17th June 2011, 07:39 PM
What are the chances of getting admission in COEP for Civil Branch after scoring 159 in MHT CET? How much could be the cutoff this time?
hey i have scored 159 in MH-CET and i want to know what are the chances of getting admission in COEP , for civil branch...?
And would like to know how much less the cut off can go this time...? |
8th July 2011, 10:27 AM
how much % chances are there to get into an autonomous college for electrical engineering with 151 score in mht cet ?
27th August 2011, 03:16 PM
what is the cut off list for general for getting admission in vjti
15th August 2012, 08:22 PM
College of Engineering, Pune
Cut‐off GATE Scores for the FY MTech Admissions held in 2011‐12 Sr.No. Branch Specialization Category Cut‐off GATE Scores Remarks GATE : OPEN 333 All seats filled GATE : SC 234 All seats filled GATE : ST Nil No GATE admission GATE : OBC 300 All seats filled GATE : NT 341 All seats filled GATE‐Spons Nil No GATE admission GATE : OPEN 367 Few vacant seats were filled by Non GATE candidates GATE : SC Nil No GATE admission GATE : ST Nil No GATE admission GATE : OBC Nil No GATE admission GATE : NT Nil No GATE admission GATE‐Spons Nil No GATE admission GATE : OPEN 220 Few vacant seats were filled by Non GATE candidates GATE : SC Nil No GATE admission GATE : ST Nil No GATE admission GATE : OBC Nil No GATE admission GATE : NT Nil No GATE admission GATE‐Spons Nil No GATE admission GATE : OPEN 381 Few vacant seats were filled by Non GATE candidates GATE : SC 220 All seats filled GATE : ST Nil No GATE admission GATE : OBC 327 All seats filled GATE : NT 385 All seats filled GATE‐Spons Nil No GATE admission GATE : OPEN 345 Few vacant seats were filled by Non GATE candidates GATE : SC Nil No GATE admission GATE : ST Nil No GATE admission GATE : OBC Nil No GATE admission GATE : NT Nil No GATE admission GATE‐Spons Nil No GATE admission GATE : OPEN 269 Few vacant seats were filled by Non GATE candidates GATE : SC Nil No GATE admission GATE : ST Nil No GATE admission GATE : OBC Nil No GATE admission GATE : NT Nil No GATE admission GATE‐Spons Nil No GATE admission GATE : OPEN 628 All seats filled GATE : SC 440 All seats filled GATE : ST 229 All seats filled GATE : OBC 558 All seats filled GATE : NT 514 All seats filled GATE : PH OP 351 All seats filled GATE‐Spons 375 All seats filled 7 Computer Computer Engineering 5 6 Civil Town & Country Planning (Engineering) Civil Town & Country Planning (Engineering) 1 2 3 4 Civil Construction Management Civil Enviornment and Water Resource Engineering Civil Geotechnical Engineering Civil Structural Engineering 1 |