 marks)
It is of purely subjective type and followed by interview.... Based on the overall ranking and your choice of cadre, you will be provided IFS (Indian Foreign Service), IAS or IPS. The higher your rank, the choice is with you. |
6th March 2011, 10:33 PM
To apply for IPS (indian police service) exams,
6th March 2011, 10:49 PM
To become an IPS you have to appear for the CSAT exam that is conducted by the UPSC.
Details of CSAT as under: Age: Candidate must be minimum 21 years of age as on 1st August of the year of exam. Upper age limit for candidates is 30 years(Relaxations for OBC,SC/ST). Educational Qualification: A graduation degree from a recognized university. Final year students can also apply for the course. Maximum Attempts: General:4 OBC:7 SC/ST:No limit. The application forms are available and you can apply at the following link: http://upsconline.nic.in/index.php Important Dates: Last Date of submitting application form:15th March 2011. Date of Prelim Exam:12.06.2011 Date of Main exam:27.10.2011 I have attached the notification which contains the complete details. |
6th March 2011, 11:29 PM
Eligibility Criteria For IAS
(i) Age limits : 21-30 years as on 1.7.2011. (Upper age limit relaxable for SCs/STs, OBCs and certain other categories as specified in Para 3(ii) of Notice). (ii) Educational Qualifications : Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification (Para 3(iii) of Notice). (iii) No. of permissible attempts : Four (Seven attemps of OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs (Para 3 (iv) of Notice) (iv) Fee : Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) (No fee for SCs/STs/Physically disabled only) Instructions to candidates for filling up the Application Form for the Indian Forest Service Examination, 2011. Side 1 of Application Form Column 1 : Examination for which applying Darken the circle against "IFS", in the box pertaining to Name of examination, write IFS starting from the first box on the left. Also write 2011 in the boxes meant for year of examination. Column 2 : Fee If you have paid the requisite fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only), darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or If you have not paid the fee and are claiming fee remission as SC, ST or Physically Handicapped, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box. N.B. : Fee is payable only in the form of Central Recruitment Fee Stamp, as per instructions against Column 12. Column 3 : (I) Whether Physically Handicapped? If you are not a physically handicapped person, darken circle 1 for No and write 1 in the box; or If you are a physically handicapped person, darken circle 2 for yes and write 2 in the box. (II) If yes, indicate category Fill up this Column only if your answer to Column 3(I) is yes. If you are Orthopaedically handicapped, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or If you are Blind, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box; or If you are Deaf-Mute, darken circle 3 and write 3 in the box. Column 4 : Community If you belong to SC, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or If you belong to ST, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box; or If you belong to OBC, darken circle 3 and write 3 in the box; or If you belong to General Category (Others), darken circle 4 and write 4 in the box. Note 1 : Candidates belonging to OBCs but comming in the Creamy Layer and thus not being entitled to OBC reservation should indicate their community as "General Category (Others) Code No. 4". Note 2 : Candidates belonging to neither SC, ST, nor OBC communities should write Code No. 4 (General Category) against the Column for Community and not leave it blank. Note 3 : No change in the community status indicated by a candidate in his/her application form for the Examination will ordinarily be allowed by the Commission at a subsequent stage. Column 5 : Sex If you are Male, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or If you are Female, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box; Column 6 : Nationality If you are an Indian national, darken circle 1 and write 1 in the box; or If you are not an Indian national, darken circle 2 and write 2 in the box. Column 7 : Name of the candidate For filling up this column, first write in the boxes your full name (in English) in capital letters exactly as recorded in your Matriculation/High School/Secondary or equivalent examination certificate. Write a single letter in a box. Leave a box blank between any two parts of the name. Then darken the corresponding circle below each letter. Do not darken a circle below a blank box. Do not overshoot the boxes. Abbreviate name only if necessary. Do not use any prefix such as shri, Kum., Dr. etc with your name. See sample filled up form in the brochure for guidance. Column 8 : Date of Birth Darken the appropriate circles for the day, month and year of your birth as recorded in your Matriculation/High School/Secondary or equivalent examination certificate. Then write in the boxes using numerals 01 to 31 for day; numerals 01 to 12 for month and the last two digits for the year of birth. See sample filled up form in the brochure for guidance. Column 9 : Father’s Name Write your father’s name (in English) in capital letters. Write a single letter in each box. Leave a box blank between any two parts of the name. Do not use any prefix such as Shri, Dr. etc. Column 10 : Address Write your complete mailing address including your name in English capital letters or Hindi within the box provided for the purpose. Also write the PIN Code therein. Write with blue or black ball pen only. Do not write outside the box. Please note that this address will be photocopied as such in all letters to be sent to you and therefore, it should be very clearly and legibly written. If you make any mistake in writing the address, cover the whole box with an exact sized white paper slip and rewrite your address on that. Column 11 : Photograph Paste firmly in the space provided your recent photograph of 4 cm. x 5 cm. size (preferably in Black & white). Do not staple the photograph. Photograph should neither be signed by you nor it should be got attested. Column 12 : Space for CRF Stamp Fee to be paid for the Indian Forest Service Examination is Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only). SC/ST and Physically Handicapped candidates are not required to pay any fee. No fee exemption is however available to OBC candidates and they are required to pay the prescribed full fee. Fee is payable only through Central Recruitment Fee Stamp (Not postage stamps). No other mode of payment is acceptable. Obtain only one single CRF Stamp of Rs. 100/- denomination from the post office and paste it firmly within the box. After pasting the CRF Stamp on the form, get it cancelled from the post office of purchase in the space provided. Do not staple the CRF Stamp. Side 2 of Application Form Column 13 : (I) Are you residing in a remote area or abroad If you are residing in a remote area specified in Para 6 of the Notice of the Examination or abroad, darken circle 1 against Yes and write 1 in the box; or If you are not residing in a specified remote area/abroad, darken circle 2 against No and write 2 in the box. N.B. : Candidates residing in a remote area specified in the Notice of the Examination or abroad are entitled to one week’s additional time for submission of application form. (II) If yes, indicate area code : Darken the appropriate circles for the area code as given below and then write the same code in the boxes. Area Code Area Code Assam 01 Sikkim 08 Meghalaya 02 Jammu & Kashmir 09 Arunachal Pradesh 03 Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh 10 Mizoram 04 Manipur 05 Andman & NicobarIsland 11 Nagaland 06 Lakshadweep 12 Tripura 07 Abroad 13 Column 14 : Examination Centre Code Choose the Examination Centre from the list given below where you wish to appear and see its code. Darken the appropriate circles and then write the same code in the boxes. Do not indicate more than one centre. List of Centres of Examination Centre Code Centre Code Centre Code Agartala 45 Gangtok 42 Panaji (Goa) 36 Ahmedabad Hyderabad 10 Patna 15 Aizawal 47 Imphal 44 Port Blair 37 Allahabad 02 Itanagar 48 Raipur 49 Bangalore 03 Jaipur 11 Ranchi 41 Bareilly 54 Jammu 34 Sambalpur 53 Bhopal 04 Jorhat 46 Shillong 16 Chandigarh 35 Kochi 24 Shimla 17 Chennai 12 Kohima 43 Srinagar 18 Cuttack 07 Kolkata 06 Thiruvananthapuram 19 Dehradun 14 Lucknow 26 Tirupati 50 Delhi 08 Madurai 40 Udaipur 52 Dharwar 39 Mumbai 05 Vishakhapatnam 51 Dispur 09 Nagpur 13 Column 15 : Educational Qualification Code Codes prescribed for educational qualification are as follows : Code Educational qualification 01 If you have already passed the requisite qualifying Examination, with prescribed subject; 02 If you have appeared/appearing at the requisite qualifying Examination, with prescribed subject; Choose the correct code applicable in your case and darken the appropriate circles. Write the same code in the boxes. Note: For prescribed subjects see para 3 (iii) of Notice. Column 16: (I) Whether claiming age relaxation If you are claiming age relaxation, darken circle 1 for Yes and write 1 in the box; or If you are not claiming age relaxation, darken circle 2 for No and write 2 in the box. (II) If Yes, indicate category code Fill up this Column only if your response to Column 16(I) is Yes. Darken the appropriate circles for category codes given below and then write the same code in the boxes. Category - Codes for Claiming Age Relaxation (Refer Para 3(ii) (b) of Commission’s Notice published in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar) Code No. Category Extent of Age Relaxation Permissible 01. SC and ST 5 years 02 OBC 3 years 03 Blind, deaf-mute and Orthopaedically handicapped persons. 10 years 04 Blind, deaf-mute and Orthopaedically handicapped persons + SC/ST 15 years 05 Blind, deaf-mute and Orthopaedically handicapped persons + OBC 13 years 06 Defence Services Personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof. 3 years 07 Defence Services Personnel(as against Code No. 06) + SC/ST 8 years 08 Defence Services Personnel(as against Code No. 06) + OBC 6 years 09 Ex-Servicemen including Commissioned offices and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on 1st January, 2011 and have been released (i) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from 1st January, 2011) otherwise than by way of dismi-ssal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency;or (ii) on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service; or (iii) on invalidment. 5 years 10 Ex-Servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs (as against Code No. 09) + SC/ST 10 years 11 Ex-Servicemen including + OBC Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs (as against Code No. 09) 8 years 12 ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of five years of Military Service as on 1st January,2011 and whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defence issues a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and that they will be released on three months notice on selection from the date of receipt of offer of appointment. 5 years 13 ECOs/SSCOs (as againstCode No. 12) + SC/ST 10 years 14 ECOs/SSCOs (as againstCode No. 12) + OBC 8 years 15 Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st January, 1980 to 31st December, 1989 5 years 16 Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of J & K (as against Code No. 15) + SC/ST 10 years 17 Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of J & K (as against Code No. 15) + OBC 8 years (I) Optional subject Choose any two optional subject from the list given below and see their codes. Darken the appropriate circles and then write the same code in the boxes. (II) No. of attempts already made? Write the number of attempts already made by you in the Indian Forest Services Examination in the boxes and darken the appropriate circles. If no attempt has been made by you earlier, darken circles 00 and write ‘00’ in the boxes. Columns 21 and 22 : Candidates appearing for the Indian Forest Services Examination 2011 are not required to fill any of these columns. They should, therefore, leave these Columns blank. Column 23 : Declaration The candidate must read the declaration carefully before signing. In Sub-para (i), the candidate must fill up the Examination Notice number viz. 06/2011 and date of publication of Notice in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar viz., 05.02.2011 in the spaces provided before the asterisk marks. Column 24 : Signature of candidate Make your usual signature in blue or black ball pen within the box provided. Your signature must not overflow or touch the border of the box provided. Do not merely write your name in capital letters in place of signature. Unsigned applications will be rejected. Also write the place and date of signing the form in the spaces provided for the purpose. Verify the following before mailing the application 1. That you have used the application form purchased from the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices only. 2. That you have filled in all the relevant columns of the application form by blackening the appropriate circles and also writing the corresponding code(s) in boxes. It may be carefully checked that there is no variation between the entries made by you by darkening the circles and those written in the accompanying boxes. 3. That you have pasted your recent photograph preferably in black & white (unsigned and unattested) in column 11 of the application form. 4. That in case you are required to pay fee, you have affixed a Central Recruitment Fee Stamp of Rs. 100/- denomination in column 12 of the application form and have got it cancelled from the Post Office. 5. That you have signed in column 24 of the application form. 6. That only one application form and one acknowledgement card is being mailed in the envelope supplied to you with the Brochure and no other enclosure is attached therewith. 7. That you have written the name of examination viz., "Indian Forest Service Examination, 2011" on the envelope meant for despatch of application form and acknowledgement card. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES Special instructions to Candidates for Conventional type of papers # Articles permitted inside Examination Hall Battery-operated pocket calculators of “non-programmable” type only, mathematical/engineering/drawing instruments, including a flat rule divided on the edges into inches and tens of an inch and into centimeters and millimeters, a slide rule, set squares, a protractor and a pair of compasses, pencils, coloured pencils, mapping pens, eraser, T-square and drawing board for use wherever necessary. Candidates are not allowed to bring with them any “Tables or Charts” for use in the Examination Hall. Mobile phones, pagers or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations. Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned item including mobile phones/pagers to the venue of the examination, as arrangement for safekeeping can not be assured. # Tables to be supplied by UPSC If it is considered necessary for answering the questions set in any paper, the Commission may supply any of the following for reference purpose only:- (i) Mathematical/Physical, Chemical and Engineering Tables (including Logarithmic Tables); (ii) Steam Table (including Mollier Diagrams for Temperature up to 800 C and Pressure up to 500 Kgf/Cm); (iii) National Building Code of India 1970 or 1983 Group 2 Part VI; (iv) Any other special articles as may be necessary for the candidates to answer the questions set in the question paper. After conclusion of the examination, return the above items to the Invigilator. # Answers to be written in own hand Write the answers in your own hand in ink. Pencil may be used for maps, mathematical drawings or rough work. # Check Answer Book The candidate must write his roll number (and not his name) only in the space provided for the purpose on every answer book used by him. Before writing in the answer book, please see that it is complete. In case there are any missing pages, it should be got replaced. Do not tear out any pages from the Answer Book. If you use more than one Answer Book, indicate on the cover of first Answer Book the total number of Answer Books used. Do not leave any blank, unused spaces between answers. If such spaces are left, score them out. # Answers in excess of prescribed number will be ignored The candidate must attempt questions strictly in accordance with the directions given on each question paper. If questions are attempted in excess of the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining answers will be ignored. # Questions relating to graph/ récis should be attempted only on graph/ récis sheets to be supplied on demand by the Invigilators. All loose sheets such as récis sheet, drawing papers, graph sheets etc. whether used or not, should be placed inside the answer books and fastened along with the additional answer book(s), if any. Candidates who fail to observe this instruction will be penalized. Do not write your roll number on these sheets. # Unfair means strictly prohibited Do not copy from the papers of any other candidate nor allow your papers to be copied nor give nor attempt to give nor obtain nor attempt to obtain irregular assistance of any description. It will be responsibility to every candidate to ensure that his answers are not copied by another candidate. Failure to do so will invite penalty, as may be awarded by the Commission for adoption of unfair means. # Conduct in Examination Hall Do not misbehave in any manner or create disorderly scene in the examination hall or harass or bodily harm the staff deployed for the conduct of examination. You will be severely penalized if you attempt to do so. # Please read carefully and abide by the instructions printed on the Question Paper and on the Answer Book supplied in the Examination Hall. |
7th March 2011, 02:32 AM
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) recruit
candidate through civil service exam . eligibility: age limit: 21 and 30 years as on 1st of August of the year of examination. There are 5 year relaxations in the upper age limit in cases like SC/ST and 3 year OBC candidates, etc. education: The candidate should be at least a degree holder from any university. Final year students, awaiting results are also eligible. The exam has three phases Preliminary exam Main exam Interview |
7th March 2011, 05:49 AM
Dear friend
Upsc conducts civil service examination every year and through this exam you can become an IPS officer through this exam. It is one of the top class exam in INDIA. One needs a very intensive study to crack it. Civil service examination will conducted in two phases mainly pre and main. For main exam You needs to clear pre or CSAT. Upsc notifies the civil service examination 2011 in the employment news dated 19 feb to 25 feb 2011, please check it for all the relevant informations. Some important dates and informations- Date of notification for CSE 2011- 19 feb 2011 Last date of receipt of application- 21 march 2011 Date of CSAT(PRE) EXAM- 12 june 2011 Qualification required- graduation in any stream from a recognised university / institution of india Age limit 21 to 30 years other age relaxation as per govt rules For more info please visit http://www.upsc.govt.in |
7th March 2011, 10:37 AM
To become IPS offficer you have to give UPSC civil services exam. You needs to be a graduate & your age should be 21 - 30 yrs while giving the UPSC exam. Eligibility Criteria for UPSC civil servicesIPS exam: Educational Qualifications for IPS : Bachelor’s degree of a recognized university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Engineering or an equivalent qualification. Age limit 21 - 30 years for general category,33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs · Apply online by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in · Apply offline by purchasing the application form from designated post offices throughout the country. Civil Services (Prel) Exam, 2011 Date of Notification: 19.02.2011 Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 21.03.2011 Date of Exam: 12.06.2011 For complete details go to http://www.upsc.gov.in All the BEst! |
12th March 2011, 01:09 PM
dear friend IPS exam is conducted by UPSC which is common for all IAS,IPS,IFS
this post divided by rank-wise if rank is good then you can select this post by your mind..... i attach some files......... |
19th April 2011, 07:13 PM
Education Qualification- Graduate
Maximum age - 28yrs (for General category and 30 years for SC/ ST categories) CSAT 2011 exams will be conducted on 12th June. and last date of applying for the same is 21at March. Please refer www.upsc.gov.in for further detail and to apply.. How to apply:-You have to apply for UPSC (Union Public Services Commission) exam. This time UPSC pattern is changed and it is called as CSAT which is coming into effect from Civil Services Examination, 2011.and so there is no option subjects. It consists of two paper and each paper of Two hrs.. (Paper 1) (200 marks) consists of Current events. History Geography Indian Polity and governance Economic and social development and General science. It is of purely objective type and qualifying exam. (Paper II) (200 marks) Comprehension Logical reasoning and analytical ability Decision making and problem solving General mental ability Basic numeracy(Class X level) English language comprehension skills (Class X level) It is of purely subjective type and followed by interview. Based on the overall ranking and your choice of cadre, you will be provided IFS (Indian Foreign Service), IAS or IPS. The higher your rank, the choice is with you. |
16th May 2011, 11:03 PM
i want to become ips officer so what i have to study for that
20th May 2011, 12:37 PM
![]() Quote:
Procedure to become an IPS officer. To become an IPS officer you need to appear in the Civil services examination. This exam is conducted by UPSC in every year for the selection of talented candidate of India as the post of IPS officer. Eligibility Criteria for IPS officer : Educational Qualification :- The minimum educational qualification for appear in the IPS exam is graduation in any stream from a recognize University. Final year graduation student are also eligible for IPS exam. Age Limit :- The age must be between 21 to 30 years at the time of appear in the IPS exam. SC,ST,OBC and PD candidate will get age relaxation on the upper age according to goernment rule. For details information please see the below given website: http://www.upsc.gov.in Regards ~Mukul~ |
18th July 2011, 09:01 PM
IPS is the acronym for Indian Police Service, another civil service sector that draws thousands of aspiring candidates. Admission to IPS can be obtained upon successful clearance of the all India competitive exam administered by UPSC.
IPS came into existence in the year 1948 and it reinstated the Imperial Police. IPS is one of the three prominent All India Government Services. Other two services are IAS (Indian Administration Service) and IFS (Indian Foreign Service). IPS exam pattern The UPSC examination comprises of two successive stages. IPS exam is carried out by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) and constitutes two stages: The Preliminary Examination and The Main Examination. Preliminary Exam comprises multiple choice questions and is also a qualifying exam for appearing into second exam. Main Examination which comprises a written exam and an interview. IPS exam courses Since the civil services sector is a lucrative career option and is in great demand due to the high level of job security it offers, it attracts a lot of aspiring candidates. However, careful planning and preparation is required to be able to clear the UPSC examination. Several institutes all over the country offer UPSC examination preparation courses. These courses can be done through correspondence also as all the relevant study material gets sent to the candidate. Eligibility for IPS exam You must be 21 years (minimum) and 30 years (maximum) at the time of taking exam. SC/ST/OBC and ex-servicemen are given exemption of 3 to 5 years in maximum age limit. People belonging to general category can appear for IPS exam four times, while OBCs can appear for seven times but no limit has been set for SC/ST. keep in mind, even appearing in just exam is counted as an attempt. You also need to meet physical standards mentioned in application form. Preparation tips for IPS exam Preliminary exam is a qualifying stage. This exam has two papers in which one is optional (means you can choose a subject of your own choice) and other is of General Studies which is a compulsory exam and you have to give importance to both. To get a good command over General Science, it is must that you prepare at least eight subjects of high importance properly. These subjects include Mental Ability, Economy, Political Science, Science, Current Affairs, Geography, History and General Knowledge. The best way to begin your exams preparation in above mentioned subjects is to start with NCERT books of 6th to 12th standard. To keep updated with ‘current affairs’ you will require reading newspapers from at least one year back from the time of appearing for exam. Make notes of all the important events, incidents in the country as well as around the world. Other than books, you also need to prepare from a good atlas for ‘Geography’. For ‘General Knowledge’, you must read ‘Competition Success Review” and collect facts. Also, you can solve question papers of previous years’ preliminaries. For ‘General Studies’ read political and business magazines as much as you can but within limit. For ‘optional subject paper’, the most important thing is that you choose a subject about which you are very much confident. The best way to do is this is to go through the syllabus of that subject and look if you have covered all those topics mentioned in your degree course. Do prepare for both ‘Preliminary’ and ‘Main’ exam very well, as you will not have much time to prepare for ‘Main’ exam after clearing prelims successfully. To prepare for optional subject, get the civil service exam syllabus. Cover all the topics and attempting all the related question papers simultaneously. good luck |
5th September 2011, 01:33 AM
![]() Quote:
IPS exam is conducted by UPSC. There are some criteria you have to follow for appearing in IPS exam. Those candiadte have completed graduation in any discipline from recognized university are eligible for IPS exam. But your age should be in between 21-30years for general candidate. In IPS exam their is provide age relaxation for OBC candiadte is 3years and for SC/ST candiadte is 5 years. The maximum attempts for Sc/ST candiadte is Unlimited. For OBC candiadte it is 7 years and for general candidate it will be 5 years. Also you must be citizen of India. The IAS selection process is consist in three way 1)Preliminay exam 2)Main exam 3)Interview. thanks |
28th October 2011, 06:48 PM
This civil service examination is conducted by UPSC(union public service commission) every years.for becoming a IPS officer,you must have to clear this civil service exam,.this civil service examination has three stages- 1.CSAT 2.MAINS 3.INTERVIEW. For appear in this exam, you must posses at least graduation degree from a recognized college. The age limit for this examination is 21-30 years,. there are 5 & 3 years age relaxation for the SC\ST & OBC candidates. |
29th October 2011, 05:15 PM
![]() ![]() INDIAN POLICE SERVICE For become a IPS officer, you must have to clear the civil service examination, which is conducted by UPSC (UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION). This civil service examination has three stages- 1.CSAT 2.MAINS 3.INTERVIEW (PERSONALITY TEST), In which the CSAT examination has two section - a) English b) optional subject There are 25 optional subjects are available to opt. For appear in this civil service examination, you must have at least graduation degree from a recognized college, what ever may be the stream is ... The age limit for this examination is- 21-30 years for the GENERAL candidates, 21-33 years for the OBC candidates, 21-35 years for SC\ST candidates,. No. of attempts- four for the GENERAL candidates, seven for the OBC candidates, and no such restriction for the SC\ST candidates. thank you!! ~gamble~ |
30th November 2011, 11:11 PM
Procedure to become an IPS(Indian Police Services)
* Candidates should be the citizen of India. * Candidates should complete graduation from recognized university. * You should have age limit within 21 to 30 years. * You should have age limit within 21 to 33 years for OBC category * You should have age limit within 21 to 35 years for SC/ST category Attempts: * For general - 4 attempts * For OBC - 7 attempts * For SC/ST - No limit Best wishes |
8th December 2011, 07:37 PM
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) recruit
candidate through civil service exam . eligibility: age limit: 21 and 30 years as on 1st of August of the year of examination. There are 5 year relaxations in the upper age limit in cases like SC/ST and 3 year OBC candidates, etc. education: The candidate should be at least a degree holder from any university. Final year students, awaiting results are also eligible. The exam has three phases Preliminary exam Main exam Interview |
9th December 2011, 11:03 AM
You can join for IPS exam as any Graduate from a recognized university or a college in India is the minimum eligibility criteria for IPS.
Minimum education criteria = Graduate Maximum age criteria = 28yrs (for General category and I think it is 32 years for SC/ ST categories) CSAT 2011 exams will be conducted on 12th June. and last date of applying for the same is 21at March. Please refer to www.upsc.gov.in for further detail and to apply. How to apply:-You have to apply for UPSC (Union Public Services Commission) exam. This time UPSC pattern is changed and it is called as CSAT which is coming into effect from Civil Services Examination, 2011.and so there is no option subjects... It consists of two paper and each paper of Two hrs.. Paper 1 (200 marks) consists of Current events. History Geography Indian Polity and governance Economic and social development and General science. It is of purely objective type and qualifying exam syllabus Paper II (200 marks) Comprehension Logical reasoning and analytical ability Decision making and problem solving General mental ability Basic numeracy(Class X level) English language comprehension skills (Class X level) It is of purely subjective type paper and followed by interview. Based on the overall ranking and your choice of cadre, you will be provided IFS (Indian Foreign Service), IAS or IPS. The higher your rank, the choice is with you. |
9th December 2011, 01:09 PM
dear friend,
You are pursuing B.tech course then after completion of B.tech course you can apply for IPS exam.. To become an IPS officer you have to qualify in IPS exam, which is conducted by UPSC every year.. Eligibility for IPS exam:- 1.Candidate have to complete the graduation in any trade. 2.Candidate should not have any pending backlogs during graduation. 3.Age should be in between 21-30 years. For SC/ST the upper age relaxation is 5 years and for OBC the upper age relaxation is 3 years. 4.Candidate must be physically fit.. These are the eligibility criteria you have to fulfill to appear in IPS exam.. All the best.. |
30th December 2011, 09:10 PM
![]() ![]() For become a IPS [INDIAN POLICE SERVICE] officer, you must have to clear the UPSC examination, as usually known as CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS . This civil service examination has three stages to clear, 1. CSAT 2.MAINS 3.INTERVIEW.. The minimum educational requirement for appear in this examination is a graduation degree from a recognized college in any stream.. The age limit for this examination is 21-30 years for the general candidates , 21-33 years for the OBC candidates & 21-35 years for the SC\ST candidates.. OPTIONAL SUBJECTS- ![]() EXAM PATTERN- ![]() THANK YOU!!! |
31st December 2011, 06:34 PM
To become a IPS officer you have to apply for IPS exam.
•Elegibility Criteria ♦Age limits & Attempts : 21-30 years for General Candidates(4 attempts) , 21-33 years for OBC candidates (7 attempts) and 21-35 for SC/ST candidates(No limit). ♦Educational Qualifications : Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university. ♦Nationality : For the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service, a candidate must be a citizen of India For other services, a candidate must be a citizen of India •Exam Pattern Civil Service Examination has three stages 1.Preliminary Examination 2.Main Examination 3.Interview Test All the best. |
31st December 2011, 08:52 PM
Procedure to become an IPS officer is simple. To become an IPS officer you must clear an entrance exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission commonly called as UPSC. To appear in the exam you must have cleared your graduation from a recognized university and your age must be above 21 and below 30 years. Thus the steps to become an IPS officer is so simple.
step1: Do your graduation from a recognized university step2: Clear UPSC exam Some minimum physical standards are required to become an IPS officer. They are Height – Male 165 cm , Female 150 cm Chest – Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm. Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm. Eye sight – 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye. Near vision J 1 for good eye. J2 for worst eye. The correction is by lenses only. High standard for the Colour-blind test. No inherent night blindness. Vision should stereoscopic. Blood pressure (High) – Age 23 – 123, age 24 – 124, age 25 –122, age 28 – 124, age 30 –125, age 32 – 126, age 34 – 127. Ear- good listening & normal ear cavity. 1000 to 4000 frequency hearing impairment shd not be more than 30 decibels. Nasal- candidate should not stammer while speaking. |
31st December 2011, 10:04 PM
hai frnd
procedure for ips officer age limit: 21 to 30 years for general candidates 21-32 years for obc candidates 21-35 years for sc/st's candidates Educational qualification : any degree of rrecognized board with 60% marks Exam pattern : civil service Examintion has three stages preliminary exam main exam interview in the write exam mainly divided into following steps mathematical, logical reasoning, general english, some other general questions |
31st December 2011, 10:05 PM
dear friend,
Civil Services Examination is the most prestigious examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission for recruitment to various All India Services including I.A.S. , I.P.S., I.F.S.,I.R.S., and various Group A Services and Group B Services. Normally applications are invited by UPSC notifications in leading News Papers during December every year. The Civil Services Examination consists of three stages. * Civil Services Preliminary Examination ( Objective Type) (Usually conducted in May) * Civil Services Main Examination (Written) (Conducted during October/November) * Interview and final Selection (During April/May) How to Prepare :: Here I have mentioned some points. Please read it very carefully : * know all about the current events of national and international importance. * History of India and Indian national movement. * Constitution of India. * Make your English (spoken and written) very clear, clean and fluent. * Must have to know about the - Indian Polity and governance - constitution, political system, panchayatiraj, public policy, Rights issues, etc. * you have to know also : Economic and social development - sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc. * General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that do not require subject specialization. * General science. * Logical reasoning and analytical ability. * Decision making and problem solving * General mental ability. In the above I have mentioned all the required things which will help you a lot. good luck. |
31st December 2011, 10:25 PM
Hi dear...........
To BECAME A IPS OFFICER YOU HAVE TO APPLY FOR CIVIL SERVICE EXAM.......... The details of this exam are as follows,........... ![]() For more details you can visit website of upsc. http://www.upsc.gov.in Good luck............ |
31st December 2011, 10:30 PM
hello friend,
IPS stands for Indian Police Service. The IPS exams are conducted by UPSC every year in the month of June. Eligibility Criteria :- -->You should be a Graduate. -->Age limit is 21 to 30years. -->number of attempts allowed is 4 times. prepare well For further details www.upsc.gov.in all the best./ |
4th February 2012, 07:16 PM
The eligibility crieterion
The eligibility crieterion for IPS is following: you should be PG 1) You must be 21 years (minimum) and 30 years (maximum) at the time of taking exam. SC/ST/OBC and ex-servicemen are given exemption of 3 to 5 years in maximum age limit. 2) People belonging to general category can appear for IPS exam four times, while OBCs can appear for seven times but no limit has been set for SC/ST. keep in mind, even appearing in just exam is counted as an attempt. 3) You also need to meet physical standards mentioned in application form. |
13th February 2012, 02:05 AM
![]() Quote:
STEPS FOR BECOMING I.P.S OFFICER:- > Pass graduation with any stream from recognized university. > Read employment news paper daily.. > If you apply your graduation and you age is above 21 year apply for I.A.S exam.. > You can apply both online and offline.. > There are 4 steps of selection:- * Prelims Exam * Mains Exam * Interview * Medical Exam CIVIL SERVICES (PRELIMINARY) EXAM., 2012 Date of notification:-04.02.2012 Last Date of receipt of form:- 05.03.2012(MONDAY) Date of exam:- 20.05.2012(SUNDAY) CIVIL SERVICES (MAIN) EXAM., 2012 Date of exam:- 05.10.2012(FRIDAY) For more detail log on to www.upsc.gov.in GOOD LUCK! |
2nd March 2012, 10:56 PM
[QUOTE=manojkrishnarocks;429747]i am studying b tech e.c.e department and i like to become an ips officer i like to know about the procedure how to become and what are the steps to be taken to become an ips officer.and i would like to about the period of that.
3rd March 2012, 10:22 AM
IPS-INDIAN POLICE SERVICE, to become an IPS officer one has to appear and crack the Civil Service Examination conducted by UPSC every year for selection of IAS/IPS/IRS/IFS etc. officer.
The eligible candidate must be an Indian National having either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream of education from a recognised University within the age of 21 to 30 years. There is pper age relaxation up to 5 years for SC/ST candidate and up to 3 Years for OBC candidate. The selection of Civil Service Exam is through three stages:- CSAT- ivil Service Aptitude Test-Preliminary exam which comprise of all objective type questions. Civil Service Main Exam comprise of subjective type questions from prescribed syllabus. Personal Interview For those applying for IPS should posses a minimum physical prescribed requirement:- For male candidate Height should be 165cm and above and in case of female candidate it should be 150cm and above. The chest should be minimum 84cm and more for male and for female candidate it should be 79cm and more which should be expendable to 5cm in both the case. For more information you may log on to www.upsc.gov.in |
15th September 2012, 11:57 PM
Procedure to become an IPS officer
How to Start First thing that you need to do is to point a year in which you will appear for the Civil Services. Then plan logically. Remember the old saying – failing to plan is planning to fail. First Step The first step in that direction must be the selection of optional papers for Mains. Though, the UPSC has changed the pattern of preliminary exam with the introduction of CSAT – but, yet you need to choose the two optional papers before diving into the battle. See the list of available papers on the website of UPSC. Choose few optional subjects from the list and then see the syllabus. Ask your soul. Consult your seniors. Do your own research. And, then select optional subjects. After selecting subjects try to get basic books and start your preparation. Second Step Civil Services Exam is known for General Studies. We generally see that a student who has strong GK is advised to prepare for IAS. That is indeed the case. The GS is the nut bolts of Civil Services Preparation. It is vast and demands logic, aptitude, time management, presence of mind, and most important hard work. Remember, the vastness of GS asks for a different and smart approach. You need to remember the fact that knowing what not to read is more important than knowing what to read. It means to say that you must develop a capability to weed out relevant materials from irrelevant ones. How will you develop this? Well, you need to read past ten years question papers of General Studies – Prelims and Mains. Don’t try to look for answers. Just read question papers. Do it for one week. It will not take much time and within one week you will begin to feel the difference. If you will do it then your newspaper reading habit will change. You will begin to see the importance of an editorial for your preparation. Make a habit of reading The Hindu, Frontline (Magazine), and The Economic Times. Arrange NCERT Books and read that at least once. You can also download NCERT Books from internet. Subhash Kashyap’s three books – Our Parliament, Our Constitution, and Our Political System should be there at your desk before diving into the world of Civil Services Preparation. Third Step Third and final step for your destined way to become an IAS should start six months before the CSAT Exam. By this time, you must have got a to z of becoming an IAS. Remember, to become an IAS officer you need to clear the UPSC Civil Services Exam with distinction – with rank among top 100. Your Mains Score – which includes interview – will decide your rank. But, to become eligible to sit for Mains you need to clear Prelims/CSAT. These six months should be devoted for that. Practice CSAT question papers as much as you can. Don’t become too anxious. The cut-off is always low for Prelims. All you need to do is to understand the demand of UPSC and align yourself accordingly. Be positive till the exam is over. |
16th September 2012, 12:02 AM
Procedure to become an IPS officer
How to Start First thing that you need to do is to point a year in which you will appear for the Civil Services. Then plan logically. Remember the old saying – failing to plan is planning to fail. First Step The first step in that direction must be the selection of optional papers for Mains. Though, the UPSC has changed the pattern of preliminary exam with the introduction of CSAT – but, yet you need to choose the two optional papers before diving into the battle. See the list of available papers on the website of UPSC. Choose few optional subjects from the list and then see the syllabus. Ask your soul. Consult your seniors. Do your own research. And, then select optional subjects. After selecting subjects try to get basic books and start your preparation. Second Step Civil Services Exam is known for General Studies. We generally see that a student who has strong GK is advised to prepare for IAS. That is indeed the case. The GS is the nut bolts of Civil Services Preparation. It is vast and demands logic, aptitude, time management, presence of mind, and most important hard work. Remember, the vastness of GS asks for a different and smart approach. You need to remember the fact that knowing what not to read is more important than knowing what to read. It means to say that you must develop a capability to weed out relevant materials from irrelevant ones. How will you develop this? Well, you need to read past ten years question papers of General Studies – Prelims and Mains. Don’t try to look for answers. Just read question papers. Do it for one week. It will not take much time and within one week you will begin to feel the difference. If you will do it then your newspaper reading habit will change. You will begin to see the importance of an editorial for your preparation. Make a habit of reading The Hindu, Frontline (Magazine), and The Economic Times. Arrange NCERT Books and read that at least once. You can also download NCERT Books from internet. Subhash Kashyap’s three books – Our Parliament, Our Constitution, and Our Political System should be there at your desk before diving into the world of Civil Services Preparation. Third Step Third and final step for your destined way to become an IAS should start six months before the CSAT Exam. By this time, you must have got a to z of becoming an IAS. Remember, to become an IAS officer you need to clear the UPSC Civil Services Exam with distinction – with rank among top 100. Your Mains Score – which includes interview – will decide your rank. But, to become eligible to sit for Mains you need to clear Prelims/CSAT. These six months should be devoted for that. Practice CSAT question papers as much as you can. Don’t become too anxious. The cut-off is always low for Prelims. All you need to do is to understand the demand of UPSC and align yourself accordingly. Be positive till the exam is over. |
16th September 2012, 12:49 AM
![]() UPSC IPS EXAM: To become IPS offficer you have to give UPSC civil services exam. You needs to be a graduate & your age should be 21 - 30 yrs while giving the UPSC exam. Eligibility Criteria for UPSC civil servicesIPS exam: Educational Qualifications for IPS : Bachelor’s degree of a recognized university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Engineering or an equivalent qualification. Age limit 21 - 30 years for general category,33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs · Apply online by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in · Apply offline by purchasing the application form from designated post offices throughout the country. Civil Services (Prel) Exam, 2011 Date of Notification: 19.02.2011 Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 21.03.2011 Date of Exam: 12.06.2011 For complete details go to http://www.upsc.gov.in All the BEst! |
16th September 2012, 01:12 AM
To become an IPS officer, one has to clear civil service exam organised by the UPSC. Depending upon the performance in this exam, one get selected for IAS, IPS, IFS, etc. The elegibility criteria for this exam are: One must be an Indian citizen. One must be a graduate in any stream from any recognised university. One mus lie between the age of 21-30 years. You have to apply for the civil service exam. Thank you. |
16th September 2012, 01:51 AM
Hello Friend..
![]() To become IPS officer, you will need to apper in the civil service examination. Civil Service examination is conducted every year by UPSC(union public service commission). STEP-1 Eligibility -The minimum educational qualification required to be eligible for this exam is a bachelor degree in any stream. -The minimum eligible age for general candidate is 21 years and the maximum age limit is 30 years. Relaxation of age for candidate belonging to OBC category is 3 years and for candidate belonging to SC/ST category is 5 years. STEP-2 Candidate needs to face three phases of the examination. 1. Preliminary examination-conducted during the second half of may. In the preliminary exam, you will have to write two papers. -General studies -Optional Paper STEP-3 Select optional subject for the list of optional subject Psychology, Agriculture , Botany, Commerce, Economics, Geography, IndianHistory , Law, Civil Engineering , Mathematics , Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science, Philosophy , Physics , Electrical Engineering , Political Science , Geology , Public Administration, Sociology, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science , Chemistry , Statistics . After qualifying preliminary examination, you will need to appear for STEP-4. Main examination- conducted during the month of oct/nov In the main exam, you will have to appear for the following subjects Modern Indian Language, General English, Essay, General Studies and optional subjects. STEP-5. After successful performance in the main exam, you will be called for an interview. All The Best.. |
16th September 2012, 01:23 PM
Hi Friend.........
![]() IPS Stands for Indian Police Service Interested Candidates must crack the Civil Examination Civil Examination is organized by Union Public Service Commission Education Qualification for Civil Examination : - ** You must have a bachelor of degree in any stream from a recognized university ** Final year students are also eligible for this examination Age Eligibility : - ** Your age should between 21 to 30 years and age relaxation as under... ![]() Nationality :- ** You should be a citizen of India Selection Procedure : - ** Preliminary Examination ** Mains Examination ** Interview Test ** Medical Test Pattern for Civils : - ![]() Physical Requirements : - ![]() Press Note for Civil Examination : - ![]() |
26th October 2012, 08:32 PM
To become an IPS officer first of all you need to complete graduation.
IPS(Indian Police Service) exam is conducted by the UPSC(UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION) once in a year. Eligibility criteria; -->The candidate should be complete graduation from a recognised university -->Percentage is not required for this exam. -->Final year candidates also eligible -->Candidate should be a citizen of india. In order to become IPS Officer, you should have to crack civil services examination being conducted by UPSC every year. The complete selection procedure for this is by -Civil Services Aptitude Test(or Civil Services Preliminary Exam) -Civil Services Main Examination -Interview Here is the required eligibility criteria for the candidate to take this exam. Academic Qualification : -One should have completed Graduation with any of the stream from a recognized university. -Candidates who have appeared for final year exams of Graduation course and waiting for the result can also apply for this Exam. Age criteria : -One should be in the age group of 21-30 years to be eligible for this Exam. -Relaxation is there in upper age limit upto 3 years for the candidates of OBC category and upto 5 years for the candidates of SC/ST category. |
31st July 2019, 04:31 PM
1. A candidate must be a citizen of India to become an IPS or IAS. 2. At the time of filling the Civil Services Preliminary Examination, the candidates must be at least 21 years of age. 3. The candidates must hold a degree from recognized university in any discipline. 4. Clear the exam. Thankyou |
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