26th April 2011, 04:15 PM
Syllabus for KVS PRT main exam?
let me know the sylabus for kvs prt main exam?
26th April 2011, 05:36 PM
I have attach the syllabus for kvs prt in pdf format.Check it and you must get benefits from this. |
26th April 2011, 07:03 PM
the syllabus of kvs prt consist of........ -->core language competency(Hindi and English ) -->general science -->general maths --> environmental science below is the pdf containing details... |
26th April 2011, 10:47 PM
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) Syllabus for Written Examination of Primary teacher (PRT).
Subject paper will assess the candidates’ ability in following areas -
English - Articles/Determinals, Prepositions, Verb forms, Adjectives, Tenses, Modal Auxiliaries, Active/Passive, Reported speech, Punctuations Letter Writing-formal & informal, Essay on current issues, Speech,vocabulary, idioms and phrases, Antonym & Synonyms, Methods of teaching english at elementary level. General Science - Living word, Human Body, Plant Life, Natural Vegetation and Wild Life, Food The Universe - Natural phenomenon, planets, Indian space research programme; Our country – Its surface, natural resources, food & crop. Matter, concept of elements, molecule and atom. Basic structure of atom, Radioactivity, gases ‘and liquids, classification of Hydrocarbons. Chemical and physical changes. Green house effect, photo synthesis Motion: displacement, velocity; uniform and non-uniform motion along a straight line; acceleration, distance – time and velocity, idea’ of uniform circular motion. Force and motion, inertia,momentum, force and acceleration action and reaction forces. Elementary idea of conservation of momentum, conservation of energy, simple machine. General Maths - Number System, estimation of’ numbers, Place value, use of symbols, word problems on number operations involving large numbers, conversions of units of length & mass, Multiples and factors, Even/odd and prime/composite numbers, prime factorization, HCF and LCM, Rationale numbers. Whole numbers,Seeing patterns:- identifying and formulating, rules, Integers, Properties of integers, Fractions ,Ratio and Proportion, percentages, profit & loss, work & time velocity & distance simple and compound interest, binomials, polynomials, basic of algebra, linear equation, quadratic equation & word related problems Basic geometrical ideas: Line, line segment, ray. Open and closed figures. Angle – Vertex, arm, interior and exterior, Trianglevertices, sides, angles, interior, Quadrilateral- Sides, vertices,angles, Circle- Center, radius, diameter, arc, Concept of perimeter Data handling Pictograph- scaling in pictographs and its interpretation. General understanding of perimeter using regular shapes. Shapes of different kinds with the same perimeter. Area of various regular geometric shapes. Measuring areas of different shapes with the help of graph. Concept of volume, measurement of volume using a basic unit, volume of a cube, cuboids and cylinder, Volume and capacity (measurement of capacity). Surface area of a cube, cuboids and cylinder. Environmental Science - Primary Institutions of democracy, Local bodies, State bodies, National bodies, citizen’s rights in democracy, Role of panchayat and Nagarpalikas in education, health and other social services.Population growth in India: distribution, density & growth, sex ratio, rural urban composition, education, Human development indicators. Common Diseases, Deficiency diseases & Communicable diseases and their prevention. First Aid and Our Health Services at village and District Level, Natural” Calamities – their causes impact and steps to reduce the effect, Transport and Communication – their impact, Natural Resources- Air,’ Water, Soil and Land (Minerals, metals, non- Metals), Resources and Development Natural resources - forest and minerals, Water resources, rivers, irrigation system and crop pattern. Map of India: – Location of identification, understanding of globe with special reference to Latitude, Longitude & time, Five Years plans, National freedom movement, cultural renaissances, social reformers of India. And for More details, Please visit the official website Or download the syllabus in the below attachment - www.kvsangathan.nic.in |
27th April 2011, 01:25 AM
Hi dear,
my friend i m attaching below whta u want i hope this will help u a lot Core Language Competency - The candidate should have adequate understanding of English and Hindi language to deal with students of Elementary Classes. The ability to comprehend the texts and express them effectively in writing, orally will be measured through written test and interview. English - Articles/Determinals, Prepositions, Verb forms, Adjectives, Tenses, Modal Auxiliaries, Active/Passive, Reported speech, Punctuations Letter Writing-formal & informal, Essay on current issues, Speech,vocabulary, idioms and phrases, Antonym & Synonyms, Methods of teaching english at elementary level. General Science - Living word, Human Body, Plant Life, Natural Vegetation and Wild Life, Food The Universe - Natural phenomenon, planets, Indian space research programme; Our country – Its surface, natural resources, food & crop. Matter, concept of elements, molecule and atom. Basic structure of atom, Radioactivity, gases ‘and liquids, classification of Hydrocarbons. Chemical and physical changes. Green house effect, photo synthesis Motion: displacement, velocity; uniform and non-uniform motion along a straight line; acceleration, distance – time and velocity, idea’ of uniform circular motion. Force and motion, inertia,momentum, force and acceleration action and reaction forces. Elementary idea of conservation of momentum, conservation of energy, simple machine. General Maths - Number System, estimation of’ numbers, Place value, use of symbols, word problems on number operations involving large numbers, conversions of units of length & mass, Multiples and factors, Even/odd and prime/composite numbers, prime factorization, HCF and LCM, Rationale numbers. Whole numbers,Seeing patterns:- identifying and formulating, rules, Integers, Properties of integers, Fractions ,Ratio and Proportion, percentages, profit & loss, work & time velocity & distance simple and compound interest, binomials, polynomials, basic of algebra, linear equation, quadratic equation & word related problems Basic geometrical ideas: Line, line segment, ray. Open and closed figures. Angle – Vertex, arm, interior and exterior, Trianglevertices, sides, angles, interior, Quadrilateral- Sides, vertices,angles, Circle- Center, radius, diameter, arc, Concept of perimeter Data handling Pictograph- scaling in pictographs and its interpretation. General understanding of perimeter using regular shapes. Shapes of different kinds with the same perimeter. Area of various regular geometric shapes. Measuring areas of different shapes with the help of graph. Concept of volume, measurement of volume using a basic unit, volume of a cube, cuboids and cylinder, Volume and capacity (measurement of capacity). Surface area of a cube, cuboids and cylinder. Environmental Science - Primary Institutions of democracy, Local bodies, State bodies, National bodies, citizen’s rights in democracy, Role of panchayat and Nagarpalikas in education, health and other social services.Population growth in India: distribution, density & growth, sex ratio, rural urban composition, education, Human development indicators. Common Diseases, Deficiency diseases & Communicable diseases and their prevention. First Aid and Our Health Services at village and District Level, Natural” Calamities – their causes impact and steps to reduce the effect, Transport and Communication – their impact, Natural Resources- Air,’ Water, Soil and Land (Minerals, metals, non- Metals), Resources and Development Natural resources - forest and minerals, Water resources, rivers, irrigation system and crop pattern. Map of India: – Location of identification, understanding of globe with special reference to Latitude, Longitude & time, Five Years plans, National freedom movement, cultural renaissances, social reformers of India. Thanks |
27th April 2011, 11:53 AM
Syllabus of KVS PRT
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) Syllabus for Written Examination of Primary teacher (PRT). Core Language Competency - The candidate should have adequate understanding of English and Hindi language to deal with students of Elementary Classes. The ability to comprehend the texts and express them effectively in writing, orally will be measured through written test and interview. English - Articles/Determinals, Prepositions, Verb forms, Adjectives, Tenses, Modal Auxiliaries, Active/Passive, Reported speech, Punctuations Letter Writing-formal & informal, Essay on current issues, Speech,vocabulary, idioms and phrases, Antonym & Synonyms, Methods of teaching english at elementary level. General Science - Living word, Human Body, Plant Life, Natural Vegetation and Wild Life, Food The Universe - Natural phenomenon, planets, Indian space research programme; Our country – Its surface, natural resources, food & crop. Matter, concept of elements, molecule and atom. Basic structure of atom, Radioactivity, gases ‘and liquids, classification of Hydrocarbons. Chemical and physical changes. Green house effect, photo synthesis Motion: displacement, velocity; General Maths - Number System, estimation of’ numbers, Place value, use of symbols, word problems on number operations involving large numbers, conversions of units of length & mass, Multiples and factors, Even/odd and prime/composite numbers, prime factorization, HCF and LCM, Rationale numbers. Whole numbers,Seeing patterns:- identifying and formulating, rules, Integers, Properties of integers, Fractions ,Ratio and Proportion, percentages, profit & loss, work & time velocity & distance simple and compound interest, binomials, polynomials, basic of algebra, linear equation, quadratic equation & word related problems Basic geometrical ideas: Line, line segment, ray. Open and closed figures. Angle – Vertex, arm, interior and exterior, Trianglevertices, sides, angles, interior, Quadrilateral- Sides, vertices,angles, Circle- Center, radius, diameter, arc, Concept of perimeter Data handling Pictograph- scaling in pictographs and its interpretation. General understanding of perimeter using regular shapes. Environmental Science - Primary Institutions of democracy, Local bodies, State bodies, National bodies, citizen’s rights in democracy, Role of panchayat and Nagarpalikas in education, health and other social services.Population growth in India: distribution, density & growth, sex ratio, rural urban composition, education, Human development indicators. |
27th April 2011, 01:31 PM
I have attach the syllabus for kvs prt (Pre & Main) -SYLL-PRT.pdf
1st July 2011, 10:28 PM
22nd August 2011, 07:29 PM
tell me date of primary teacher of kvs as possible as soon on my email id [email protected] |
22nd August 2011, 07:32 PM
tell me main exam date of prt teacher as soon as possible on my id [email protected] |
25th August 2011, 05:30 PM
please send me the syllabus for KVS PRT main exam on my email [email protected]
4th September 2011, 02:55 PM
kindly send me syllabus of PRT main exam? My e-mail address is [email protected]
9th September 2011, 10:18 PM
i have cleared my prt prilim. exam and ctet also wen is the main exam for prt 2011-2012. my email id is [email protected]
23rd September 2011, 01:55 PM
sen me the date for prt mains as soon as the dates are out.my id is [email protected] au
3rd October 2011, 03:07 PM
I have cleared ctet exam but the date of birth on my admit caard was wrong then i send a registered letter to the given address before the exam for correction but i did not get the correct date of birth on my marksheet as well. Please guide me what should I do ? I have sent the marks to kvs also as I have cleared the tgt and prt also and waiting for the mains. will I get the admit card for the main or i will have problem.
7th October 2011, 02:05 PM
I have passed pre exam and ctet now I want syllabus for KVS PRT main exam at my email id [email protected]
11th October 2011, 01:45 PM
16th August 2013, 12:38 PM
I have confusion about the ssubject of KVS PRT main exam-2013
(Unit-1)-English-15,Hindi-15, (Unit-2)-Reasoning-40,Current affair-40,teaching methdology-40. OR (Unit-1) English-15,Hindi-15, (Unit-2)-general science-40,general math-40, Environmental science-40. Please tell me are twhich one of these two is the subject for KVS PRT Main exam. |
13th July 2014, 08:05 PM
please send me a previous year question paper of kvs main exam science. my e-mail id [email protected]