9th February 2011, 09:13 PM
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Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?

I want some sample question papers with solutions regarding to JEST exam for Physics

27th March 2011, 01:18 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 21
Default Re: Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?


Q 1. If a person has a meter scale and he has to measure a length of 50 m. Each time he
measures the measurement lies from 99.8 to 100.2 cm. Estimate the net error, when takes
measurement 50 times?
(a) 0.2 cm (b) 0.4 cm (c) 0.82 cm (d) 10 cm.

Q 2. If coherent source of light through A,B has wavelength λ such AB = 4λ . If the detector
is moving along the loop of radius R such that R>> AB then if the radius is increased
gradually what effect will it have on the no. of maxima detected by detector D?
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) first increase than decrease (d) none

Q 3. Slit separation = d
Slit width = w
A plane wavefront incident, when will the 3rd maxima will be missing
(a) 3d = 2w (b) 2d = 3w (c) d = 2w

Q 4. Find
( 2 ) ( 2 )
Real z Img z
(a) i (b) 1 (c)-1 (d) limit do not exist

Q 5. If 2P −1 = Prime no.
(a) P is a odd no. (b) P can composite no. (c) P is necessarily composite no.
(d) P is Prime no.

Q 6. Find the velocity of box
(a) v cosθ (b) v sinθ (c) v tanθ

Q 7. What is the volume of a sphere in 4-dimensional space of unit radius?
(b) 4
(c) 4π i

Q 8. A heard ball dropped from a 1 m height and rebounces to 95 cm. Calculate the total
distance travelled by ball?
(a) 1880 cm (b) 2160 cm

Q 9. Evaluate 3
2 2 3
π i z z i
+ − ⎭ ��∫
(a) 0, (b) 2π i

Q 10. If EM waveE ��
is filed component along y in with magnitude Eo, travelling along x-axis
with frequency w. represent this
Ans. cos ( ) o E = E Kx − wt yλ

Q 11. If an astronaut knows the maximum and min distance between the moon of a planet and
the planet maximum orbital velocity of moon is know which quantity of the following
can’t be calculated.
A, B are known
(a) mass of planet (b) mass of moon (c) Time of the orbit (d) semi major axis.

Q 12. If P and q are two distinct prime numbers then how many divisors p2q3 have?

Q 13. represent carnot cycle in T – S diagram

Q 14. If proton and α − particle accelerated by same potential v, find the ratio of debroglie
wavelength ?
(a) 2 2:1 (b) 2:1 (c) 1 : 2 (d) none of these

Q 15. The difference in arithmetic and geometric mean of two positive integer m and n is equal
to 1. Then
m and
n are
(a) perfect square

Q 16. Net capacitance
(a) C1 +C2 +C3 (b)
1 2 3
1 1 1
+ + (c) 2 3
2 3

Q 17. Two events are taking place at a distance 5 km with a time interval 5μ s. In an inertial
frame. An observer observes two events as simultaneous. Determine the speed of

Q 18. Find the time taken for blue light λ = 400nm, to cover a distance of 80 km in optical
fiber having refractive .Index = 1.6
Ans. 427 μ sec.

Q 19. Find ( ) 5
1 1
1 2 ...
k l
= =
ΣΣ + +

Q 20. ( )
, 1 cos o
a r E r
φ θ θ
⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤ = − ⎢ −⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥⎦
(Potential distribution of sphere of change q)
Find the change distribution
(a) 2 o E ∈cosθ (b) cos o ∈E θ

Q 21. A small mass m moving with velocity collides with turnable table get attached after
collision and moves with angular velocity w? find w?

Q 22. Find the solution of given differential equation.
x dy 3y x2
− =
(a) y = x2 + cx2 (b) (c) (d)

Q 23. If x and y both are non-zero then the value of x2 + xy + y2
(a) always +ve (b) always –ve (c) 0 (d) sometimes +ve and sometime –ve

Q 24. ( )
2 3
x 2 3
V = kx + Lx (a potential fn for a particle in a box)
(a) V is oscillatory (b) v is never osicllater (c)

Q 25. Find eigen value and eigen vector
2 2
2 1
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦

Q 26. Then
(a) B Cl F E = E = E (b) B Cl F E = E ≤ E (c) F B Cl E > E > E (d) F B Cl E > E = E

Q 27. A curve moves from origin to a point P(1, 1) then ( 2 2 )
P ∫ y′ + yy′ + y dx will be stationary
(a) y = x (b) y = x2

Q 28. A proton accelerated by a potential difference of 1000 V and enter into magnetic field B
= 1000 T along a circular path of r = 20 cm. Determine the velocity of proton during
circular motion.
(a) 1 m/s (b) 105m/s (c) 100 m/s (d) none

Q 29. A mass m is attached to a spring with one end to a rigid support and to other end a spring
is connected which is attached to a mass m. having same spring constant calculate the
node frequency.

Q 30. A particle moving with velocity v hits the uniform circular disc at rest with impact
parameter (b < R) afterwards both particles and disc rotates with same angular velocity
ω . then ω in terms of v is,

Q 31. If donors are added to n-type semiconductor then
(i) Electrons increases holes remain constant
(ii) Electrons increases holes decreases
(iii) Electrons increases holes increases
(iv) No effect will takes place.

Q 32. A particle X of mass M at rest decays into a particle A of mass mA and another particle of
zero mass. Determine the energy of A.

Q 33. If B/A decreases with increases atomic number, then what does it indicate about nuclear
number, than what does it indicate about nuclear forces?
(a) charge dependent
(b) Charge independent

Q 34. The spin and parity of 12C and 17O?
(a) 0 , 5
+ (b) 0 , 5

+ (c) 1 , 7
2 2
+ +
(d) 0 , 3

Q 35. A charge q drops from rest from height d to infinite grounded conducting plates.
Calculate the time to reach the charge to plates.
Sample Questions – Theoretical Computer Science
Unlike in Physics, there is only one paper. The test will focus on the following areas:
Analytical Reasoning and Deduction, Combinatorics, Data Structures and Algorithms,
Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory, Principles of Programming
In each of these areas, familiarity with the basics (including the necessary simple
mathematics) is assumed and will be tested. There will be questions of both varieties –
some requiring short answers as well as some involving detailed problem solving.
Some text books which may help the candidate prepare for the test are listed below. The
candidate is not expected to read all the books. There is no specified “portion” for the
test; rather, the test is designed to check the applicant’s understanding of foundational
aspects of computing.
Suggested texts:
1. Elements of Discrete Mathematics - C.L. Liu
2. Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science -
Jean-Paul Tremblay and Ram P. Manohar
3. Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools - Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi and
Jefferey D. Ullman
4. Fundamentals of Data Structures - Ellis Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni
5. An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications -
Jean-Paul Tremblay and P.G. Sorenson
6. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms - Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and
S. Rajasekaran
7. The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms - Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft
and Jefferey D. Ullman
8. Introduction to Algorithms - Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L.
9. How to Solve it by Computer - R.G. Dromey
10. Programming Languages - Concepts and Constructs, Ravi Sethi
Sample Questions for JEST inTheoretical Computer Science:
1. Select the correct alternative in each of the following:
(a) Let a and b be positive integers such that a > b and a2 - b2 is a prime number.
Then a2 - b2 is equal to
(A) a - b (B) a + b (C) a × b (D) none of the above
(b) When is the following statement true? (A [ B) \ C = A \ C
(A) If ¯ A \ B \ C = _ (B) If A \ B \ C = _ (C) always (D) never
(c) If a fair die (with 6 faces) is cast twice, what is the probability that the two
numbers obtained di_er by 2?
(A) 1/12 (B) 1/6 (C) 2/9 (D) 1/2
(d) T(n) = T(n/2) + 2; T(1) = 1. When n is a power of 2, the correct expression for T(n)
(A) 2(log n + 1) (B) 2 log n (C) log n + 1 (D) 2 log n + 1
2. Consider the following function, defined by a recursive program:
function AP(x,y: integer) returns integer;
if x = 0 then return y+1
else if y = 0 then return AP(x-1,1)
else return AP(x-1, AP(x,y-1))
(a) Show that on all nonnegative arguments x and y, the function AP terminates.
(b) Show that for any x, AP(x, y) > y.
3. How many subsets of even cardinality does an n-element set have ? Justify answer.
4. A tournament is a directed graph in which there is exactly one directed edge between
every pair of vertices. Let Tn be a tournament on n vertices.
(a) Use induction to prove the following statement:
Tn has a directed hamiltonian path (a directed path that visits all vertices).
(b) Describe an algorithm that finds a directed hamiltonian path in a given tournament.
Do not write whole programs; pseudocode, or a simple description of the
steps in the algorithm, will suffice. What is the worst case time complexity of
your algorithm?
5. Describe two different data structures to represent a graph. For each such
representation, specify a simple property about the graph that can be more
efficiently checked in that representation than in the other representation. Indicate
the worst case time required for verifying both of your properties in either
6. Two gamblers have an argument. The first one claims that if a fair coin is tossed
repeatedly, getting two consecutive heads is very unlikely. The second, naturally,
is denying this. They decide to settle this by an actual trial; if, within n coin
tosses, no two consecutive heads turn up, the first gambler wins.
(a) What value of n should the second gambler insist on to have more than a 50%
chance of winning?
(b) In general, let P(n) denote the probability that two consecutive heads show up
within n trials. Write a recurrence relation for P(n).
(c) Implicit in the second gambler’s stand is the claim that for all sufficiently large n,
there is a good chance of getting two consecutive heads in n trials; i.e. P(n) > 1/2.
In the first part of this question, one such n has been demonstrated. What
happens for larger values of n? Is it true that P(n) only increases with n? Justify
your answer.
7. Consider the following program:
function mu(a,b:integer) returns integer;
var i,y: integer;
i = 0; y = 0;
while (i < a) do
begin --------Q------------
y := y + b ;
i = i + 1
return y
Write a condition P such that the program terminates, and a condition Q which is
true whenever program execution reaches the place marked Q above.
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Sample Questions – Physics
The syllabus for JEST M.Sc level Physics paper is the standard M.Sc Physics syllabus.In particular,
it presumes that the candidates have taken basic courses in Mathematical Physics, Classical Mechanics,
Electromagnetic Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics and some special subjects such as
Condensed Matter Physics, Electronics, Nuclear Physics etc.
The Physics question paper will be a multiple-choice question paper only. It will contain questions
of two levels of difficulty. The first level will have 25 “easier” questions carrying 1 mark each. The second
level will have 25 “difficult” questions carrying 3 marks each. Therefore, the test questions will have a total
of 50 questions with 25 from each level, adding to a total maximum marks of 100. 40% questions will be
from B. Sc. Level and 60% questions will be from M. Sc. Level.
1. Black-body radiation, at temperature Ti fills a volume V. The system expands adiabatically
and reversibly to a volume 8V. The final temperature Tf = xTi, where the factor x is equal to
(a) 0.5 (b) 2.8 (c) 0.25 (d) 1
2. A particle of mass m, constrained to move along the x-axis. The potential energy is given
by, V(x)=a + bx +cx2, where a, b and c are positive constants. If the particle is disturbed
slightly from its equilibrium position, then it follows that
(a) it performs simple harmonic motion with period 2pÖ(m/2c)
(b) it performs simple harmonic motion with period 2pÖ(ma/2b2)
(c) it moves with constant velocity
(d) it moves with constant acceleration
3. Consider a square ABCD, of side a, with charges +q, -q, +q, -q placed at the vertices, A, B,
C, D respectively in a clockwise manner. The electrostatic potential at some point located
at distances r (where r >> a) is proportional to
(a) a constant (b) 1/r (c) 1/r2 (d) 1/r3
4. The general solution of dy/dx – y = 2ex is (C is an arbitrary constant)
(a) e2x+Cex (b) 2xex+Cex (c) 2xex+C (d) ex2+C
5. As q®0, lim 

ln(1 sin )
(a) ¥ (b) -¥ (c) 1 (d) 0
6. If P^ is the momentum operator, and s^ are the three Pauli spin matrices, the eigenvalues
of (s^.P^) are
(a) px and pz (b) px ± ipy (c) ± |p| (d) ± (px + py +pz)
7. Two parallel infinitely long wires separated by a distance D carry steady currents I1 and I2
(I1 > I2) flowing in the same direction. A positive point charge moves between the wires
parallel to the currents with a speed v at a distance D/2 from either wire. The magnitude of
an electric field that must be turned on to maintain the trajectory of the particle is
proportional to
(a) (I1-I2)v/D (b) (I1+I2)v/D (c) (I1-I2)v2/D2 (d) (I1+I2)v2/D2
8. An ideal gas of non-relativistic fermions in three dimensions is at a temperature of 0 K.
When both the mass of the particles and the number density are doubled, the energy per
particle is multiplied by a factor,
(a) Ö2 (b) 1 (c) 21/3 (d) 1/21/3
9. The rotational part of the Hamiltonian of a diatomic molecule is (1/2 μ1)(Lx
+ (1/2 μ2) Lz
2 where μ1 and μ2 are moments of inertia. If μ1 = 2μ2, the three
lowest energy levels (in units of h2/4 μ2) are given by
(a) 0, 2, 3 (b) 0, 1, 2 (c) 1, 2, 3 (d) 0, 2, 4
10. A particle of mass 1 gm starts from rest and moves under the action of a force of 30
Newtons defined in the rest frame. It will reach 99% the velocity of light in time
(a) 9.9 x 103 sec (b) 7 x 104 sec (c) 0.999 sec (d) 0.7 sec
24th June 2011, 04:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?

24th September 2011, 04:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?

Abhijeet: email id is [email protected].
I will be thankful for sending me the jest model papers for physics.
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25th November 2011, 05:56 PM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 1
Default Re: Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?

[QUOTE=Unregistered; email id is [email protected] I will be thankful for sending me the jest last 5 yrs. physics papers for the exam of jest in the year of 2011 3rd. yr. candidates[/QUOTE]
i) the physics papers
ii) jam papers
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14th December 2011, 06:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?

sir please give me model test paper for jest computer science my email id is [email protected]
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18th December 2011, 09:09 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir please give me model test paper for jest computer science my email id is [email protected]


I have attached some of the previous year model papers of JEST exam including computer science in this post for your reference.. kindly check it over.. hope it helps for your preparation...


-> Don't reside only on previous year papers it wont help you much for your preparation...

-> To know more about JEST exam online CLICK HERE!!!

-> I have attached the JEST 2012 notification file in this post for your reference.. check it out if needed..

-> JEST 2012 is going to be conducted in February 19th,2012.

-> Any more queries, feel free to leave a post in our forum...

"Learn the value of hard work by working hard."
Attached Files
File Type: zip JEST.zip(57.5 KB, 43 views)
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19th December 2011, 01:38 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 176
Default Re: Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?

JEST joint entrance screening test is for admission into m.tech to phd level the student are admitted either in physics or theorotical computer science.. the sample paper are available in for info plese visit www.jest.org the test is conducted at all india level. the selected student get stipend also

best of luck
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14th February 2012, 03:12 PM
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Default Re: Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?

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6th March 2012, 10:16 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?

Please send me these questions
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30th January 2013, 12:48 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?

Please send me jest papers for physics. my email id is [email protected]
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1st September 2013, 11:51 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Sample question papers with solutions of JEST physics exam?

please send me last 10 years JEST question paper with solution for Physics. my email id is [email protected]
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Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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