31st July 2012, 12:50 PM
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Which subjects should I choose for IES Exam being a candidate pursuing Computer Science Engineering?

Sir,as i am doing my computer science engineering and iam planning for ies exam so please give me exam subject and eligibility detail.

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10th November 2012, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects should I choose for IES Exam being a candidate pursuing Computer Science Engineering?

i did my bsc in sujects of botany zoology chemistry and i want to do my msc in sociology is it possible?
4th January 2013, 10:24 AM
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 38
Default Re: Which subjects should I choose for IES Exam being a candidate pursuing Computer Science Engineering?

Sorry friend you are not eligible to sit in IES exam.
The Indian Engineering Services (IES) Examination is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for recruitment to the IES, comprising of Group - A Services / Posts and Group - B Services / Posts in Categories I to IV.
Recruitment on the results of IES exam are done under the following categories:
Category I – Civil Engineering
Category II – Mechanical Engineering
Category III – Electrical Engineering
Category IV – Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Since you belong to CSE you can't sit for the exam.
Please refer www.examcrazy.com for further confirmation.
5th January 2013, 11:40 AM
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Default Re: Which subjects should I choose for IES Exam being a candidate pursuing Computer Science Engineering?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir,as i am doing my computer science engineering and iam planning for ies exam so please give me exam subject and eligibility detail.

Eligibility For IES

The Engineering Services Exam is conducted by the UPSC every year..

A candidate must comply with the following conditions in order to appear for the Exam :-

>> Candidate must be within the age limit of 21-30 years if general..21-33 years if OBC and 21-35 years if SC/ST..

>> Candidate must either be a final year student or must have already completed B.E/B.Tech from a recognized institute in any one of the following streams :-

> Civil Engineering
> Mechanical Engineering
> Electrical Engineering
>> Electronics and Telecom Engineering

I am really very sorry but since you are a computer science student hence you are not eligible for appearing for the Engineering Services..

In case you want to clarify the details or reconfirm then you can visit http://upsc.gov.in

all the best..

With Warm Regards
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5th January 2013, 11:41 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects should I choose for IES Exam being a candidate pursuing Computer Science Engineering?

IES Exams is conducted every year by UPSC.
The Engineering Services Exam is conducted to make
recruitments to 4 Categories viz. :
1.Civil Engineering
2.Mechanical Engineering
3.Electrical Engineering
4.Electronics & Tele-communication Engineering

You have to appear in the papers from the above 4 categories.
Being a B.E.(Computer Science) you can choose according to your convenience and subjects you find easier from the above 4 categories of engineering.

Eligibility For ESE :

Age limit :

General Category-21-30yrs on 1st August of year of exam

Educational Qualification :

A Degree in Engineering from a recognised University/Equivalent.
Final year appeared/appearing candidates can also apply on provision.

Since you are B.E.(computer science) from a recognised University
you can apply to IES Exams.

Exam Scheme :

Paper I(Objective type)--General Alility Test---200 marks

Paper II & III(Objective type)--Civil Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering,Electronics & Tele-communication Engineering---200 marks for each paper

Paper IV & V(Conventional type)--Civil Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering,Electronics & Tele-communication Engineering---200 marks for each paper

Total marks for written Exams----2000 marks

Personality Test(Interview)----200 marks

For more details visit www.upsc.gov.in
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10th March 2013, 01:56 PM
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Default Re: Which subjects should I choose for IES Exam being a candidate pursuing Computer Science Engineering?

.Which subject should I choose for IES exam being a candidate pursuing electrical engineering .
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11th March 2013, 10:27 AM
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Default Re: Which subjects should I choose for IES Exam being a candidate pursuing Computer Science Engineering?

Indian Engineering Service is one of the most reputed entrance exams in the country conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. There are few hundred jobs that are offered through the Indian Engineering Service (IES) every year.

These jobs are in various government departments. Some of the departments are:

Indian Railway Stores Service

Central Water Engineering

Central Power Engineering Service

Indian Defense Service of Engineers

Indian Naval Armament Service

There are many other departments. The recruitment is done in the following four categories:

Civil Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Electronics and Communication

Electrical Engineering

Since you have completed B.Tech in Computer Science, unfortunately you are not eligible for the Indian Engineering Service. I will recommend that instead of IES, you should apply for job in Public Sector Undertaking. However to apply in PSU, you must have scored at least 60 percent marks in the B.Tech course.

IES Eligibility

1. The IES exam is only opened for Indian nationals.

2. B.Tech/B.E. degree from a recognized university.

3. There is no percentage criteria for IES.

4. Age limit is 21 to 30 years.


OBC - There is 3 years relaxation.

SC/ST - Upto 5 years of relaxation in upper age limit.
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12th March 2013, 01:34 AM
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Default Re: Which subjects should I choose for IES Exam being a candidate pursuing Computer Science Engineering?

Dear Friend,

The Indian Engineering Services Examination is one of those examinations which are conducted every year by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).

The Candidates who have the following qualifications can appear for the IES Examination only as per the UPSC Guidelines :

a) The Candidate must have completed or in final year of the following streams of B.Tech/B.E. :

* Civil Engineering

* Mechanical Engineering

* Electronics & Communication Engineering

* Electronics & Electrical Engineering

b) The Candidate should not have any pending backlogs.

Since , you are a student of Computer Science & Engineering stream , you cannot appear in the IES Exam.

As , you do not fulfill the required educational qualifications.

However , Other Eligibility Criteria include :

c) Your age should lie in between 21-30 years if you belong to general Category.

d) Relaxation in upper age is also given to those candidates who belong to any of the reserved categories.

f) There is no percentage bar for the IES Exam.

g) You must have Indian Citizenship in order to sit in the examination.

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
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13th March 2013, 11:07 AM
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Default Re: Which subjects should I choose for IES Exam being a candidate pursuing Computer Science Engineering?

Dear friend

IES stands for the Indian Engineering services examinations .It is also called engineering services examinations.

From my point of view it is the best examinations for the engineers conducted by the Union Public service commission. every year .

The basic eligibility criteria for this exam is explained as below:

>>Friend you are % eligible for the IES exams after completing bachelor's degree in engineering in computer science engineering.

This is a general confusion among 90% people that candidates from branches other civil,mechanical,electrical and electronics and communication are not eligible for the IES exams.

Any candidate who has done his bachelor's degree in any stream in engineering/technology is eligible for the IES exams .Final year candidates are also allowed to appear for the exams.

Yes there is one limitation that candidates who are from streams other than electrical ,civil,mechanical and electronics and communication have to select their subjects for the conventional papers from these streams only.

Since you are from Computer science ,it might be preferable for you to select subjects from electronics and communication because it is a bit easy and you will understand easily.

However it also depends upon your interest .

The age limitations are :

General:21-30 years

OBC:21-33 years

SC/ST:21-35 years.

The no of attempts for this exam are :



SC/ST: no limit.

The important dates for the IES 2013 are as follows:

Date of notification:16/03/2013

Last date of receiving application:15/04/2013

Date of examination:28/06/2013

Examination pattern:

For online application you may visit www.upsconline.nic.in.

Hope the information helps you.IF you have any other query leave it here.

all the best

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19th March 2013, 12:39 AM
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Default Re: Which subjects should I choose for IES Exam being a candidate pursuing Computer Science Engineering?

I am computer science student can i appear for ies exam????
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