1st April 2012, 05:14 PM
Are there any free classes in Chennai? From where to get TNPSC books for free
TNPSC free class in chennai & TNPSC Free books
8th April 2019, 11:10 PM
There are no free classes for TNPSC in chennai. Some coaching are there which conduct an enttance exam for TNPSC preparation. That entrance exam select 50-60 candidates only to give free coaching. Income certificate need to be uploaded while filling up the form for that entrance examination for assuring purpose that you belong to financial weak family. You can download free pdfs for TNPSC preparation from google. As well as you can prepare from youtoube videos. It will be of great help to you. You will be at home and take the advantage of it absolutely free of cost. you will feel that you are in the real coaching centre. Thank you |