25th August 2011, 09:20 PM
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Syllabus of MPSC exam?

pz send me the syllabus of mpsc exam...could u please send me the syllabus of it

26th August 2011, 04:20 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

hi, here i am giving the link to the syllabus for mpsc exam.This link gives you the detailed syllabus for mpsc-2011 exam.
good luck.
14th September 2011, 04:37 PM
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subjects for this exam?
17th September 2011, 06:57 PM
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mpsc civil engg. syllabus
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20th September 2011, 10:48 AM
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which syllabus for this exam?
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20th September 2011, 07:48 PM
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21st September 2011, 08:08 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

MPSC Syllabus 2011


Letter Writting

Communication Skill:-

A notice
Dialagu writting
An individualconversation with a group of people
A GroupDiscussion, a Meeting, a Teleconference on a topical issue

Precis writing
Paraphrase of a Prose Passage

Grammar :

i)Transformation of Sentences,ii) Correction of Sentences,
iii)Use of Tenses, iv) Punctuation, v)Word-formation,
vi)Use of Phrases.

General Studies - I

Section -A (Marks : 40 )


Brief history of Maharashtra: Socio-cultural development during thefollowing regimes - Satvahanas - Vakatakas - Chalukyas - Rashtrakutas -Shilahars - Yadavas - Muslim regimes and Marathas.
History of Modern India (1818-1857) particularly Maharashtra [^] : Introduction of modern education - Press, Railway, Post andTelegraph, Industries, Land reforms and Socio-religious reforms - Its impacton society.
Social and economic awakening: IndianNationalism - 1857 revolt and after, Indian National Congress (1885 - 1947),Role of important personalities, Role of Press and Education in socialawakening in pre- independent India.
The other contemporary movements during pre-independence: Satyashodhak Samaj - Dr. B.R.Ambedkar's Movement - HinduMahasabha- Muslim League - National Revolutionary Movement - Leftist Movement- Peseant Movement - Tribal uprising.
Post Independence development: Integration of princely states, formation of Linguistic states,Samyukta Maharashtra movement major political parties and personalitiesinvolved therein, Major developments and personalities during 1960-1990.
Cultural Heritage of Maharashtra (Ancient to Modern) : PerformingArts (Dance, Drama, Films, Music and Folk Arts), Visual Arts (Architecture,Painting and Sculpture) and Festivals.
Impact of Literature on socio - psychological development of Maharashtra: Bhakti, Dalit, Urban and Rural Literature.

Section -B ( Marks : 40 )

a) Geography of India - with special reference to Maharashtra :
01) Location and extent - India's strategic location with reference to her neighbours, IndianOcean Rim, Asia and the Worl
02) Physical Geography:- Evolution of the Subcontinent - Majorphysiographic regions - Problems of floods and river pollution -Physiographic details of Maharashtra.a) Climate: Distribution of Rainfall. Rainfall in Maharashtra - spatial andtemporal variability - Agroclimatic zones of Maharashtra - Problem of Droughtand scarcity, DPAP (Draught Prone Area Programme) -Water requirement inAgricultural, Industrial and Domestic Sectors. Problem of Drinking Water.

b) Soils - problems of soil erosion and degradation in Maharashtra. c) Natural Vegetation and wild life - Forest types in India and Indian wild life - National Parks - Sanctuaries in Maharashtra - Tiger Project.

03) Economic Geography:- Minerals and Energy Resources : Theredistribution, importance and development in Maharashtra. Tourism in Maharashtra - Religious,Medicinal, Eco-Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
04) Human and Social Geography:

Distribution of population. Migration ofpopulation - effects of migration on source and destination areas. Rural settlements in Maharashtra. Problems of Urbanand Rural Settlements - Environmental, Housing, Slum, Water Supply andSanitation, Urban Traffic and Pollution.

Section -C ( Marks : 40)

3) Indian Polity (With special Reference to Maharashtra) :

01) The Constitution of India: Making of theConstitution - Philosophy of the Preamble - Salient Features of theConstitution (Secular democratic and socialist) - Fundamental Rights andDuties - Directive Principles of State Policy such as Free and Compulsoryprimary education, Uniform Civil Code - Centre - State relations andFormation of New States - Independent Judiciary - Amendment Procedure : MajorAmendments to the Constitution : Landmark Judgments used for interpreting theConstitution. Structure and Functions of majorCommissions and Boards: Election Commission, Union and State Public ServiceCommissions, National Women's Commission, Human Rights Commission, NationalMinorities S.C./S.T. Commission - River Water Dispute Settlements Board etc.

02) The Political System (Structure, Powers and Functions ofGovernments) :

a) The CentralGovernment - The Union Executive: President- Vice-President- Prime Minister and Council of Ministers - Attorney General of India - Comptroller and Auditor General of India
b) The Union Legislature- Parliament, Speaker and Dy. Speaker -Parliamentary Committees - Parliament's Control over Executive.
c)Judiciary: Organisation of Judiciary - Integrated Judiciary- Functions - Role and Power of the Supreme Court and High Court -Subordinate Courts - Lok Pal, Lok Aayukt and Lok Nyayalaya - Judiciary as awatch-dog protecting the Constitutional Order- Judicial Activism.
d) The State Government: The State Executive - Governor - Chief Minister and the Councilof Minister - Role, Functions and Powers - The State Legislature -Legislative Assembly - Legislative Council - Compositions - Powers, Functionsand Role - Legislative Committees.
e) The Local Governments:

01) Urban - Municipal Corporations, Municipal councils, Municipalities,Nagarpanchayat and Cantonment Boards. Structure, Officials, Resources,Powers- Functions and Controls. (2) Rural - Panchayat Raj System - Zilla Parishad, Taluka Panchayat andVillage Panchayat - Structure - Officials - Resources - Powers- Functions andControls (3) Significance of 73rd and 74thAmendment to the Constitution. (4) Empowerment of local government and their role indevelopment.
03) Parties and Pressure Groups: Nature of Party system - Role of NationalParties - Ideology, organisation and electoral performance - Regional Parties- Ideology, Organisation and electoral performance - Major Pressure Groupsand Interest Groups in Maharashtra - their Role and impact on Policy making.
04) The Media: Print and Electronic Media - its impacton policy making, shaping of the public opinion and educating the people.
05) The Electoral Process: Main features of Electoral process - singlemember territorial Constituencies. Reserved constituencies for weakersections - Adult Franchise - Role of Election Commission - General Elections- Major trends - Patterns of Voting behaviour - and Factors influencing thevoting behaviour - Problems and difficulties in conducting Free and FairElections - Electoral Reforms.
06) Challenges and Responses to Indian Democracy: Social and Economic inequalities - Regional imbalances -illiteracy and unemployment.

Section - D( Marks : 40 )

4) Human Resource Development (HRD) :-

01) Human Resource Development in India - Presentstatus of population in India - quantitative aspect (size and growth - Sex, Age, Urban andRural) and qualitative aspects (Education and Healthcare). Population policy and projection upto2050. Importance and need of HumanResource planning in modern society. Components and factors involved inplanning of Human Resources. Nature,types and problems of unemployment in India, Trends of Employment in India, Demand estimate of skilled manpower in different Sectors andAreas. Governmental and VoluntaryInstitution engaged in development of manpower e.g. NCERT, NIEPA, UGC, Open Universities, AICTE, ITIs, NCVT, IMC etc. Problems and issues related to HRD.Govt. employment policy, various schemes to reduce unemployment andunderemployment.
02) Education: Education as a tool of HR developmentand social change. Education (Pre-primary to Higher Education) system in India. Problems and issues (Universalisation of education,vocationalisation of education. Quality improvement, Dropout etc.) Education for - Girls, Socially andEconomically underprivileged classes, Handicapped, Minorities, Talent Searchetc. Govt. policies, Schemes andprogramms for Education, Govt. and Voluntary Agencies involved in promoting,regulating and monitoring Formal, Non- formal and Adult education.e-Learning. Impact of globalisationand privatisation on Indian education.
03) Vocational Education: As a tool of HRdevelopment. Vocational/TechnicalEducation- Present status, systems and training in India particularly in Maharashtra. Govt. policies, schemes and programs - Problems, issues andefforts to overcome them. Institutes involved in promoting, regulating,accrediting vocational and Technical Education.
04) Health: As an essential and major component ofHRD, Vital Statistics, World Health Organisation (WHO) - objectives,structure, functions and its programmes. Govt. Health policies, schemes andprogrammes, Healthcare system in India. Problems and issuesrelated to Healthcare and efforts to overcome them.
05) Rural Development: Empowerment ofpanchayat Raj system. VillagePanchayat and its role in Rural development, Land reforms and development,Role of cooperative institutes in Rural Development, Financial Institutesinvolved in Rural Development, Rural Employment Schemes, Rural Water Supplyand Sanitation programs. Infrastructure development e.g. Energy,Transportation, Housing and communication in rural area.

Section - E( Marks : 40 )

5) Human Rights :- Concept-Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR 1948)- International humanrights standards, Its reflections in Indian constitution, mechanism toenforce and protect Human Rights in India, Human Rights Movement in India,Problems related to human rights deprivations such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment,social-cultural-religious practices, violence, corruption, terrorism,exploitation of labour, custodial crimes etc.). Need, for training andpractising of human rights and human dignity in a democratic set up.

6) Socio-Economic development of following segments of the society :-

01) Child Development: problems and issues(Infant mortality, Malnutrition, Child labour, Children education etc.) -Government Policies, welfare schemes and programs - Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations Community resources. People participationin their Welfare.
.02) Women Development - problems and issues(Gender inequality, Violence against women, Girl child Infanticide/Foeticide,Empowerment of Women etc.)- Government Policy, schemes and programs fordevelopment / welfare and empowerment - Role of international agencies,Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People’s participation intheir development.
03) Youth Development: problems and issues(Unemployment, unrest, drug addiction etc.) - Government Policy - developmentschemes and programs - Role of international agencies, VoluntaryOrganisations and Community resources. People’s participation in theirdevelopment.
04) Tribal Development: problems and issues(Malnutrition, isolation, integration and development etc.) - Tribal movement- Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs- Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People’sparticipation in their Welfare.
05) Development for Socially deprived classes ( SC, OBC etc. ) - problems and issues (inequality in opportunity etc.) -Government Policy, welfare schemes and development programs - Role ofinternational agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Resource mobilsation andCommunity participation.
06) Welfare for aged People- problems and issues- Government Policy - welfare schemes and programs - Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community participation for theirdevelopment. Utilisation of their services in developmental activities.
07) Labour Welfare - problems and issues(working conditions, wages, health and problems related to organised andunorganised sectors) - GovernmentPolicy, welfare schemes and programs - Role of international agencies,community and Voluntary Organisations.
08) Welfare of disabled persons - problems andissues (inequality in educational and employment opportunity etc.) -Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs - Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations in employment and rehabilitation.
09) People’s Rehabilitations - (People affected by Development projects and Natural Calamities.) -Strategy and programs - Legal Provisions - Consideration of different aspectslike economic, cultural, social, psychological etc.

7) Globalisationand its impact on different sections of Indian Society.
8) Consumer Protection: Salient features ofthe existing act- Rights of consumers- Consumer disputes and redressalmachinery, Different kinds of Forums- Objectives, Powers, functions, procedures, Consumer Welfare Fund.
9) Values and Ethics : Fostering of social norms, values, ethics through formal andinformal agencies such as family, religion, education, media etc.

General Studies - II

Section - A( Marks : 40 )

India in World Affairs:-

1) Foreign Policy of India :-

01) Basic Principles, Objectives, andDeterminants of foreign policy.
02)India and Neighbours: Conflict andCo-operation.
03) India and Indian Ocean.
04) Foreign Economic Policy of India: Aid, Trade and economic cooperation.
2) Nuclear Policy of India :

01) Salient features.
02) Determinants ofNuclear Tests:

Pokhran I (1974) and Pokhran II (1998)

03) Recent Trends in Nuclear Policy such asNPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) and CTBT (Comprehensive Test BanTreaty.)

3) India's External and Internal SecurityConcerns :

01) Terrorism, Insurgency, Regional andSub-regional conflicts; Socio-economic imbalances; Naxalite Movements,Separatist Movements, Communal Violences and Caste Conflicts.
02) Law Enforcement Mechanism and Judiciary.

a) Existing Laws and Regulations with reference to Maharashtra [^] .

1. Intelligence and Security Agencies

c) Treaties of Extradition and Interpol.

4) International Affairs and Institutions :

01) Emerging important issues and events ininternational relations (1990 onwards) Political, Strategic and Economic : considerations.
02) Regional andInternational Institutions:

a) SAARC, ASEAN, NAM, Commonwealth of Nations and European Union.b) United Nations System: Its Charter andOrgans, (General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council andInternational Court of Justice) c) UN Agencies: UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNPeace Keeping Forces, UNCHR, ILO and WHO.

Section - B( Marks : 40 )

Indian Economy, Planning, Trade, Rural Development

5) Planning : Process - Types - Review of India'sFirst to Tenth Five year Plans. Evaluation. Social and Economic Indicators of Development. State and Local Level Planning. Decentralisation - 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments.

Indian Economy - trends in SectoralDevelopment and profile of service Sector. Challenges in Indian Economy -Poverty, Unemployment and Regional Imbalances.
6) Urban and Rural Infrastructure Development: Need and Significance. Growth and Development of Social and economic infrastructure such asEnergy, Water supply and sanitation, Housing, Transport (Road, Portsetc.) Communications (Post andTelegraphs, Telecommunication), Network of Radio, TV, Internet. Crises, problems related to Infrastructurein India. Policy alternatives -Public-Private Sector Partnership. FDIand Infrastructure Development - Privatisation of infrastructuredevelopment. Centre and StateGovernment Policies for Infrastructure Development. Transport and Housing (Urban and Rural).Problems - Centre and State Government initiatives and programmes.
7) Industry : Need - importance and role of industries in economic and socialdevelopment, Growth Pattern, Structure of Large-scale Industries in India with special reference to Maharashtra. Small-scale,Cottage and Village industries Problems Prospects of Small scale, cotage andvillage industry. Impact of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisationon SSIs. State Government Policy,measures and programmes for development, promotion and monitoring of SSIs(with special reference to Maharashtra) Export Potential of Small scale and cottage industries.
8) Co-operation: Concept, Meaning, Objectives, Old andnew principles of co-operation. Growthand diversification of co-operative movement in India. Co-operative institution in Maharashtra - types, role,importance and diversification. State policy and Co-operative sector -Legislation, Supervision, Audit and Aid. Problems of Co-operatives in Maharashtra. Prospects ofCooperatives in the era of global competition.
9) Economic reforms: Background,Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation - (concept, meaning, scopeand limitations). Economic Reforms at Centre and State Level. WTO Regime - Provisions and itsimplications and impact on Indian Economy, issues and problems.
10) International Trade and International Captial Movements: Emerging Trends in era of globalisation. Growth, Composition and Direction of India's Foreign Trade. Foreign trade policy of India - Export Promotion. WTOand International Trade. Foreign Capital Inflows - Composition and Growth -FDI. e-Commerce. Role ofMultinationals - International Financing Agencies - (IMF, World Bank andIDA). International Credit Ratings.
11) Public Finance: Sources of revenue -tax, non-tax and public debt of Centre and States in India. Public Expenditure(Centre and States) - Growth and causes. Public Expenditure Reform -Performance Based Budgeting and Zero - Based Budgeting. review of Tax Reforms at national and State level. VAT.

Public debt - Growth, Composition andBurden. Problem of States'Indebtedness to Centre.
Fiscal Deficits - Concepts, Control ofDeficits - Centre, State and RBI Initiatives.
Fiscal Reforms in India - Review at Centre and State Level.

Section - C( Marks : 40 )

12) Natural Resource Development

1. Agriculture: Importance of Agriculture in NationalEconomy - Causes of low productivity - Government policies, schemes andprogrammes for agriculture production and developments such as land reformsand land utilisation, soil and water conservation, rainfed farming,Irrigation and its methods, Agriculture inputs (improved seeds, Fertilizersand Manures, Pest Management, Mechanization of Agriculture). Problem of ruralindebtedness, Agriculture credit- need, importance and Financial Institutionsinvolved therein. Agriculture pricing- components, factors affecting pricesof various Agriculture produces - Govt. support prices of various agricultureproduces, Subsidies. Agriculture Marketing - present status, Value addedproducts. Role of Govt and itsinstitutes in agriculture marketing.

13) Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development: Its role, importanceand significance in National Economy, Livestock in India particularly inMaharashtra, Govt policies, schemes and programmes for livestock developmentincluding livestock breeds, feeds and fodder, Healthcare - Role of milk, meatand poultry products in human nutrition, White Revolution, Co-operative dairyenterprises in Maharashtra.

14) Development of fisheries: Its role and significance in national economy, scope anddevelopment of fisheries in India and particularly in Maharashtra, Causes of low productivity and Govt efforts to overcome it,export of marine products.

15) Horticulture: Importance and scope of fruit andplantation crops with reference to Maharashtra, Role of fruits and vegetablesin human nutrition, Major fruit Plants, vegetable crops and flower plants ofMaharashtra, Horticultural crops suitable for dryland and rainfed condition.Problems and its solutions of low productivity. Processing, packaging,transportation, marketing of Horticultural Products. Government schemes andprograms for Horticulture development and marketing, Government Agencies andInstitutes engaged in Horticulture development.

16) Forestry: Its role in enhancing the quality ofenvironment, Causes and effects of deforestation, Problems and issues relatedto forestry - Government policies and afforestration programmes (Socialforestry, Agroforestry), Utilisation of forest products, Role of Government,Voluntary Organisation and local community in forest development.

17) Food and Nutrition: Food - trends inFood production and consumption in India, First and ensuing second GreenRevolutions, Self-sufficiency in food, Problem of food security, Problems andissues of storage, procurement, distribution, import and export of food.Calorific value of foods and its measurement, Energy and nutrient needs ofhuman body for better health and balanced diet - common nutritional problemsin India and its causes and effects, Govt. Policies, schemes, programs suchas PDS, Food for work, Mid-day Meal Scheme and other nutritional programs.

Section - D( Marks : 40 )

Scientific and Technological Developments

18) Energy: Conventional and non-conventionalenergy sources - Potential of Solar, Wind, Biogas, Biomass, Geothermal andother renewable energy sources. Introduction to solar gadgets viz solarcooker, water heater etc. Biogas- principle, and process.
Problems of Energy Crises, Govt.Policies and programs for power generation. Nuclear Power Program, ThermalPower Program, Hydroelectric Power program, Power distribution and NationalGrid. Agencies and Institutions engaged in Energy security, Research anddevelopment.
19) Computer: Role of computer in modernsociety, its applications in variousspheres of life such as data communication, networking and web technologies,Cyber crime and its prevention.

20) Information Technology: as a new industry -use of I.T. in various services and faculties of knowledge. Growth andpresent status of I.T. industry in India, Govt. programs such as Media Lab Asia, Vidya Vahini, GyanVahini, Community Information Centre etc. Major issues in IT industry - itsprospects.

21) Space Technology: Indian spaceprogrammes, Artificial satellites - types and applications, Indian Artificialsatellites for telecommunication, television, education, broadcasting,weather forecasting, GPS, disaster warning. Indian missile program etc.
Remote sensing, GIS and its applicationin weather forecasting, Disaster warning, water, soil, mineral resourcesdevelopment, agriculture and fisheries development, urban planning,ecological studies, GS and GIS.

22) Water Resources: Significance ofwater in human & national development, National and State Water Policy,Water Resources - potential, planning and development in India particularlyin Maharashtra, Intrastate andInterstate River water disputes, Various irrigation projects, Nationalprogramme of flood management, Groundwater development in India particularlyin Maharashtra. National and State Agencies engaged in water resourcedevelopment and research.

23) Ocean Development: Role of the seas inclimatic changes and monsoon in India, Marine living and non-living resourcesdevelopment, causes and effect of sea pollution and coastal degradation,Coastal and Marine Area Management, CRZ Regulation, Coastal CommunityDevelopment. Govt. programs and activitiesfor ocean resources development, Ocean observing and research.

24) Meteorology: Earth atmosphere - its composition,extent and structure. Atmospheric weather variables (Parameters), Weatherforecasting system, cloud formation and movement - Monsoon model - crop yieldmodel.

25) Environment: Ecosystems - Biodiversity and balanceecosystem - Biosphere Reserve (wetlands, mangroves coral reefs). Pollution:Types and sources, its impact on environment and related problems, Govt.efforts to prevent and control of pollution, Govt. legislation andprograms. Sustainable development infield of agriculture, industry, urban habitant, etc. Govt. and Voluntaryagencies engaged in Environmental protection activities at national andinternational level.

26) Biotechnology: Its potential toimprove human life and national economy through agricultural, industrialdevelopment and employment generation. Biotechnology as an essential andimportant tool of natural resource development. Areas of application - Agriculture,Animal breeding and Veterinary health-care, Pharmaceutics, Human healthcare,Food technology, energy generation, environment protection etc. Role andefforts of government in promoting, regulating and developing biotechnologyin country. Ethical, Social, Legalissues related to biotechnological development, possible adverse effects ofbiotechnological development.

Section - E ( Marks : 40 )

StatisticalAnalysis, Graphs and Diagrams

27) Classification and Tablulation of Datagiven in descriptive form.

28) Computation and interpretation of Mean,Median, Mode of Data given.

29) Conversion of Tabular data / informationin a) Diagram - Venn, bar, Pie diagram. b) Graph - Line graph, Histogram,Polygon.

30) Interpretation of Data / Informationgiven in Tabular and Diagramatic / Graphical Form.

31) Pointing out deficiencies, limitations,in consistencies in the given Data.

32) To prepare Algorithm and Flow chart forsolving simple problems in organisation.
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21st September 2011, 08:09 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

MPSC Syllabus 2011


Letter Writting

Communication Skill:-

A notice
Dialagu writting
An individualconversation with a group of people
A GroupDiscussion, a Meeting, a Teleconference on a topical issue

Precis writing
Paraphrase of a Prose Passage

Grammar :

i)Transformation of Sentences,ii) Correction of Sentences,
iii)Use of Tenses, iv) Punctuation, v)Word-formation,
vi)Use of Phrases.

General Studies - I

Section -A (Marks : 40 )


Brief history of Maharashtra: Socio-cultural development during thefollowing regimes - Satvahanas - Vakatakas - Chalukyas - Rashtrakutas -Shilahars - Yadavas - Muslim regimes and Marathas.
History of Modern India (1818-1857) particularly Maharashtra [^] : Introduction of modern education - Press, Railway, Post andTelegraph, Industries, Land reforms and Socio-religious reforms - Its impacton society.
Social and economic awakening: IndianNationalism - 1857 revolt and after, Indian National Congress (1885 - 1947),Role of important personalities, Role of Press and Education in socialawakening in pre- independent India.
The other contemporary movements during pre-independence: Satyashodhak Samaj - Dr. B.R.Ambedkar's Movement - HinduMahasabha- Muslim League - National Revolutionary Movement - Leftist Movement- Peseant Movement - Tribal uprising.
Post Independence development: Integration of princely states, formation of Linguistic states,Samyukta Maharashtra movement major political parties and personalitiesinvolved therein, Major developments and personalities during 1960-1990.
Cultural Heritage of Maharashtra (Ancient to Modern) : PerformingArts (Dance, Drama, Films, Music and Folk Arts), Visual Arts (Architecture,Painting and Sculpture) and Festivals.
Impact of Literature on socio - psychological development of Maharashtra: Bhakti, Dalit, Urban and Rural Literature.

Section -B ( Marks : 40 )

a) Geography of India - with special reference to Maharashtra :
01) Location and extent - India's strategic location with reference to her neighbours, IndianOcean Rim, Asia and the Worl
02) Physical Geography:- Evolution of the Subcontinent - Majorphysiographic regions - Problems of floods and river pollution -Physiographic details of Maharashtra.a) Climate: Distribution of Rainfall. Rainfall in Maharashtra - spatial andtemporal variability - Agroclimatic zones of Maharashtra - Problem of Droughtand scarcity, DPAP (Draught Prone Area Programme) -Water requirement inAgricultural, Industrial and Domestic Sectors. Problem of Drinking Water.

b) Soils - problems of soil erosion and degradation in Maharashtra. c) Natural Vegetation and wild life - Forest types in India and Indian wild life - National Parks - Sanctuaries in Maharashtra - Tiger Project.

03) Economic Geography:- Minerals and Energy Resources : Theredistribution, importance and development in Maharashtra. Tourism in Maharashtra - Religious,Medicinal, Eco-Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
04) Human and Social Geography:

Distribution of population. Migration ofpopulation - effects of migration on source and destination areas. Rural settlements in Maharashtra. Problems of Urbanand Rural Settlements - Environmental, Housing, Slum, Water Supply andSanitation, Urban Traffic and Pollution.

Section -C ( Marks : 40)

3) Indian Polity (With special Reference to Maharashtra) :

01) The Constitution of India: Making of theConstitution - Philosophy of the Preamble - Salient Features of theConstitution (Secular democratic and socialist) - Fundamental Rights andDuties - Directive Principles of State Policy such as Free and Compulsoryprimary education, Uniform Civil Code - Centre - State relations andFormation of New States - Independent Judiciary - Amendment Procedure : MajorAmendments to the Constitution : Landmark Judgments used for interpreting theConstitution. Structure and Functions of majorCommissions and Boards: Election Commission, Union and State Public ServiceCommissions, National Women's Commission, Human Rights Commission, NationalMinorities S.C./S.T. Commission - River Water Dispute Settlements Board etc.

02) The Political System (Structure, Powers and Functions ofGovernments) :

a) The CentralGovernment - The Union Executive: President- Vice-President- Prime Minister and Council of Ministers - Attorney General of India - Comptroller and Auditor General of India
b) The Union Legislature- Parliament, Speaker and Dy. Speaker -Parliamentary Committees - Parliament's Control over Executive.
c)Judiciary: Organisation of Judiciary - Integrated Judiciary- Functions - Role and Power of the Supreme Court and High Court -Subordinate Courts - Lok Pal, Lok Aayukt and Lok Nyayalaya - Judiciary as awatch-dog protecting the Constitutional Order- Judicial Activism.
d) The State Government: The State Executive - Governor - Chief Minister and the Councilof Minister - Role, Functions and Powers - The State Legislature -Legislative Assembly - Legislative Council - Compositions - Powers, Functionsand Role - Legislative Committees.
e) The Local Governments:

01) Urban - Municipal Corporations, Municipal councils, Municipalities,Nagarpanchayat and Cantonment Boards. Structure, Officials, Resources,Powers- Functions and Controls. (2) Rural - Panchayat Raj System - Zilla Parishad, Taluka Panchayat andVillage Panchayat - Structure - Officials - Resources - Powers- Functions andControls (3) Significance of 73rd and 74thAmendment to the Constitution. (4) Empowerment of local government and their role indevelopment.
03) Parties and Pressure Groups: Nature of Party system - Role of NationalParties - Ideology, organisation and electoral performance - Regional Parties- Ideology, Organisation and electoral performance - Major Pressure Groupsand Interest Groups in Maharashtra - their Role and impact on Policy making.
04) The Media: Print and Electronic Media - its impacton policy making, shaping of the public opinion and educating the people.
05) The Electoral Process: Main features of Electoral process - singlemember territorial Constituencies. Reserved constituencies for weakersections - Adult Franchise - Role of Election Commission - General Elections- Major trends - Patterns of Voting behaviour - and Factors influencing thevoting behaviour - Problems and difficulties in conducting Free and FairElections - Electoral Reforms.
06) Challenges and Responses to Indian Democracy: Social and Economic inequalities - Regional imbalances -illiteracy and unemployment.

Section - D( Marks : 40 )

4) Human Resource Development (HRD) :-

01) Human Resource Development in India - Presentstatus of population in India - quantitative aspect (size and growth - Sex, Age, Urban andRural) and qualitative aspects (Education and Healthcare). Population policy and projection upto2050. Importance and need of HumanResource planning in modern society. Components and factors involved inplanning of Human Resources. Nature,types and problems of unemployment in India, Trends of Employment in India, Demand estimate of skilled manpower in different Sectors andAreas. Governmental and VoluntaryInstitution engaged in development of manpower e.g. NCERT, NIEPA, UGC, Open Universities, AICTE, ITIs, NCVT, IMC etc. Problems and issues related to HRD.Govt. employment policy, various schemes to reduce unemployment andunderemployment.
02) Education: Education as a tool of HR developmentand social change. Education (Pre-primary to Higher Education) system in India. Problems and issues (Universalisation of education,vocationalisation of education. Quality improvement, Dropout etc.) Education for - Girls, Socially andEconomically underprivileged classes, Handicapped, Minorities, Talent Searchetc. Govt. policies, Schemes andprogramms for Education, Govt. and Voluntary Agencies involved in promoting,regulating and monitoring Formal, Non- formal and Adult education.e-Learning. Impact of globalisationand privatisation on Indian education.
03) Vocational Education: As a tool of HRdevelopment. Vocational/TechnicalEducation- Present status, systems and training in India particularly in Maharashtra. Govt. policies, schemes and programs - Problems, issues andefforts to overcome them. Institutes involved in promoting, regulating,accrediting vocational and Technical Education.
04) Health: As an essential and major component ofHRD, Vital Statistics, World Health Organisation (WHO) - objectives,structure, functions and its programmes. Govt. Health policies, schemes andprogrammes, Healthcare system in India. Problems and issuesrelated to Healthcare and efforts to overcome them.
05) Rural Development: Empowerment ofpanchayat Raj system. VillagePanchayat and its role in Rural development, Land reforms and development,Role of cooperative institutes in Rural Development, Financial Institutesinvolved in Rural Development, Rural Employment Schemes, Rural Water Supplyand Sanitation programs. Infrastructure development e.g. Energy,Transportation, Housing and communication in rural area.

Section - E( Marks : 40 )

5) Human Rights :- Concept-Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR 1948)- International humanrights standards, Its reflections in Indian constitution, mechanism toenforce and protect Human Rights in India, Human Rights Movement in India,Problems related to human rights deprivations such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment,social-cultural-religious practices, violence, corruption, terrorism,exploitation of labour, custodial crimes etc.). Need, for training andpractising of human rights and human dignity in a democratic set up.

6) Socio-Economic development of following segments of the society :-

01) Child Development: problems and issues(Infant mortality, Malnutrition, Child labour, Children education etc.) -Government Policies, welfare schemes and programs - Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations Community resources. People participationin their Welfare.
.02) Women Development - problems and issues(Gender inequality, Violence against women, Girl child Infanticide/Foeticide,Empowerment of Women etc.)- Government Policy, schemes and programs fordevelopment / welfare and empowerment - Role of international agencies,Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People’s participation intheir development.
03) Youth Development: problems and issues(Unemployment, unrest, drug addiction etc.) - Government Policy - developmentschemes and programs - Role of international agencies, VoluntaryOrganisations and Community resources. People’s participation in theirdevelopment.
04) Tribal Development: problems and issues(Malnutrition, isolation, integration and development etc.) - Tribal movement- Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs- Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People’sparticipation in their Welfare.
05) Development for Socially deprived classes ( SC, OBC etc. ) - problems and issues (inequality in opportunity etc.) -Government Policy, welfare schemes and development programs - Role ofinternational agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Resource mobilsation andCommunity participation.
06) Welfare for aged People- problems and issues- Government Policy - welfare schemes and programs - Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community participation for theirdevelopment. Utilisation of their services in developmental activities.
07) Labour Welfare - problems and issues(working conditions, wages, health and problems related to organised andunorganised sectors) - GovernmentPolicy, welfare schemes and programs - Role of international agencies,community and Voluntary Organisations.
08) Welfare of disabled persons - problems andissues (inequality in educational and employment opportunity etc.) -Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs - Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations in employment and rehabilitation.
09) People’s Rehabilitations - (People affected by Development projects and Natural Calamities.) -Strategy and programs - Legal Provisions - Consideration of different aspectslike economic, cultural, social, psychological etc.

7) Globalisationand its impact on different sections of Indian Society.
8) Consumer Protection: Salient features ofthe existing act- Rights of consumers- Consumer disputes and redressalmachinery, Different kinds of Forums- Objectives, Powers, functions, procedures, Consumer Welfare Fund.
9) Values and Ethics : Fostering of social norms, values, ethics through formal andinformal agencies such as family, religion, education, media etc.

General Studies - II

Section - A( Marks : 40 )

India in World Affairs:-

1) Foreign Policy of India :-

01) Basic Principles, Objectives, andDeterminants of foreign policy.
02)India and Neighbours: Conflict andCo-operation.
03) India and Indian Ocean.
04) Foreign Economic Policy of India: Aid, Trade and economic cooperation.
2) Nuclear Policy of India :

01) Salient features.
02) Determinants ofNuclear Tests:

Pokhran I (1974) and Pokhran II (1998)

03) Recent Trends in Nuclear Policy such asNPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) and CTBT (Comprehensive Test BanTreaty.)

3) India's External and Internal SecurityConcerns :

01) Terrorism, Insurgency, Regional andSub-regional conflicts; Socio-economic imbalances; Naxalite Movements,Separatist Movements, Communal Violences and Caste Conflicts.
02) Law Enforcement Mechanism and Judiciary.

a) Existing Laws and Regulations with reference to Maharashtra [^] .

1. Intelligence and Security Agencies

c) Treaties of Extradition and Interpol.

4) International Affairs and Institutions :

01) Emerging important issues and events ininternational relations (1990 onwards) Political, Strategic and Economic : considerations.
02) Regional andInternational Institutions:

a) SAARC, ASEAN, NAM, Commonwealth of Nations and European Union.b) United Nations System: Its Charter andOrgans, (General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council andInternational Court of Justice) c) UN Agencies: UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNPeace Keeping Forces, UNCHR, ILO and WHO.

Section - B( Marks : 40 )

Indian Economy, Planning, Trade, Rural Development

5) Planning : Process - Types - Review of India'sFirst to Tenth Five year Plans. Evaluation. Social and Economic Indicators of Development. State and Local Level Planning. Decentralisation - 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments.

Indian Economy - trends in SectoralDevelopment and profile of service Sector. Challenges in Indian Economy -Poverty, Unemployment and Regional Imbalances.
6) Urban and Rural Infrastructure Development: Need and Significance. Growth and Development of Social and economic infrastructure such asEnergy, Water supply and sanitation, Housing, Transport (Road, Portsetc.) Communications (Post andTelegraphs, Telecommunication), Network of Radio, TV, Internet. Crises, problems related to Infrastructurein India. Policy alternatives -Public-Private Sector Partnership. FDIand Infrastructure Development - Privatisation of infrastructuredevelopment. Centre and StateGovernment Policies for Infrastructure Development. Transport and Housing (Urban and Rural).Problems - Centre and State Government initiatives and programmes.
7) Industry : Need - importance and role of industries in economic and socialdevelopment, Growth Pattern, Structure of Large-scale Industries in India with special reference to Maharashtra. Small-scale,Cottage and Village industries Problems Prospects of Small scale, cotage andvillage industry. Impact of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisationon SSIs. State Government Policy,measures and programmes for development, promotion and monitoring of SSIs(with special reference to Maharashtra) Export Potential of Small scale and cottage industries.
8) Co-operation: Concept, Meaning, Objectives, Old andnew principles of co-operation. Growthand diversification of co-operative movement in India. Co-operative institution in Maharashtra - types, role,importance and diversification. State policy and Co-operative sector -Legislation, Supervision, Audit and Aid. Problems of Co-operatives in Maharashtra. Prospects ofCooperatives in the era of global competition.
9) Economic reforms: Background,Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation - (concept, meaning, scopeand limitations). Economic Reforms at Centre and State Level. WTO Regime - Provisions and itsimplications and impact on Indian Economy, issues and problems.
10) International Trade and International Captial Movements: Emerging Trends in era of globalisation. Growth, Composition and Direction of India's Foreign Trade. Foreign trade policy of India - Export Promotion. WTOand International Trade. Foreign Capital Inflows - Composition and Growth -FDI. e-Commerce. Role ofMultinationals - International Financing Agencies - (IMF, World Bank andIDA). International Credit Ratings.
11) Public Finance: Sources of revenue -tax, non-tax and public debt of Centre and States in India. Public Expenditure(Centre and States) - Growth and causes. Public Expenditure Reform -Performance Based Budgeting and Zero - Based Budgeting. review of Tax Reforms at national and State level. VAT.

Public debt - Growth, Composition andBurden. Problem of States'Indebtedness to Centre.
Fiscal Deficits - Concepts, Control ofDeficits - Centre, State and RBI Initiatives.
Fiscal Reforms in India - Review at Centre and State Level.

Section - C( Marks : 40 )

12) Natural Resource Development

1. Agriculture: Importance of Agriculture in NationalEconomy - Causes of low productivity - Government policies, schemes andprogrammes for agriculture production and developments such as land reformsand land utilisation, soil and water conservation, rainfed farming,Irrigation and its methods, Agriculture inputs (improved seeds, Fertilizersand Manures, Pest Management, Mechanization of Agriculture). Problem of ruralindebtedness, Agriculture credit- need, importance and Financial Institutionsinvolved therein. Agriculture pricing- components, factors affecting pricesof various Agriculture produces - Govt. support prices of various agricultureproduces, Subsidies. Agriculture Marketing - present status, Value addedproducts. Role of Govt and itsinstitutes in agriculture marketing.

13) Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development: Its role, importanceand significance in National Economy, Livestock in India particularly inMaharashtra, Govt policies, schemes and programmes for livestock developmentincluding livestock breeds, feeds and fodder, Healthcare - Role of milk, meatand poultry products in human nutrition, White Revolution, Co-operative dairyenterprises in Maharashtra.

14) Development of fisheries: Its role and significance in national economy, scope anddevelopment of fisheries in India and particularly in Maharashtra, Causes of low productivity and Govt efforts to overcome it,export of marine products.

15) Horticulture: Importance and scope of fruit andplantation crops with reference to Maharashtra, Role of fruits and vegetablesin human nutrition, Major fruit Plants, vegetable crops and flower plants ofMaharashtra, Horticultural crops suitable for dryland and rainfed condition.Problems and its solutions of low productivity. Processing, packaging,transportation, marketing of Horticultural Products. Government schemes andprograms for Horticulture development and marketing, Government Agencies andInstitutes engaged in Horticulture development.

16) Forestry: Its role in enhancing the quality ofenvironment, Causes and effects of deforestation, Problems and issues relatedto forestry - Government policies and afforestration programmes (Socialforestry, Agroforestry), Utilisation of forest products, Role of Government,Voluntary Organisation and local community in forest development.

17) Food and Nutrition: Food - trends inFood production and consumption in India, First and ensuing second GreenRevolutions, Self-sufficiency in food, Problem of food security, Problems andissues of storage, procurement, distribution, import and export of food.Calorific value of foods and its measurement, Energy and nutrient needs ofhuman body for better health and balanced diet - common nutritional problemsin India and its causes and effects, Govt. Policies, schemes, programs suchas PDS, Food for work, Mid-day Meal Scheme and other nutritional programs.

Section - D( Marks : 40 )

Scientific and Technological Developments

18) Energy: Conventional and non-conventionalenergy sources - Potential of Solar, Wind, Biogas, Biomass, Geothermal andother renewable energy sources. Introduction to solar gadgets viz solarcooker, water heater etc. Biogas- principle, and process.
Problems of Energy Crises, Govt.Policies and programs for power generation. Nuclear Power Program, ThermalPower Program, Hydroelectric Power program, Power distribution and NationalGrid. Agencies and Institutions engaged in Energy security, Research anddevelopment.
19) Computer: Role of computer in modernsociety, its applications in variousspheres of life such as data communication, networking and web technologies,Cyber crime and its prevention.

20) Information Technology: as a new industry -use of I.T. in various services and faculties of knowledge. Growth andpresent status of I.T. industry in India, Govt. programs such as Media Lab Asia, Vidya Vahini, GyanVahini, Community Information Centre etc. Major issues in IT industry - itsprospects.

21) Space Technology: Indian spaceprogrammes, Artificial satellites - types and applications, Indian Artificialsatellites for telecommunication, television, education, broadcasting,weather forecasting, GPS, disaster warning. Indian missile program etc.
Remote sensing, GIS and its applicationin weather forecasting, Disaster warning, water, soil, mineral resourcesdevelopment, agriculture and fisheries development, urban planning,ecological studies, GS and GIS.

22) Water Resources: Significance ofwater in human & national development, National and State Water Policy,Water Resources - potential, planning and development in India particularlyin Maharashtra, Intrastate andInterstate River water disputes, Various irrigation projects, Nationalprogramme of flood management, Groundwater development in India particularlyin Maharashtra. National and State Agencies engaged in water resourcedevelopment and research.

23) Ocean Development: Role of the seas inclimatic changes and monsoon in India, Marine living and non-living resourcesdevelopment, causes and effect of sea pollution and coastal degradation,Coastal and Marine Area Management, CRZ Regulation, Coastal CommunityDevelopment. Govt. programs and activitiesfor ocean resources development, Ocean observing and research.

24) Meteorology: Earth atmosphere - its composition,extent and structure. Atmospheric weather variables (Parameters), Weatherforecasting system, cloud formation and movement - Monsoon model - crop yieldmodel.

25) Environment: Ecosystems - Biodiversity and balanceecosystem - Biosphere Reserve (wetlands, mangroves coral reefs). Pollution:Types and sources, its impact on environment and related problems, Govt.efforts to prevent and control of pollution, Govt. legislation andprograms. Sustainable development infield of agriculture, industry, urban habitant, etc. Govt. and Voluntaryagencies engaged in Environmental protection activities at national andinternational level.

26) Biotechnology: Its potential toimprove human life and national economy through agricultural, industrialdevelopment and employment generation. Biotechnology as an essential andimportant tool of natural resource development. Areas of application - Agriculture,Animal breeding and Veterinary health-care, Pharmaceutics, Human healthcare,Food technology, energy generation, environment protection etc. Role andefforts of government in promoting, regulating and developing biotechnologyin country. Ethical, Social, Legalissues related to biotechnological development, possible adverse effects ofbiotechnological development.

Section - E ( Marks : 40 )

StatisticalAnalysis, Graphs and Diagrams

27) Classification and Tablulation of Datagiven in descriptive form.

28) Computation and interpretation of Mean,Median, Mode of Data given.

29) Conversion of Tabular data / informationin a) Diagram - Venn, bar, Pie diagram. b) Graph - Line graph, Histogram,Polygon.

30) Interpretation of Data / Informationgiven in Tabular and Diagramatic / Graphical Form.

31) Pointing out deficiencies, limitations,in consistencies in the given Data.

32) To prepare Algorithm and Flow chart forsolving simple problems in organisation.
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22nd September 2011, 10:34 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

i want questions paper for practice
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23rd September 2011, 10:28 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

sir i am pharmacy holdar can i got success in mpsc?
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28th September 2011, 09:38 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

I am now BCS Holder, How to face the MPSC examination? I dont have any art concultance extra knowledge
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29th September 2011, 12:24 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

what is the eligibility criteria for appearing MPSC exam?
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11th October 2011, 12:54 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

is there any chance for DYSP after completing my engineering?if yes then tell me it's syllabus
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11th October 2011, 10:35 PM
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which subjects in mpsc give deatils in marathi
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15th October 2011, 10:44 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

syllabus of assistant public prosicutar
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15th October 2011, 08:39 PM
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Join Date: May 2011
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

MPSC Examination Syllabus

The break-up of the marks of MPSC Preliminary Examination is as follows

Preliminary Examination

Arts and Social Sciences 30 Marks
Intellegence Test 50 Marks
Current Affairs 30 Marks
Science and Technology 30 Marks
Commerce and Economics 30 Marks
Agriculture 30 Marks
Total 200 Marks

Main Examination
The syllabus of the main examination of MPSC Examination has been changed in 2006
Changed syllabus of MPSC Civil Services Main Examinations
General Studies – 1
Contents Marks
History 40
Geography of India 40
Indian Polity 40
Human resource Development 40
Human Rights 40
Total 200
General Studies – 2
Contents Marks
India and World (India's position in global happenings) 40
Indian Economy, planning, trade and rural development 40
Development of natural resources 40
Development of Sciences & Technology 40
Statistics analysis, Graphs & Diagrams 40
Total 200

List of Optional Subjects for Main Exam
Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development
Horticulture Economics
English Literature Geography
Sanskrit Literature Political Science and International Relations
Hindi Literature History
Management Marathi Literature
Philosophy Psychology
Botany Sociology
Urdu Literature Accountancy and Auditing
Computer Science Law
Zoology Chemistry
Geology Mathematics
Microbiology Physics
Statistics Public Administration

Personality Test (Interview) :
In the interview the candidate is judged for their study of social and national issues, awareness regarding events occuring around him/ her, capacity to take decisions, presence of mind are the factors considered.
Marks allotted for the interview are 200. The final merit list is declared after considering the candidate's marks in the Main exam and Interview. Accordingly, eligible candidates are appointed at various post. Eventually they get the appointment letter and after training they join the service.
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15th October 2011, 08:40 PM
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Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 213
Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

MPSC Examination Syllabus

The break-up of the marks of MPSC Preliminary Examination is as follows

Preliminary Examination

Arts and Social Sciences 30 Marks
Intellegence Test 50 Marks
Current Affairs 30 Marks
Science and Technology 30 Marks
Commerce and Economics 30 Marks
Agriculture 30 Marks
Total 200 Marks

Main Examination
The syllabus of the main examination of MPSC Examination has been changed in 2006
Changed syllabus of MPSC Civil Services Main Examinations
General Studies – 1
Contents Marks
History 40
Geography of India 40
Indian Polity 40
Human resource Development 40
Human Rights 40
Total 200
General Studies – 2
Contents Marks
India and World (India's position in global happenings) 40
Indian Economy, planning, trade and rural development 40
Development of natural resources 40
Development of Sciences & Technology 40
Statistics analysis, Graphs & Diagrams 40
Total 200

List of Optional Subjects for Main Exam
Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development
Horticulture Economics
English Literature Geography
Sanskrit Literature Political Science and International Relations
Hindi Literature History
Management Marathi Literature
Philosophy Psychology
Botany Sociology
Urdu Literature Accountancy and Auditing
Computer Science Law
Zoology Chemistry
Geology Mathematics
Microbiology Physics
Statistics Public Administration

Personality Test (Interview) :
In the interview the candidate is judged for their study of social and national issues, awareness regarding events occuring around him/ her, capacity to take decisions, presence of mind are the factors considered.
Marks allotted for the interview are 200. The final merit list is declared after considering the candidate's marks in the Main exam and Interview. Accordingly, eligible candidates are appointed at various post. Eventually they get the appointment letter and after training they join the service.
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31st October 2011, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

this exam marathi/english?
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31st October 2011, 07:29 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

this exam english/marathi?
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7th November 2011, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

plese tell me markswise syllabus of rajyaseva prellium exam
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24th November 2011, 10:24 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

Respected Sir /Mam
I am Rupesh Yadav From MAHARASHTRA (Satara-Dist) Sir i wnat to information about "New (Recently Changed)
Main's Exam Syllabus of MPSC". Plz. send me details .
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24th November 2011, 03:45 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

Originally Posted by snehoo View Post
pz send me the syllabus of mpsc exam...could u please send me the syllabus of it
plz send me mpsc syllabus for study and give me information about the exam and how to study to this exam.
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5th December 2011, 02:23 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

what is the apportunity for Agril.Engg.in mpsc
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5th December 2011, 12:19 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 170
Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

Originally Posted by snehoo View Post
pz send me the syllabus of mpsc exam...could u please send me the syllabus of it
MPSC Syllabus 2012:-


Letter Writting

Communication Skill:-

A notice
Dialagu writting
An individualconversation with a group of people
A GroupDiscussion, a Meeting, a Teleconference on a topical issue

Precis writing
Paraphrase of a Prose Passage

Grammar :

i)Transformation of Sentences,ii) Correction of Sentences,
iii)Use of Tenses, iv) Punctuation, v)Word-formation,
vi)Use of Phrases.

General Studies - I
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5th December 2011, 04:12 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

Pls send me Syllabus for MPSC exam 2011 for Clerk Typiest English on [email protected]
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7th December 2011, 01:02 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

pls send me syllabus of mpsc on topicwise and give me inf about it
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10th December 2011, 12:05 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

Hellow,myself Dr.Surjit M Rajput plz i want new change syllabus(MPSC)
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15th December 2011, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

i am try to best . For mpsc exam
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15th December 2011, 07:59 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

i don't know fom mpsc subjects . Plz send to detels no . 8605669905 .from pandharpur .
Shambhu raje
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15th December 2011, 10:19 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 3,467
Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

Hi Dear

Compulsory 6 papers:

1) English (100 Marks) – Descriptive type questions

2) Marathi (100 Marks) – Descriptive type questions

3) General Studies Paper I (150 Marks) – Objective type questions (MCQs) – 2 hours

4) General Studies Paper II (150 Marks) – Objective type questions (MCQs) - 2 hours

5) General Studies Paper III (150 Marks) – Objective type questions (MCQs) - 2 hours

6) General Studies Paper IV (150 Marks) – Objective type questions (MCQs) - 2 hours

Negative Marking for GS papers – For 2 wrong answers 1 mark will be cut.

Passing Marks:

45% in each of the 6 papers for Open Category

40% in each of the 6 papers for Reserved Categories (SC/ST/OBCs, etc)

Interview: 100 Marks

Good Luck................
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19th December 2011, 06:55 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

pls send me deparmental psi exam sylabus
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19th December 2011, 07:00 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

pls send me sylabus of beparmental psi exam

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30th December 2011, 09:07 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

by giving mpsc how to get in pwd or irrigation dept.?
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6th January 2012, 12:32 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

please send the mpsc prelim examination syllabus.
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11th January 2012, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

can i start preparations from 8th standard to become ias officer
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17th January 2012, 11:55 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

plz send me the mpsc prelim & main exam syllabus.
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1st February 2012, 01:01 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

I want the revised syllabus of mpse preliminary and main exam plz send me all the details.
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6th February 2012, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

plz give me PSI new syllabus 2012 (preliminary and main exam)
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8th February 2012, 03:43 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

Give me info. about mah.forest service ex-2012.And topicwise syllabus for it in brief for subjects botany and zoology.
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16th February 2012, 03:50 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

dear sir/madam please sent me the syllabus of foresty exam
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23rd March 2012, 09:59 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

In 2011 i gave exam of Civil JUdge Junior Division in Aurangabad in S.P.Law College but at that time i was totally disturbed by the atmosphere because every student was asking the answer of each question to another and there was tremendous noise of students ,it means that i became very nervous because the students in such atmosphere can not concentrate and the staff who was conducting the exam totally failed means even they did not try to control strict and sincere atmosphere. Hence my request is in every Examination Hall there should be Video Grapher or Camera or the Liable staff must be appointed to conduct and supervise the exam. Thanking You Adv. R. D. Khairnar 9881601953
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31st March 2012, 04:31 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

please sent me the syllabus of forest service examination
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31st March 2012, 07:48 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 54
Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

MPSC Syllabus 2011


Letter Writting

Communication Skill:-

A notice
Dialagu writting
An individualconversation with a group of people
A GroupDiscussion, a Meeting, a Teleconference on a topical issue

Precis writing
Paraphrase of a Prose Passage

Grammar :

i)Transformation of Sentences,ii) Correction of Sentences,
iii)Use of Tenses, iv) Punctuation, v)Word-formation,
vi)Use of Phrases.

General Studies - I

Section -A (Marks : 40 )


Brief history of Maharashtra: Socio-cultural development during thefollowing regimes - Satvahanas - Vakatakas - Chalukyas - Rashtrakutas -Shilahars - Yadavas - Muslim regimes and Marathas.
History of Modern India (1818-1857) particularly Maharashtra [^] : Introduction of modern education - Press, Railway, Post andTelegraph, Industries, Land reforms and Socio-religious reforms - Its impacton society.
Social and economic awakening: IndianNationalism - 1857 revolt and after, Indian National Congress (1885 - 1947),Role of important personalities, Role of Press and Education in socialawakening in pre- independent India.
The other contemporary movements during pre-independence: Satyashodhak Samaj - Dr. B.R.Ambedkar's Movement - HinduMahasabha- Muslim League - National Revolutionary Movement - Leftist Movement- Peseant Movement - Tribal uprising.
Post Independence development: Integration of princely states, formation of Linguistic states,Samyukta Maharashtra movement major political parties and personalitiesinvolved therein, Major developments and personalities during 1960-1990.
Cultural Heritage of Maharashtra (Ancient to Modern) : PerformingArts (Dance, Drama, Films, Music and Folk Arts), Visual Arts (Architecture,Painting and Sculpture) and Festivals.
Impact of Literature on socio - psychological development of Maharashtra: Bhakti, Dalit, Urban and Rural Literature.

Section -B ( Marks : 40 )

a) Geography of India - with special reference to Maharashtra :
01) Location and extent - India's strategic location with reference to her neighbours, IndianOcean Rim, Asia and the Worl
02) Physical Geography:- Evolution of the Subcontinent - Majorphysiographic regions - Problems of floods and river pollution -Physiographic details of Maharashtra.a) Climate: Distribution of Rainfall. Rainfall in Maharashtra - spatial andtemporal variability - Agroclimatic zones of Maharashtra - Problem of Droughtand scarcity, DPAP (Draught Prone Area Programme) -Water requirement inAgricultural, Industrial and Domestic Sectors. Problem of Drinking Water.

b) Soils - problems of soil erosion and degradation in Maharashtra. c) Natural Vegetation and wild life - Forest types in India and Indian wild life - National Parks - Sanctuaries in Maharashtra - Tiger Project.

03) Economic Geography:- Minerals and Energy Resources : Theredistribution, importance and development in Maharashtra. Tourism in Maharashtra - Religious,Medicinal, Eco-Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
04) Human and Social Geography:

Distribution of population. Migration ofpopulation - effects of migration on source and destination areas. Rural settlements in Maharashtra. Problems of Urbanand Rural Settlements - Environmental, Housing, Slum, Water Supply andSanitation, Urban Traffic and Pollution.

Section -C ( Marks : 40)

3) Indian Polity (With special Reference to Maharashtra) :

01) The Constitution of India: Making of theConstitution - Philosophy of the Preamble - Salient Features of theConstitution (Secular democratic and socialist) - Fundamental Rights andDuties - Directive Principles of State Policy such as Free and Compulsoryprimary education, Uniform Civil Code - Centre - State relations andFormation of New States - Independent Judiciary - Amendment Procedure : MajorAmendments to the Constitution : Landmark Judgments used for interpreting theConstitution. Structure and Functions of majorCommissions and Boards: Election Commission, Union and State Public ServiceCommissions, National Women's Commission, Human Rights Commission, NationalMinorities S.C./S.T. Commission - River Water Dispute Settlements Board etc.

02) The Political System (Structure, Powers and Functions ofGovernments) :

a) The CentralGovernment - The Union Executive: President- Vice-President- Prime Minister and Council of Ministers - Attorney General of India - Comptroller and Auditor General of India
b) The Union Legislature- Parliament, Speaker and Dy. Speaker -Parliamentary Committees - Parliament's Control over Executive.
c)Judiciary: Organisation of Judiciary - Integrated Judiciary- Functions - Role and Power of the Supreme Court and High Court -Subordinate Courts - Lok Pal, Lok Aayukt and Lok Nyayalaya - Judiciary as awatch-dog protecting the Constitutional Order- Judicial Activism.
d) The State Government: The State Executive - Governor - Chief Minister and the Councilof Minister - Role, Functions and Powers - The State Legislature -Legislative Assembly - Legislative Council - Compositions - Powers, Functionsand Role - Legislative Committees.
e) The Local Governments:

01) Urban - Municipal Corporations, Municipal councils, Municipalities,Nagarpanchayat and Cantonment Boards. Structure, Officials, Resources,Powers- Functions and Controls. (2) Rural - Panchayat Raj System - Zilla Parishad, Taluka Panchayat andVillage Panchayat - Structure - Officials - Resources - Powers- Functions andControls (3) Significance of 73rd and 74thAmendment to the Constitution. (4) Empowerment of local government and their role indevelopment.
03) Parties and Pressure Groups: Nature of Party system - Role of NationalParties - Ideology, organisation and electoral performance - Regional Parties- Ideology, Organisation and electoral performance - Major Pressure Groupsand Interest Groups in Maharashtra - their Role and impact on Policy making.
04) The Media: Print and Electronic Media - its impacton policy making, shaping of the public opinion and educating the people.
05) The Electoral Process: Main features of Electoral process - singlemember territorial Constituencies. Reserved constituencies for weakersections - Adult Franchise - Role of Election Commission - General Elections- Major trends - Patterns of Voting behaviour - and Factors influencing thevoting behaviour - Problems and difficulties in conducting Free and FairElections - Electoral Reforms.
06) Challenges and Responses to Indian Democracy: Social and Economic inequalities - Regional imbalances -illiteracy and unemployment.

Section - D( Marks : 40 )

4) Human Resource Development (HRD) :-

01) Human Resource Development in India - Presentstatus of population in India - quantitative aspect (size and growth - Sex, Age, Urban andRural) and qualitative aspects (Education and Healthcare). Population policy and projection upto2050. Importance and need of HumanResource planning in modern society. Components and factors involved inplanning of Human Resources. Nature,types and problems of unemployment in India, Trends of Employment in India, Demand estimate of skilled manpower in different Sectors andAreas. Governmental and VoluntaryInstitution engaged in development of manpower e.g. NCERT, NIEPA, UGC, Open Universities, AICTE, ITIs, NCVT, IMC etc. Problems and issues related to HRD.Govt. employment policy, various schemes to reduce unemployment andunderemployment.
02) Education: Education as a tool of HR developmentand social change. Education (Pre-primary to Higher Education) system in India. Problems and issues (Universalisation of education,vocationalisation of education. Quality improvement, Dropout etc.) Education for - Girls, Socially andEconomically underprivileged classes, Handicapped, Minorities, Talent Searchetc. Govt. policies, Schemes andprogramms for Education, Govt. and Voluntary Agencies involved in promoting,regulating and monitoring Formal, Non- formal and Adult education.e-Learning. Impact of globalisationand privatisation on Indian education.
03) Vocational Education: As a tool of HRdevelopment. Vocational/TechnicalEducation- Present status, systems and training in India particularly in Maharashtra. Govt. policies, schemes and programs - Problems, issues andefforts to overcome them. Institutes involved in promoting, regulating,accrediting vocational and Technical Education.
04) Health: As an essential and major component ofHRD, Vital Statistics, World Health Organisation (WHO) - objectives,structure, functions and its programmes. Govt. Health policies, schemes andprogrammes, Healthcare system in India. Problems and issuesrelated to Healthcare and efforts to overcome them.
05) Rural Development: Empowerment ofpanchayat Raj system. VillagePanchayat and its role in Rural development, Land reforms and development,Role of cooperative institutes in Rural Development, Financial Institutesinvolved in Rural Development, Rural Employment Schemes, Rural Water Supplyand Sanitation programs. Infrastructure development e.g. Energy,Transportation, Housing and communication in rural area.

Section - E( Marks : 40 )

5) Human Rights :- Concept-Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR 1948)- International humanrights standards, Its reflections in Indian constitution, mechanism toenforce and protect Human Rights in India, Human Rights Movement in India,Problems related to human rights deprivations such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment,social-cultural-religious practices, violence, corruption, terrorism,exploitation of labour, custodial crimes etc.). Need, for training andpractising of human rights and human dignity in a democratic set up.

6) Socio-Economic development of following segments of the society :-

01) Child Development: problems and issues(Infant mortality, Malnutrition, Child labour, Children education etc.) -Government Policies, welfare schemes and programs - Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations Community resources. People participationin their Welfare.
.02) Women Development - problems and issues(Gender inequality, Violence against women, Girl child Infanticide/Foeticide,Empowerment of Women etc.)- Government Policy, schemes and programs fordevelopment / welfare and empowerment - Role of international agencies,Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People’s participation intheir development.
03) Youth Development: problems and issues(Unemployment, unrest, drug addiction etc.) - Government Policy - developmentschemes and programs - Role of international agencies, VoluntaryOrganisations and Community resources. People’s participation in theirdevelopment.
04) Tribal Development: problems and issues(Malnutrition, isolation, integration and development etc.) - Tribal movement- Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs- Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People’sparticipation in their Welfare.
05) Development for Socially deprived classes ( SC, OBC etc. ) - problems and issues (inequality in opportunity etc.) -Government Policy, welfare schemes and development programs - Role ofinternational agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Resource mobilsation andCommunity participation.
06) Welfare for aged People- problems and issues- Government Policy - welfare schemes and programs - Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community participation for theirdevelopment. Utilisation of their services in developmental activities.
07) Labour Welfare - problems and issues(working conditions, wages, health and problems related to organised andunorganised sectors) - GovernmentPolicy, welfare schemes and programs - Role of international agencies,community and Voluntary Organisations.
08) Welfare of disabled persons - problems andissues (inequality in educational and employment opportunity etc.) -Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs - Role of internationalagencies, Voluntary Organisations in employment and rehabilitation.
09) People’s Rehabilitations - (People affected by Development projects and Natural Calamities.) -Strategy and programs - Legal Provisions - Consideration of different aspectslike economic, cultural, social, psychological etc.

7) Globalisationand its impact on different sections of Indian Society.
8) Consumer Protection: Salient features ofthe existing act- Rights of consumers- Consumer disputes and redressalmachinery, Different kinds of Forums- Objectives, Powers, functions, procedures, Consumer Welfare Fund.
9) Values and Ethics : Fostering of social norms, values, ethics through formal andinformal agencies such as family, religion, education, media etc.

General Studies - II

Section - A( Marks : 40 )

India in World Affairs:-

1) Foreign Policy of India :-

01) Basic Principles, Objectives, andDeterminants of foreign policy.
02)India and Neighbours: Conflict andCo-operation.
03) India and Indian Ocean.
04) Foreign Economic Policy of India: Aid, Trade and economic cooperation.
2) Nuclear Policy of India :

01) Salient features.
02) Determinants ofNuclear Tests:

Pokhran I (1974) and Pokhran II (1998)

03) Recent Trends in Nuclear Policy such asNPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) and CTBT (Comprehensive Test BanTreaty.)

3) India's External and Internal SecurityConcerns :

01) Terrorism, Insurgency, Regional andSub-regional conflicts; Socio-economic imbalances; Naxalite Movements,Separatist Movements, Communal Violences and Caste Conflicts.
02) Law Enforcement Mechanism and Judiciary.

a) Existing Laws and Regulations with reference to Maharashtra [^] .

1. Intelligence and Security Agencies

c) Treaties of Extradition and Interpol.

4) International Affairs and Institutions :

01) Emerging important issues and events ininternational relations (1990 onwards) Political, Strategic and Economic : considerations.
02) Regional andInternational Institutions:

a) SAARC, ASEAN, NAM, Commonwealth of Nations and European Union.b) United Nations System: Its Charter andOrgans, (General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council andInternational Court of Justice) c) UN Agencies: UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNPeace Keeping Forces, UNCHR, ILO and WHO.

Section - B( Marks : 40 )

Indian Economy, Planning, Trade, Rural Development

5) Planning : Process - Types - Review of India'sFirst to Tenth Five year Plans. Evaluation. Social and Economic Indicators of Development. State and Local Level Planning. Decentralisation - 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments.

Indian Economy - trends in SectoralDevelopment and profile of service Sector. Challenges in Indian Economy -Poverty, Unemployment and Regional Imbalances.
6) Urban and Rural Infrastructure Development: Need and Significance. Growth and Development of Social and economic infrastructure such asEnergy, Water supply and sanitation, Housing, Transport (Road, Portsetc.) Communications (Post andTelegraphs, Telecommunication), Network of Radio, TV, Internet. Crises, problems related to Infrastructurein India. Policy alternatives -Public-Private Sector Partnership. FDIand Infrastructure Development - Privatisation of infrastructuredevelopment. Centre and StateGovernment Policies for Infrastructure Development. Transport and Housing (Urban and Rural).Problems - Centre and State Government initiatives and programmes.
7) Industry : Need - importance and role of industries in economic and socialdevelopment, Growth Pattern, Structure of Large-scale Industries in India with special reference to Maharashtra. Small-scale,Cottage and Village industries Problems Prospects of Small scale, cotage andvillage industry. Impact of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisationon SSIs. State Government Policy,measures and programmes for development, promotion and monitoring of SSIs(with special reference to Maharashtra) Export Potential of Small scale and cottage industries.
8) Co-operation: Concept, Meaning, Objectives, Old andnew principles of co-operation. Growthand diversification of co-operative movement in India. Co-operative institution in Maharashtra - types, role,importance and diversification. State policy and Co-operative sector -Legislation, Supervision, Audit and Aid. Problems of Co-operatives in Maharashtra. Prospects ofCooperatives in the era of global competition.
9) Economic reforms: Background,Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation - (concept, meaning, scopeand limitations). Economic Reforms at Centre and State Level. WTO Regime - Provisions and itsimplications and impact on Indian Economy, issues and problems.
10) International Trade and International Captial Movements: Emerging Trends in era of globalisation. Growth, Composition and Direction of India's Foreign Trade. Foreign trade policy of India - Export Promotion. WTOand International Trade. Foreign Capital Inflows - Composition and Growth -FDI. e-Commerce. Role ofMultinationals - International Financing Agencies - (IMF, World Bank andIDA). International Credit Ratings.
11) Public Finance: Sources of revenue -tax, non-tax and public debt of Centre and States in India. Public Expenditure(Centre and States) - Growth and causes. Public Expenditure Reform -Performance Based Budgeting and Zero - Based Budgeting. review of Tax Reforms at national and State level. VAT.

Public debt - Growth, Composition andBurden. Problem of States'Indebtedness to Centre.
Fiscal Deficits - Concepts, Control ofDeficits - Centre, State and RBI Initiatives.
Fiscal Reforms in India - Review at Centre and State Level.

Section - C( Marks : 40 )

12) Natural Resource Development

1. Agriculture: Importance of Agriculture in NationalEconomy - Causes of low productivity - Government policies, schemes andprogrammes for agriculture production and developments such as land reformsand land utilisation, soil and water conservation, rainfed farming,Irrigation and its methods, Agriculture inputs (improved seeds, Fertilizersand Manures, Pest Management, Mechanization of Agriculture). Problem of ruralindebtedness, Agriculture credit- need, importance and Financial Institutionsinvolved therein. Agriculture pricing- components, factors affecting pricesof various Agriculture produces - Govt. support prices of various agricultureproduces, Subsidies. Agriculture Marketing - present status, Value addedproducts. Role of Govt and itsinstitutes in agriculture marketing.

13) Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development: Its role, importanceand significance in National Economy, Livestock in India particularly inMaharashtra, Govt policies, schemes and programmes for livestock developmentincluding livestock breeds, feeds and fodder, Healthcare - Role of milk, meatand poultry products in human nutrition, White Revolution, Co-operative dairyenterprises in Maharashtra.

14) Development of fisheries: Its role and significance in national economy, scope anddevelopment of fisheries in India and particularly in Maharashtra, Causes of low productivity and Govt efforts to overcome it,export of marine products.

15) Horticulture: Importance and scope of fruit andplantation crops with reference to Maharashtra, Role of fruits and vegetablesin human nutrition, Major fruit Plants, vegetable crops and flower plants ofMaharashtra, Horticultural crops suitable for dryland and rainfed condition.Problems and its solutions of low productivity. Processing, packaging,transportation, marketing of Horticultural Products. Government schemes andprograms for Horticulture development and marketing, Government Agencies andInstitutes engaged in Horticulture development.

16) Forestry: Its role in enhancing the quality ofenvironment, Causes and effects of deforestation, Problems and issues relatedto forestry - Government policies and afforestration programmes (Socialforestry, Agroforestry), Utilisation of forest products, Role of Government,Voluntary Organisation and local community in forest development.

17) Food and Nutrition: Food - trends inFood production and consumption in India, First and ensuing second GreenRevolutions, Self-sufficiency in food, Problem of food security, Problems andissues of storage, procurement, distribution, import and export of food.Calorific value of foods and its measurement, Energy and nutrient needs ofhuman body for better health and balanced diet - common nutritional problemsin India and its causes and effects, Govt. Policies, schemes, programs suchas PDS, Food for work, Mid-day Meal Scheme and other nutritional programs.

Section - D( Marks : 40 )

Scientific and Technological Developments

18) Energy: Conventional and non-conventionalenergy sources - Potential of Solar, Wind, Biogas, Biomass, Geothermal andother renewable energy sources. Introduction to solar gadgets viz solarcooker, water heater etc. Biogas- principle, and process.
Problems of Energy Crises, Govt.Policies and programs for power generation. Nuclear Power Program, ThermalPower Program, Hydroelectric Power program, Power distribution and NationalGrid. Agencies and Institutions engaged in Energy security, Research anddevelopment.
19) Computer: Role of computer in modernsociety, its applications in variousspheres of life such as data communication, networking and web technologies,Cyber crime and its prevention.

20) Information Technology: as a new industry -use of I.T. in various services and faculties of knowledge. Growth andpresent status of I.T. industry in India, Govt. programs such as Media Lab Asia, Vidya Vahini, GyanVahini, Community Information Centre etc. Major issues in IT industry - itsprospects.

21) Space Technology: Indian spaceprogrammes, Artificial satellites - types and applications, Indian Artificialsatellites for telecommunication, television, education, broadcasting,weather forecasting, GPS, disaster warning. Indian missile program etc.
Remote sensing, GIS and its applicationin weather forecasting, Disaster warning, water, soil, mineral resourcesdevelopment, agriculture and fisheries development, urban planning,ecological studies, GS and GIS.

22) Water Resources: Significance ofwater in human & national development, National and State Water Policy,Water Resources - potential, planning and development in India particularlyin Maharashtra, Intrastate andInterstate River water disputes, Various irrigation projects, Nationalprogramme of flood management, Groundwater development in India particularlyin Maharashtra. National and State Agencies engaged in water resourcedevelopment and research.

23) Ocean Development: Role of the seas inclimatic changes and monsoon in India, Marine living and non-living resourcesdevelopment, causes and effect of sea pollution and coastal degradation,Coastal and Marine Area Management, CRZ Regulation, Coastal CommunityDevelopment. Govt. programs and activitiesfor ocean resources development, Ocean observing and research.

24) Meteorology: Earth atmosphere - its composition,extent and structure. Atmospheric weather variables (Parameters), Weatherforecasting system, cloud formation and movement - Monsoon model - crop yieldmodel.

25) Environment: Ecosystems - Biodiversity and balanceecosystem - Biosphere Reserve (wetlands, mangroves coral reefs). Pollution:Types and sources, its impact on environment and related problems, Govt.efforts to prevent and control of pollution, Govt. legislation andprograms. Sustainable development infield of agriculture, industry, urban habitant, etc. Govt. and Voluntaryagencies engaged in Environmental protection activities at national andinternational level.

26) Biotechnology: Its potential toimprove human life and national economy through agricultural, industrialdevelopment and employment generation. Biotechnology as an essential andimportant tool of natural resource development. Areas of application - Agriculture,Animal breeding and Veterinary health-care, Pharmaceutics, Human healthcare,Food technology, energy generation, environment protection etc. Role andefforts of government in promoting, regulating and developing biotechnologyin country. Ethical, Social, Legalissues related to biotechnological development, possible adverse effects ofbiotechnological development.

Section - E ( Marks : 40 )

StatisticalAnalysis, Graphs and Diagrams

27) Classification and Tablulation of Datagiven in descriptive form.

28) Computation and interpretation of Mean,Median, Mode of Data given.

29) Conversion of Tabular data / informationin a) Diagram - Venn, bar, Pie diagram. b) Graph - Line graph, Histogram,Polygon.

30) Interpretation of Data / Informationgiven in Tabular and Diagramatic / Graphical Form.

31) Pointing out deficiencies, limitations,in consistencies in the given Data.

32) To prepare Algorithm and Flow chart forsolving simple problems in organisation.
All the best.........................
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31st March 2012, 10:22 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 172
Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

MPSC is the maharastra public service comission exam.the examination is held for given posts :deputy collector class1,deputy registrar,assistant secretary,deputy superintendent of police,block development officer,district transfer officer.

The eligibility are is given below:
Academic: Degree of science/engineering.
Age limit :19 ti 28 years. for relaxation 33 year is max.limit.
Height : 165 cms
Chest : 84 cms
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21st January 2013, 05:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Syllabus of MPSC exam?

Sir my self Dr. Girish I want to prepare mpsc exam. So give me some basice knowlge, How to start study for mpsc exam?
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