23rd February 2015, 01:15 AM
What to do if ACIO 2015 exam registration number and password is lost?
Hello, I have lost my registration no and password of acio exam 2015 to be held on 22.2.2015 ..please kindly help me out. My mail id is [email protected]. Regards, ritu parida
23rd February 2015, 06:01 AM
Generally once you submit your IB ACIO Grade II/ Executive online application form, the system will generate a "Unique Registration Number" and "Password" for the same will be sent to your registered Email ID. You can check your Email to retrieve Intelligence Bureau ACIO Recruitment 2014 Registration number and password.
Do not worry, if you cannot retrieve your Registration number and password through Email. Kindly click on the following links to retrieve your Registration number and password by entering the following required details. >> Select your Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) >> Enter your first name >> Enter your Mobile Number Click here to retrieve your IB ACIO 2014-15 Registration number and Password For Help Desk Support - Click here |