2nd October 2011, 12:01 AM
p ashwini
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 6

Is Single exam conducted in PSU for Public Sector Recruitment or is it different exams for different organization? Which are those examinations?

i wanted to know whether its a single exam conducted in psu for public sector recruitment or different exams for different organisation.& if yes then what all are those examinations.

4th November 2011, 03:51 PM
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Default Re: Is Single exam conducted in PSU for Public Sector Recruitment or is it different exams for different organization? Which are those examinations?

psu means there will be some companies which are undetaken by the goverment ie the government is having 50% share in those companies.There are a number of psus like bhel,ntpc,beml,sail,ongc iocl. etc.each company will have their own exam for selection in to their companies.just go throuh the news papers to see their vacancies .every year these psus(mostly) will conduct the exams.Recently there is a change in the selection process of some psus like bhel,ntpc and iocl.these are using gate results as the criteria to get the jobs in their companies.if u have a good gate score they will call u for the interview and if u perfrom well when u will get recruited in that company.
8th July 2012, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: Is Single exam conducted in PSU for Public Sector Recruitment or is it different exams for different organization? Which are those examinations?

I am a B.Tech(Mech) 4th year student. what can I choose software job or core job, if I choose software job can I shift to work as Mechanical Engineer. or can I try and get after completion of my degree. Varun, SRM University
27th December 2013, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: Is Single exam conducted in PSU for Public Sector Recruitment or is it different exams for different organization? Which are those examinations?

For instrumentation engineers,I want to know the name of companies which recruit beyond gate?
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11th June 2014, 11:42 PM
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Default Re: Is Single exam conducted in PSU for Public Sector Recruitment or is it different exams for different organization? Which are those examinations?

I am a B.Tech(EE) student.what are the different PSUs and what are the eligibility criterias for them?
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