6th August 2010, 10:37 PM
Types of questions asked in C-DAC Exams?
i m a student of b.tech 3rd year.i want to know that which type of questions has been generally asked and how can i prepare that with my studies.....
8th August 2010, 07:13 PM
Dear friend,
In C-DAC exams, the questions are being asked mainly on C and Data Structures. So make good concepts of the C-language and as well as the data structure. The questions are in different ways through giving C-codes. There are objective-type questions basically on fundamental knowledge of C-coding. You can go through the best books for C like: Fundamentals of C,by E.Balaguruswami, Let us C,by Y.Kanetkar etc. Have a lot of practice with the codes also. Best of luck! |
8th August 2010, 11:02 PM
Hello saket ,
Generally you know the type of question which come as your teachers suggest you. If you want model papers or previous year question papers then you can click on this link www.indiastudychannel.com/exams/ My suggestion is to ask your teachers, they give you detail better then any body else. All the best for your exam. |
9th August 2010, 01:17 AM
C-DAC exam is totally based on the computer programing and Data structure. The data structure are generally through C and algorithms. You may follow these books: Data structure through c- yashwant kanitkar Data structure through algorithm-Shaum series Let us C- yashvant kanitkar, E. balaguruswami C complete reference So these are the good books for C-DAC exam. so try to grasp good coding skil. good luck!!! |
9th August 2010, 02:56 AM
IN Cdac exam questions are asked from following subjects and books:
Digital Logic and Computer Design Morris Mano PHI Microprocessors and Interfacing Douglas V Hall TMH Data & Computer Communication William Stallings PHI Computer Organization and Architecture William Stallings PHI The C programming Language B W Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie PHI Data Structures Lipschutz and Seymour Schaum Series Operating System Concepts Silbeschatz and Galvin John Wiley & Sons Apart from this questions are asked from quantitative sections also . All the question are objective in nature. Hence paper is very similar to GATE strategy. I am giving the link of the e-brochure for this.: http://www.cdachyd.in/cet/ebrochure.php |
9th August 2010, 04:40 PM
dear friend
c-dac exam is based on computer language programming and other datas. so you have prepare claungage and c++ programming laungage also.in these laungauge are best books name as: c++ programming author names summit arrora and c laungage named as balagoshowmi. |
13th August 2010, 09:59 PM
i am student of b.c.s t.y can i joined your c-dac institute for c,c ,java,v.b,and other languages is you teach these languages from basic or not? please tell your institute fees? please tell the cities that the institute are placed?
my email id is [email protected] |
16th August 2010, 01:09 AM
i am prashant khaire doing engg in final yearin IT. i want to join c-dac course then plz give me information about that course.
and give me next year entrance date for c-dac admission.i want to join c, c and java and other language. plz sent me on my email-id = [email protected] |
8th January 2011, 06:43 PM
hai sir.pls tell me the syllabus for c dac entrance exam.can u tell me the date of next entrance exam&how the exam will be.what type of reference books to follow
18th March 2011, 08:56 PM
i'm a student of b.c.a part 2.i want to face cdec examination.......so can u tell me how can i do this?plz send me syallabus & more information about this also about fee for examination on my e-mail add......................
my e-mail add. [email protected] |
17th June 2011, 01:54 AM
hiii i am rahul pandey from satna {m.p.} .i have given the cdac entrance exam...i have done pre-dac coaching from sunbeam institute pune a good institue for cdac.
in CET they use to ask 1.25 questions on computer fundamentals..like about computer generation,primary,secondary devices,some abbreviations like RAM,ROM,EROM,EPROM,EDSAC,UNIVAC,CISC,RISC.etc 2.next 25 questions on OOPS concept .be prepar for this mainly on linklist,inheritance,polymorphism,virtualclass,vir tual table{imp},destructor and constructor,it covers all oops concept.. 3.a little bit tough programmes on C ....focus on STORAGE CLASSES mainly 4.25 easy questions on reasoning and 25 on apti{tough}..like sitting aarrangement,book arrangemnet,number systems,blood relation,directions,trains ,pipes and cisterns,probability,permutation and comb.,time and distance,time and work{imp}......... thanks this is all what i remembered all the best........... |
28th July 2011, 01:39 PM
hey thnx for the all.......i did not attend any pre dac befor CET.....got selected for wimc pune........but now very curious to know examples of stage II question ...........for lab.......can u suggest some thing regarding this........plz plz reply....thnking u in advance
16th October 2011, 12:49 AM
Hi dear,
In C-DAC exams, the questions are being asked mainly on C and Data Structures. So make good concepts of the C-language and as well as the data structure. The questions are in different ways through giving C-codes. There are objective-type questions basically on fundamental knowledge of C-coding. You can go through the best books for C like: Fundamentals of C,by E.Balaguruswami, Let us C,by Y.Kanetkar etc. Have a lot of practice with the codes also. Thanks |
8th November 2011, 01:26 AM
C-DAC exam is totally based on the computer programing and Data structure.
The data structure are generally through C and algorithms. You may follow these books: Data structure through c- yashwant kanitkar Data structure through algorithm-Shaum series Let us C- yashvant kanitkar, E. balaguruswami C complete reference So these are the good books for C-DAC exam. so try to grasp good coding skil. good luck!!! |
8th November 2011, 01:31 AM
C-DAC exam is totally based on the computer programing and Data structure.
The data structure are generally through C and algorithms. You may follow these books: Data structure through c- yashwant kanitkar Data structure through algorithm-Shaum series Let us C- yashvant kanitkar, E. balaguruswami C complete reference So these are the good books for C-DAC exam. so try to grasp good coding skil. good luck!!! |
2nd January 2012, 08:40 AM
![]() Quote:
solution-hey i have appeared for CDAC cet on dec 10 2011.yes quetions will be on data structures but only of stack,queues and link list.these questions will be yery basics for stage 1.but mind u in stage 2 u have to practise good programs of stack,queues,link list and trees using c language since stage two test ur programming skills.for further info contact me -9028779941 |
2nd January 2012, 08:42 AM
stage 2 generally comprises of programming questions based on entire c.the questions must be good one
9th January 2012, 06:02 PM
hello guys , m frm pune.I am goin to appear for stage II exam of DAC ...m very confused how to prepare and in which way shall I prepare?...can anybody tell me ...in stage II practical exam, question comes from sample questions which are mentioned on acts site.....or it comes from outside also?plz tell me wat type of questions dey ask for practical...just giv me example...plz..rply soon..........my exam is in 16th jan...
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