9th August 2019, 07:38 PM
What is the eligibility to get admission in NIT Warangal to study MCA?
Can I get admission in MCA in NIT, Warangal through spot round? My All Indina Rank is 1751 and OBC category rank is 597. What are the chances of getting admission? What is the percentage of reservation for each caste category?
14th August 2019, 07:48 PM
Eligibility to get admission in NIT Warangal to study MCA:-
MCA stands for Masters in Computer Application. The admission in this course is based on any NIMCET examination. Eligibility:- A candidate should have completed their bachelor's degree with the minimum 55% for general category and 50% for SC / ST. Age limit should not exist 30 years for general category. For OBC upper age limit is + 3 For SC/ ST upper age limit is + 5 For PH upper age limit is 10. This exam is conducted once in a year. Total fees between Rs 20,000 to Rs 50,000. |
14th August 2019, 08:16 PM
Eligibility criteria to get admission in NIT Warangal to study MCA:-
MCA stands for Master in Computer Application. Eligibility criteria to study MCA:- The candidate should have passed bachelor's degree with minimum 55% from a recognised University with at least 55% for general category and 50% SC/ ST category. Age limit:- Maximum age limit is 30 years for general category Age relaxation for OBC category is 3 years and SC / ST category is a five years. For PH upper age limit is 10 years. This exam is conducted once in a year. |
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