30th January 2013, 11:43 PM
Which are the types of competitive exams that I can give after B.E IT?
which type of competetive exam dose give after BE IT?
22nd March 2013, 12:02 AM
As you know there are many competitive exams that you can have after your graduation exam, the main focus should be you should be specific in your goals, whether you want to work or go for higher studies. If you want to go for Higher studies; then MTECH If you want to do your mtech courses in IIT and NIT then you have write GATE exam, here you will get stipend of Rs 8000/- per month scholarship in Indian universities for all Engg. Science and life science. >>You can also apply for TANCET – MCA, M.E, M.TECH, M.ARCH, M.PLAN, M.L.ARCH for Tamil nadu state. MBA: If you want to go for business and MBA, then you can write CAT,MAT, SNAP,XLRI, SYMBIOSIS test etc. They will help you in getting good B school like IIMs and XLRI, Pune. Higher abroad programs:- >>Going abroad for higher studies, you have to write GRE, TOEFL examinations conducted by ETS (Educational Testing Service). Also if you want to go for jobs, write SSC exam, Bank PO exams, JTO, IBPS Specialist, and also IAS exam, you are eligible for all of these. Good luck!! |