21st December 2009, 04:43 PM
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Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

Please send me Question Paper With Answers of SBI Clerk Exams Held on 8th, 15th & 22nd Nov. 2009.

5th January 2010, 04:19 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

hey go to www.careers-india.com/2009/08/23/sbi-clerk-exam-solved-question-paper-general-awareness/
5th January 2010, 07:33 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

since you have not given your email id so i cant send you the exam papers. but you can search in websites like:
www.freshersworld.com and
5th January 2010, 11:10 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

Upkar prakashan and pratyogita darpan has launched there latest books for different types of exams.

So,I will advice you to refer to that books,they are the students first choice for preparing for bank exams.The books will provide you previous 10 years solved papers along with all the study materials which are required to chrack it

Best of luck
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8th January 2010, 08:21 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

all the best
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9th January 2010, 06:40 PM
kusum singal
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

you can download some question papers from
best of luck.
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11th January 2010, 08:05 PM
Aditya Mannarwar
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

you can get on net...................

best luk...................
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12th January 2010, 11:11 AM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

hi swati
you can get the syllabus as well as question papers from several modes like ,through internet from sites like
or you can also browse the official site of sbi for more details.

or you can go for books like upkar's and s.chand publication of 2010 edition which generally possess the previous year papers.
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13th January 2010, 11:49 AM
tirath raj dubey
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Smile Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

hello \
qutn paper
GA Enlish Math Mkting reasoning aati hai
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24th January 2010, 08:18 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

YOU CAn download it from www.bankexams.com...............
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15th February 2010, 10:34 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams are available for download on the following links :-

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17th May 2010, 12:51 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

dear friend

In now a days Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams are availiable in
the market, so please get it from the market, you will find there
variety of bank papers books otherwise you can download papers
from this links also-





all the best.
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15th July 2010, 10:10 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

Dear friend
you can get the question papers of the SBI clerk exam from the website www.testfunda.com

Or you can also get it from the books available in the market....

So go to the market and search for the books of the SBI clerk exam,you will definetly get lots of books in the market.
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5th November 2010, 02:24 AM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

I want to asking which is the most important book for sbi clerk recruitment 2011 for preparation
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12th November 2010, 03:10 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

want to asking which is the most important book for sbi clerk recruitment 2011 for preparation
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13th November 2010, 05:02 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

i want sbi questions for clerk
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15th November 2010, 05:50 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

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4th January 2011, 07:05 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

how to prepare for sbi clerk
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9th January 2011, 02:17 AM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

Originally Posted by ryan View Post
since you have not given your email id so i cant send you the exam papers. but you can search in websites like:
www.freshersworld.com and
my email id is [email protected]
and the xam is on 16th jan..............so hurry up...sent me d links 2 model papers and previous year question papers for clerk post
also give sample papers on general awareness..........
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9th January 2011, 01:33 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

Please send me Question Paper With Answers of SBI Clerk Exams Held on 8th, 15th & 22nd Nov. 2009.
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14th January 2011, 02:01 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

I Needs Sbi Qus Papar
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19th January 2011, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?

SBI Clerks Exam Jan-2011 Model Paper

1. During the firs of 2010-2011, which of the indirect tax registered the maximum growth?
1) Excise Duty 2) Custom Duty g
3) Service Tax I
4) All show almost same growth
5) None of the above

2. At present what is the FlBl’s share in NABARD equity?
1) 99% · 2) 51% 3) 49% 4) 1% =
5) None of the above _

3. The newly introduced Indian Flupee Symbol is based on-
1) Ftoman Script 2) Devnagri Script
3) Both (1) and(2) 4) Sanskrit Script
5) None of the above

4. Which of the following animal has been declared as “National Heritage Animal” in october 2010 by the Union Government?
1) Tiger 2) Elephant 3) Lion `
4) Camel 5) None of the above

5. National Green Tribunal (NGT) has been constituted in october 2010. Who has been appointed its first Chief?
1) Lokeshewar sirtgh
2) S.k.Puri
3) Y.S.Dadvval
4) Anil K. Pandey
5) None of the above

6. ln Economic Times Corporate Excellence if Awards 2010, who has been declared “Business Leader of the year?
1) Fl.C Bhargava (lvlaruti Suzuki)
2) Aditya Puri (l-IDFC Bank)
3) lvlukesh Ambani (Fill.)
4) Flatan Tata (Tata group)
5) None of the above

7. On which day, the first world statistics day was celebrated?
1) October 18, 2010 2) October 19, 2010 `
3) October 20, 2010 4) October 21, 2010 5) None of the above

8. Which of the following state became the first -
state to introduce public service Guarantee Act 2010?
1) Madhya Pradesh 2) Gujarat 3) Bihar
4) Haryana 5) None of the above

9. The Goods and service Tax (GST) proposed -
to be introduced in 2011 covers taxes like-
1) Trade I Sales Tax 2) Service Tax .
3) Service, Excise etc. ?
4) Excise, Service, VAT etc.
5) None of the above

10. Newly inaugurated helpline “Udyami” is to assist—
1) Micro, small and medium enterprises
2) Large Capital Industries
3) Only female entrepreneur
4.) Farmers introduci_ng technology in framing .
5) None of the above

11.Which ofthe following nation is not apart of TAPI Gas pipeline project?
1) Afghanistan 2) India 3) Pakistan
4) Turkmenistan 5) None of the above

12. In which nation, the two day summit of Finance ministers of G-20 nations was held in october 2010?
1) India 2) South Korea 3) China Q
4) Canada 5) None of the above

13. Government has formed a high level intra finance committee under the chairmanship of-
1) Y.B.Fleddy 2) Fiakesh Mohan
3) C.Ftangrajan 4) Y.K.Alagh
5) None of the above Q

14. Human Development Fieport 2010 classifies India in the “Medium Human Development” category and places at …… rank out of 169 countries. .
Q 1) 116 2) 117 3) 118 4) 119 5) None

Q15. Which country Stands at the top in 2010 Human Development Index (HDI) rankings of 169 nations in Human Development Fieport 2010?
1) Norway 2) Australia 3) New Zealand Q
4) United States 5) None of the above

16. Which of the private telecom operator became the first to introduce 3G service in Q the country? .
1) Airtel 2) Docomo 3) Aircei
4) Vodafone 5) None of the above

17. 17th ASEAN summit was concluded on october 30, 2010 in-
1) Singapore 2) Kuala Lumpur 3) Hanoi 4) Manila 5) None of the above

18. Which of the following markets are independently regulated by forward market commissions?
1) Mutual- Funds- 2) Commodity Exchanges
3) Stock Market
4) Foreign Exchange Markets 5) None

19. Youth Festival 2011 will be organised in january 2011 at
1) Goa 2) Udaipur 3) Bhubaneswar
4) Hyderabad 5) None of the above

20. As per the new guidelines issued by SEBI companies are required to list shares with in how many days of the closure of the Initial Q public offers (IPOs)?
1) 12 days 2) 15 days _ 3)21 days .
4) 30 days 5) None of the above

21 “Smart Money” is a term used for
1) Internet Banking 2) FDBs in Banks
3) Credit Cards E
4) Demand drafts of Banks 5) None

22. Who amongst the following is the author of the Book Decision Points?
1) George W.Bush 2) Barack Obama
3) Sarah Palin 4) Nelson Mandela
5) None of the above

23. Consider the following Statements:
A. Bobert Edwards, the British scientists pioneering Fiesearch with his late colleague Patrick Steptoe led tothe birth of , the worId’s “first testtube baby” in 1978.
B. Fiobert Edwards has won 2010 Noble Prize for Medicine.
1) Only A is correct 2) Only B is correct
3) Both 1 & 2 are correct
4) Neither 1 nor 2 is correct 5) None

24. The 8th Summit ot the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) was recently held at which ot the following place?
1) Geneva 2) Washington
3) London 4) Brussels 5)None

25. Who among the tollowing is the founder of wikileaks?
1) P.J Crowley 2) Adrian Lamo_
3) Bradley Manning 4) Julian Assange E
5) None of the above

26. Match the Following
A. Sudha Singh
B. Pankaj Advani
C. Vikas Krishnan
List -ll
1. Boxing
2. Athletics
3. Billiards
1) 1 2 3
3) 3 1 2
A B C =
2) 2 3 1
4) 2 1 3
5) None ot the above -

27. Which one of the following is not got recently “‘Maharatna States’?
1) NTPC 2) ONGC 3) lOL

28. Which of the following monument of Inida has recently been inscri-bed in the UNESCO’S world heritage list?
1) Jantar Mantar ot Ujjain
2) Jantar Mantar of Delhi
3) Jantar Mantar ot Jaipur
4) Jantar Mantar ot Varanasi
5) None ot the above

29. Environment and Forest Ministry has set up a Committee to took at the Implementation of the Forest Bight Act under the chairman ship of
1) Kanti Lal Bhuria 2) Jairam Ramesh
3) U.Fl. Anandamurthy 4) N.C. Saxena
5) None ofthe above

30. Hari loss or other side ettects on cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy is set to become a thing ofthe past. Which of the following drugs, reduce the side effects by ; 75% on cancer patients, will be soon in the i indian Market?
1) 2-deoxy – D — glucose
2) 3-deoxy – D – glucose

31. What is full form of AFSPA 1958 Recently came into News’?
1) Armed forces Special powers Act
2) Air Forces Special powers Act
3) Anti Forces Special powers Act
4) Armed Forces Super powers Act
5) None of the above

32. Which one of the personalities not awarded Jnanpith Awards Recently?
1) Rajendra kelekar 2) O.N.V. Kurup
3) Akhlaq Khan Shahryar
4) Deep joshi 5) None of the above

33. Which one of the following day declared as the international day for the Elimination of violence against women by United Nations General Assembly.
1) 23, November 2) 24, November .
3) 25, November 4) 25, November
5) None of the above

34. The yeonpyeng Island is lies along the disputed maritime border of the
1) Eastern coast of Korean Peninsula
2) Western coast of Korean Peninsula
3) Northern coast of Jaffna Peninsula
4) Southern coast of Jaffna Peninsula

35. Aung san sue kyi who was freed from seven years under house arrest on November 13, 2010 leads which party in Z Myanmar?
1) National League for Democracy
2) National Union Party
3) The Union Solidarity and Development Party
4) The National Democratic Force.
5) None of the above

36. The UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation) inscribes three Indian performing art form. in the representative list of the intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. What are these?
1) lvludiyettu, Chhau and Kathak
2) Chhau, lvludiyettu and Kalbeli folk songs and Dance of Rajasthan.
3) Chhau, Kalbeli folk songs and Dance of
Flajasthan and Gotipua.
4) lvtediyettu, Gotipua and Kathak

37. The Sabla or Flajiv Gandhi scheme to Adolescent Girls which launched recently to based on integrated child Development services platform targeting the girls in between 5 which age?
1) 12-17 years of age 2) 12-18 years of age a
3) 11 -17 years of age 4) 11-18 years of age =
5) None of the above -

38. Consider the following statements.
1. indian Economy grew by 8.9% during first half of the fiscal year 2010-11
2. Manufacturing and the farm sector were ‘ the major contributors.
3. The farm sector grew by 4.4% inthe second quarter of the fiscal year 2010-11. ‘ Which is! are correct?
1)1&3 2)2&3 3)1onIy 4)1,2&3 5) None of the above

39. Agni-ll has a range of
1) 700 km 2) 1500 km
3) More than 2000 km 5
4) More than 3000 km 5) None

40. Which of the following represent the correct order of the Total medal tally in the common wealth Games 2010?
1) Australia – England – India – Canada _
2) Australia – India – England – Canada f
3) Australia — Canada – England – India
4) England – Australia – India — Canada 5
5) None of the above

Directions (Q. 41-55): What should come in j place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ?
41. 298.84 + 12.98 +5328.29 = ?
1) 5679.39 2) 5638.29 3) 5640.09 5
4) 5641.49 5) None of these

42. 3753 4 27 4 25 4 2
1)139 2)127 3) 264 4)1315)134

1) 1568 2) 10368 3) 96 4) 578 5) 32
53.5/7 of 3/8 of 4/5 of 238=?
1) 17 2) 153 3) 34 4) 51 5) None of these

54.12.25 * 1.6+ 3.5 * 2.4=’?
1) 28 2) 28.6 3) 149.94 4) 41.64 5) None of these

1) 156 2) 3024 3) 4128 4) 6048 · 5) None of these

Directions (Q.56—70): What should come in place of the question mark (’?) in the following number series questions?
56 3 5 9 ? 33 65
1) 18 2) 15 3) 17 4) 26 5) None

57. 34 ? 39 48 64 89
1) 32 2) 38 3) 37 4) 29 5) 35

58 .21 41 so 157 310 2
1) 615 2) 625 3) 616
4) 619 5) None of these

59. 652 436 311 ? 220 212
1) 252 2) 238 3) 298
4) 247 s) 265

60.? 124 60 28 12 4
1) 250 2) 252 3) 248
4) 254 5) None of these

61 . A sum of money fetches Hs.65280 as comi-pound interest at the rate of 4 p.c.p.a. at the end of two years. What is the sum’?
1) Fts.6000 2) Rs.4000
s) Fts.8000 4) 1%.5000
5) Noneof these f

62. It 20% is reduced from the first number, it becomes three-fourth of the second number. What is the respective ratio between first number to the second number’?
1)15:1G 2) 12:13 3)16:`15
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

63. What is the average of the following set of numbers?
142 156 132 155 146 122

1)136 2)132 )1484) 139 5) None of these

64. It 36 men can complete a piece ot work in 526 days, in how many days can 24 men omplete that work?
1) 16 days 2) 32 days g
3) 39 days 4) 48 days
5) None of these

65. A 310m long train running at 64 kmph speed crosses a bridge in 27 seconds. Find the length of the bridge.
1) 480m 2) 270m 3) 300m
4) 170m 5) 350m

66. The cost of 6 note books and 9 pens is Rs 204. What is the cost ot 14 note books and 21 pens?
1) Fts.334 2) Rs. 476 3) Fls. 238 §
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

67. Sum ot tive consecutive even numbers is 220. What is the second number in descending order?
1) 40 2) 42 3) 48 4) 44 5) None of these

68. A man spends 30% ot his monthly salary on rent, 15% ot his monthly salary on provisions and 25% of his monthly salary on buying cloths. lf he saves Rs.1860, find his annual salary.
1) RS.6200 2)Rs.310O
3) Rs.r4400 4) Rs.72000 it 5) None oi these

69. The difference between 47% of a number and 78% of the same number is 5130. What is 35% ot that number?
1) 24300 2) 12630 3) 9363
4) 11178 s) None of these

70. A shop keeper sells an article tor Rs.874 What is the cost price ot that article?
1) Rs.760 2 Rs.740 3) Rs.750 4) Rs.748 5) None ot these

Directions (Q. 71-75): Study the following table carefully and answer the questions that follow.Following table gives the number of two wheelers (in thousands) produced by Five companies A, B, C, D and E over the years.

71. The percentage lead in the production of two wheelers by company ‘C’ from 2007 to 2008 was-
1) 20% 2) 30% 3) 25% 4) 17.5% 5) 33 1/3%

1. In which of the following companies was the production of two wheelers continuously increase over the years?
1) c 2) D 3) E 4) A 5) None of these

73. In which of the following years was the production of two wheelers of atl the compa- nies put together the maximum?
1)2009 2) 2006 3) 2004 4) 2008 5) 2005

74. Number of two wheelers produced by company ‘B’ in 2007 is approximately what per- cent of the total number of two wheelers produced by the same company in all the years together?
1) 35% 2) 20% 3) 60% 4) 15% 5) 25%

75. What is the respective ratio between the total number of two wheelers produced by companies B and D together in 2006 and the same companies together in 20®‘?
1) 23:21 2) 20:23 3) 20:21 4) 19:20 ‘ 6) 21:20

76. The present ages of Abhi and Ftishi are in the ratio 8:1 respectively. Four years hence the ratio of their ages will be 9:2 respectively. What is the present age of Abhi?
1) 36 2) 32 3) 48 4) B 5) None

77. In an examination it is required to get 40% f the aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 126 marks and is declared failed by 32 marks. What are the maximum aggregate Emarks a student can get ?
1) 800 2) 600 3) 400 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these

78. A sum of money is divided among A, B, and C in the ratio of 2:5:4 respectively. If the share of C is Bs. 240 less than B, then what is the total amount of money?
1) Rs.2640 2) Rs.2150 3) Rs.26B0 4) Rs.295O 5) None of these

79. Number obtained by interchanging the dig its of a two digit number is more than the. original number by 54 and the sum of the digits is 10. What is the original number?
1) 82 2) 37 3) 46 4) 28 5) None


1)2 2)4 B)3 4)2 5)1 6)2 7)3 8)1 9)4 10)1 11)1 12)2 13)2 14)4 15)1 16)2 17)3 18)2 19)2 20)1 21)3 22)1 23)3 24)4 25)4 26)2 27)5 28)3 29)4 30)1 31)1 32)4 B3)3 34)2 35)1 36)2 3)4 38)4 39)3 40)1 41)4 42)5 43)2 44)4 45)3 46)4 47)1
48)3 49)1 50)2 5t)2 E2)5 53)4 54)1 55)4 58)3 57)5 58)1 59)4 60)2 61)3 62)) 63)4 64)3 65)4 66)2 67)5 68)3 69)4 70)1 71)5 72)3 73)4 74)2 75)5 76)2 77)3 78)1 79)4

SBI Clerk Exam Reasoning Ability Model Paper

81.How many meaningful three letter English words can be formed with the letters “ADM” using each letter oniy once in each word?
1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) Four

82.Each Vowel of the word “MARRIAGE” is substituted with the next letter ofthe English Alphabetical series, and each Consonant is substituted with the letter preceding it. how many Vowels are there in the new arrangement.
1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) Four

83. ln a certain code “Leo Dak Ba” means “He is good” “Dak Ba Ga Sek” means “l-le is your sister” and “Gab Ga Dar” means 5 “Brother and Sister”. What is code of “Sister.”
1) Dak 2) Ba 3) Ga 4) Con‘t say 5) None =

84. lf the digits in the number “68415392″ are arranged in ascending order, what will be the 6TH number in new arrangement?
1) Five 2) Six 3) Four 4) Two 5) None

85. If it is possible to make only one meaningful Word with the third, fourth,seventh, eighth,letters of the word ‘INDEPENDENCE” which of the following would be the last letter of that word? if no such word can be made, give ‘X’ as your answer and if more than one such word can be formed, give your answeras y
1)I 2)D 3)X 4)Y *5)A

86.In a certain code “MOON” is written as “SEND” How is “SEND” wrilen in that code?
1) VQBA 2) VBQA 3) VAQB 4) BQAV 5) None of these

87. In a certain code language “GATE” is coded as “6$2#” and HIRE is coded as 8*?# then how will “HATE” be coded in that language?
1) ?$2# 2) $?2# 3) ?$#2 4) 2?#$ 5) None

88) Four of following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group which is the one that does not belong to that group? Q
1) Car 2) Steering 3) Door
4) Seat 5) Tyre

89. It two is called four, four is called tive, five is called two. Four is called seven and seven is called eighth, what is the sum ot two and four?
1) Five 2) Seven 3) Nine 4) Four 5) None

90. How many such pair of letters are there in word “MARRIAGE” which have as many letters between them as they have between A them in the alphabet?
t)Two 2) Four 3) Three 4) Nill 5) None

Directions (Q.91-95): In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered 1 and 2. You have to take the given statements to be true even it they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. read both of 5 the conclusion and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the 2 given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Read the statements and the conclusions which follow it and-

Give answer (1) if only conclusion 1 is true
Give answer (2) if only conclusion 2 is true
Give answer (3) if either conclusion 1 or 2 is true
Give answer (4) if neither conclusion 1 nor 2 is true
Give answer (5) ii both conclusions 1 and 2 are true.

91.Statements :
All dogs are cates
some cats are pigs
All Pigs are goats
1.Some gosts are dogs
2.No dog is goat

Some bananas are guavas
Some guavas are mangos
Conclusions: 1. Some mangos are bananas
2. Soma bananas are apples
93. Statements:
All cars are
doorsSoma doors are seats
All seats are tyres
Conclusions: 1. Soma tyres are doors
2. Soma doors are cars

94. Statements:
All birds are animals
All animals are goats
All goats are cats
Conclusions: 1. All animals are cats
2. All goats are birds

95. Statements: Some pens are pencils Some pencils are sketches
All sketches are erasers
Conclusions: 1. Some sketches are pens .
2. No eraser is pencil

Directions (Q96-100): Study the sets of numbers given below and answer the questions. Which follow:
378 482 596 789 670

96. If in each number, all the three digits were arranged in ascending order, which of the following will be the lowest number
1) 378 2) 482 3) 596 4) 789 5) 670

97. lf four is subtracted from each of the numbers which ofthe following numbers will be the difference between the second digit of second highest number and the second digit of the highest number?
1) Zero 2) Two 3) Three 4) One 5) None

98. lf in each number the first and the third numbers are lnterchanged. Which will be the third highest numbers
1) 378 2) 482 3) 596 4) 789 5) 670

99. Which of the following numbers will be obtained if the first digit of lowest number is subtracted from the second digit of highest number after adding two to each ofthe numbers? `
1) 5 2) 4 3) 2 4) 1 5) 6

100. lf in each number the first and the second digits are interchanged, which will be the fourth highest number?
1) 378 2) 482 3) 596 4) 789 5) 670

Directions (Q.101-105): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions, which follow:.
P — 0 Means P is daughter of Q
P + 0 Means P is wife of Q
P + Q Means P is father of Q
P*Q Means P is son of Q

101. In the expression ‘A * B – C’ how is a
related to C’?
1) Sister 2) Father 3) Grandfather
4) Grandson 5) None of these

102. Which of the following means C is ‘son—ln-Law’ of A ‘?
1)A+BxC 2)A+B*C
3)A+B+C 4)A+B+C 5)None

103. ln the expression ‘A — B + C’ how C related to ‘A’
1) Mother 2) Father 3) Brother
4) Can’t say 5) None

104. l-low is A related to C in the expression A X B + C
1) Brother 2) Wife 3) Son 4) Sister
5) None of these

105. l-low is C related to A in the expression “A + B + C”
1) Son 2) Daughter _
3) Daughter-in-law 4) Sister 5) Not

Directions (0.106-110): Study the following information carefully to the answer these questions.
K, L, M, N, O, P, 0 and Ft are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. P is third to the right of L who is third to the right of ‘R’. K is third to the Let o ‘R’ M is fourth to the left of K. O is third to the right of ‘N’ who is not a neighbour of ‘K’.

106. in which of the following pairs the first person is to the immediate right ol the second person? .
1) OL 2) KP 3) KO 4) PN 5) None
107. Who is third to the right of ‘N’
1) O 2) O 3) M 4) K 5) None
108. Who is fourth to the left of ‘M’
t)K 2)P 3)O 4)L 5)None

109. Who is second tothe right of ‘L’?
1)M 2)N 3)K 4)Q 5) None

110. What is ’O‘s position with respect to ‘P’
A) Fourth to the right B) Fourth to the Left
C) Fifth tothe Left D) Fifth to the right
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) OnIyA and B
4) Only C and D 5) None of these

81)2 82)1 83)3 84)2 85)3 86)2 87)1 88)1 89)3 90)3 91)3 92)2 93)5 94)1 95)4 96)5 97)2 98)3 99)5 100)4 101)4 1O2)4 1O3)2 1O4)1 105)5 106)3 107)2 108)1 1O9)3 110)3 111)1 112)4 113)2 114)5 115)5 116)3 117)2 118)4 119)2 120)4

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SBI Clerk Exam General English Model Paper

By ravi on January 13th, 2011 | Read this page in hindi| Share with Friends

Directions (Q.121-125): Which of- the following phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase I printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. lt the sentence is correct as is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as answer.

121 . I came out ot my house and went for walk.
1) For a walk 2) For the walk
3) For walk over 4) For the walk of
5) No correction required

122. lt was a lone place where I met Rajesh yesterday. -
1) a lonely 2) to a lonely
3) ct a lonely 3) for a lonely
5) No correction required

123. Unless you will not come, that problem will not be solved.
1) Would not come 2) Might not come
3) Have come 4) Come E
5) No correction required

124. I had a lot of work in this otiice, I could not hope of meetmy friend yesterday.
1) cannot meet 2) could not meet .
3) cannotbe ot meet 4) did not be met
5) No correction required

125.As several books in this shops are so expensive for many children are not willing to buy 1) Too expensive of _
2) very expensive
3) More expensive tor
4) To expensive to
5) No correction required E

Directions (O.126—130): In each of the following sentence there are 2 blank spaces below each sentence there are 5 pairs of words denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4 and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence mean ingfully complete.

126. Raju’s ……… Performance in the exam ……… appreciated by many.
1) poor, was 2) depolarise, has
3) encouraging, was 4) excellent, was
5) normal, is

127. The practice of ……… should be ………. by all people inthe society.
1) nepotism, condemned
2) neophyte, dared
3) affinity, indispensable
4) agreement, discarded
5) determination, Promise

128. The treasurer ……… the companys
money. ……….. he was suspended.
1) embezzled, so 2) theft, therefore
3) endoused, hence 4) siphoned olf, as
5) misguided, because

129. The ……. of Polyandry was ……. by early Tibetans.
1) custom, practiced 2) habit, followed _-
3) occupation, viewed 4) act, done
5) development, carried out

130. He was too …….. to …….. the- roof ot his
1) Snell, touch 2) mg, handle
3) weak, to 4) well, tackle
5) darling, make

Directions (Q131-135): Read each sentence to find out whether there any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. lf there is no error, the- answer is (5) {ignore the error of punctuation, if any).

31. While Raju was(1)/ running along the road(2)/a speedy lorry(3)/ knocked down to him(4)/ No error(5)

132. Though none of her(Ԥ)f friends forwarding to help(2) helped her by(3)completing her work on time(4) No error(5)

l33. His immoral acts have(1)/ made his a wife(2)/ bent her head(3)/ in shame(4)/ No error(5)

134. Everyone in(1)/ my Institute knows(2)/ that l(3)/ hails from Bangalore(4)/ No error(5)

135. By the time(1)/ l reached the theatre(2)the movie(3)f had begun(4)/ No error(5)

DirectIions (Q.136—150): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words! phrases are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

This happened not so long ago in a remote village in South India. There lived in this village a young man named Venkatesh. He earned a living by exchanging new stainless steel utensils for old clothes, for this he visited the house of the rich peoplein the city. Later he used to sell the clothes to the poor people in the village.

He had considerable income from this business. However, not content with his earning, he used to steal things from the houses he visiited. The stolen items werethen sold-off in the , pan shop. Near Venkates house Iived Naresh had a small grocery shop in the village. Although he did not make large profits in the Naresh had a small grocery shop in the village. Although he did not make large profits in the business he was quite satisfied with what he gained. Venkatesh and Naresh were very good friends. However, Naresh did not approve of Venkatesh’s habit of stealing. He always. advised his friend to lead an honest life. But Venkatesh never paid heed to his friend’s . advice and went on with his activities.

One day Venkatesh went to the house of young woman to ask for old clothes. The woman went inside her house and brought out a heap of old clothes. Seeing this Venkatesh thought that he was in for another good deal. But that was not to be. Just as he owned the housewife were bargaining over the number of sarees to be exchanged for a large utensil, his j eyes stopped at along glittering chain dazzling around the woman’s neck. Without further thought, he grabbed the chain and fled, leaving ` behind his wares. After reaching home, he put the chain under his bed. For. the next few days he stopped going about his work and wasted . away all the money he had saved. When he was desperately in need of money, he took out the chain he had looted and went straight to the jewellry shop in the village. The Jeweller took the chain in his hand and after examining it carefully, declared that it was shiny, but not i made of real gold. lt was worth a few rupees only.

Venkatesh stood dumb-founded on hearing ? the jeweller‘s words. He soon understood his folly and left the shop realizing the merit of the old proverb, “AII that glitters is not goId.” Mean while, at the sudden departure of Venkatesh, the housewife coolly went back to her kitchen amply satisfied at getting a basket ful of utensils for a fake gold chain.

136. What did Venkatesh do with the chain soon after stealing it?
1) He hid it under the earth.
2) He sold it to the Jeweller
3) he Kept the below is own bed
4) he had it in his Friends house.
5) He took it to the Jewellry shop in the village.

137. How did Venkatesh earn his living?
1) l-le sold clothes and utensils in the city
2) He bought clothes from the people.
3) He took utensils and gave sarees in return.
4) He sold gold chain in the Jewellry shop
5) None of these.

138. The housewife was not unhappy at losing her chain because.
1) The chain did not belong to her.
2) She was thinking of exchanging it for some utensils
3) It was false.
4) She thought Venkatesh would get money by selling it.
5) Venkatesh was very well known to her.

139. The way Naresh earned his living was.
1) He sold clothes in the class.
2) 1-le sold gold chain in the village.
3) He sold groceries in the village.
4) He sold clothes in exchange of sarees
5) He used to steal in the city.

140. The phrase but that was not to be means that
1) Venkatesh could not make a good bar gain with the young woman.
2) Venkatesh succeeded in the running gain with the young woman.
3) The young woman could not prevent Venkatesh from stealing her chain.
4) The young woman succeeded in getting all the utensils.
5) Venkatesh lost all the things.

141. What can be inferred from the passage regarding the ages of Venkatesh and Naresh ?
1) Both were of the same age.
2) Naresh was younger than Venkatesh.
3) Both were middle aged men ofthe same age
4) Both were tall.
5) No explanation about the age.

142. Which of the following statements is not true’?
1) Venkatesh had the habit of stealing things from the houses he visited.
2) Venkateshlknew that the chain was a fake one while stealing it.
3) Venkatesh understood his mistake only after showing the chain to the jeweller. i
4) He wasted all his money.
5) He used to steal something or the other.

143. What did the ieweller say atler examining the chain?
1) He said that the chain was not made of gold.
2) He said that the chain was made of real gold.
3) He said that the chain was made of silver.
4) He said that the chain was made of peans.
5) He did nct examine the chain.

144. Which of the following statements is true’

1) Naresh made large profits in his business.
2) He used to sell fruits.
3) Naresh was a very good natured man.
4) Naresh was a rude man.
5) None of these.

Directions(O.145-147): Pick out the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage.

145. went an
1) Continued .2) Worked
3) Decided 4) Returne
5) Increased

146. Lead-
1) Try 2) Guide 3) Perform
4) Live 5) Earn

147. Paid Heed-
1) Felt Happy 2) Took Notice
3) Gave Change 4) Went Against
5) Sought Help.

Directions (Q.148-150): Pick out this word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in bold as used in the pasage .
148. Considerable
1) Large 2) Satisfactory 3) Extra
4) Small 5) Specific

149. Departure-
1) Disappearance 2) Rusting
3) Exist 4) Bringing 5) Coming

150. Content-
1) Satisfied 2) Disagreed _
3) Proved 4) Anxious
5) Displaced

Directions (0.151-160): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriatety. Find out the appropriate word in each case

With the (151) of Indian economy (152) vari ous reforms initiated banking sector (153) a pivotal role in the process of achieving (154) ecocomic growth and also in (155) the social well being at large The public sector (156) in India have the twin tasks ahead of meeting the social banking (157) and at the same time generating (158) profits to meet the costs associated with the growth. At present, banks have more than ai 76% of their total branch (159) in rural and semiurban (160).

151. 1) nationalization 2) expansion 3) liberalisation 4) computerisation 5) accommodation

152. 1) from 2) over 3) between 4) through 5) though

153. 1) managers 2) occupies 3) facilities 4) naturalize 5) conquers

154. 1) fever 2) ramasuo 3) higher 4) lower 5) lesser

155. 1) increasing 2) enhancing 3) encouraging 4) improving 5) innovating

156. 1) organisations 2) companies 3) corporations 4) banks 5) institutions

157. 1) limitations 2) obligations 3) derivatives 4) facilities 5) liabilities

158. 1) beautiful 2) lumpsum 3) adequate 4) wonderful 5) everlasting

159. 1) map 2) scenario 3) network 4) system 5) graph

160. 1) households 2) residences 3) areas 4) locals 5) suburbs


121)1 122)1 123)4 124)2 125)2 126)4 127)1 128)1 129)1 130)1 131)4 132)2 133)3 134)4 135)5 136)3 137)5 138)3 139)3 140)1 141)1 142)2 143)1 144)5 145)1 146)4 147)2 148)4 149)5 150)4 151)3 152)4 153)2 154)3 155)4 156)4 157)2 158)3 159)3 160)3
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29th June 2011, 07:11 PM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?


I have attached a few sample papers of the SBI clerk exam.

Download it from here.

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File Type: docx sbi clerk 1.docx(16.4 KB, 112 views)
File Type: docx sbi clerk 2.docx(13.4 KB, 97 views)
File Type: docx sbi clerk 3.docx(14.7 KB, 92 views)
File Type: docx sbi clerk 4.docx(18.0 KB, 91 views)
File Type: docx sbi clerk 5.docx(15.1 KB, 91 views)
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15th December 2011, 02:10 AM
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Default Re: Question Paper of SBI Clerk Exams?


SBI is the State Bank of India, and it is one of the best and most renowned banks in India.

It conducts exam for the recruitment of the officials into the bank. I am attaching a handful of papers. Please download them, and refer for your preparations.

Hope they help.

For any more information regarding the SBI Please Click Here

Attached Files
File Type: zip SBI PAPERS.zip(52.8 KB, 83 views)
File Type: doc SBI Clerks Exam Jan.doc(37.5 KB, 116 views)
File Type: doc SBI Clerk Exam Reasoning Ability Model Paper.doc(27.0 KB, 123 views)
File Type: docx SBI.docx(64.3 KB, 104 views)
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