11th August 2011, 10:37 PM
jyoti raut
Join Date: Aug 2011
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What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

hi sir
i m in b.tech 2nd yr by electronics and instrumentation branch and want to enter in upsc through IES .what should i do for this preparation besides college classes.would it be better to start nw or from 3rd yr.?

12th August 2011, 01:00 AM
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Thumbs up Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

Originally Posted by jyoti raut View Post
hi sir
i m in b.tech 2nd yr by electronics and instrumentation branch and want to enter in upsc through IES .what should i do for this preparation besides college classes.would it be better to start nw or from 3rd yr.?

What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

IES stands for Indian Engineering Services and is conducted by UPSC(Union Public Service Commission) every year. This exam is considered little bit tough so you need to work hard for cracking this exam .

You can start its preparation as early as possible "if you can manage" because now your most important priority should be your college studies because for appearing in IES exam ,you must have B.Tech degree.

So, it depends upon you .If you think that you will manage your college studies and IES preparation all together then go for it otherwise wait for third year.For better preparation follow the steps below:
  • Purchase previous year papers
  • Practice all old and new papers.
  • You can take help of your teachers and seniors as well.
  • For information regarding form of IES please visit www.upsc.gov.in or read employement news regularly.

With Regards
12th August 2011, 01:08 AM
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Default Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

Hai friend.

If you are perfect in your college subjects,then you are having 50% chances to get IES rank.

If you still work hard by solving previous years question papers, then you are having 90% chance to get a good rank in IES.

To get a good rank in IES you start your preparation in 3rd year it's enough.
12th August 2011, 02:20 AM
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Default Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

I think that you should start preparing exclusively for IES exam from 3rd year.
Upto 2nd year you will have some subjects that are not completely related to your branch.
IES is conducted in 4 branches-
* Mechanical
* Civil
* Electrical
* Electronics and Telecommunication
Since your branch is Electronics and Instrumentation, you will have to study additional topics of any one these branches that are part of IES syllabus.
You can prefer E&T branch.
You can give IES exam only when you are at least 21 years of age and also you cannot give it before final year.
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12th August 2011, 06:38 AM
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Default Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

hi dear
IES- Indian Engineering Service

It is the exam conducted by UPSC.
BUt for this criteria:-

*Candidate pass graduation
*Candidate Must be an INDIAN
*Age-21 to 30 years
relaxation as per rules & regulation

but for this preparation this exam is only conducted 4 branches like:-

Electrical engineering
Civil engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electronics Engineering

Specially all the branch subject have individual exam conducted
Pattern of exam:-
Specially question are related to branch paper only
If you have clear about idea then you are eligible to answer all the question,
So always try to clear all the concept of subject..........

Good Luck.............
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12th August 2011, 08:39 AM
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Default Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

hi dear
the criteria for IES exam .......
*The candidates should be a graduate from a recognize university , having b.tech degree & 50%mark & above.
*the age limit is 22 - 30 years , relaxation for sc / st & obc candidates.
It is litle beat of hard course so, you have t work hard to crack this exam.
after 3rd year you can prepare your self for this , you can also join some coaching center for more knowledge.
first of all get sample paper books from market
then make practice & where previous year question will be also available.
this exam is conducted by upsc so , for more details you can visit website

good luck...........
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12th August 2011, 08:49 AM
malek basit
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Default Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

hello dear

You can start its preparation as early as possible "if you can manage" because now your most important priority should be your college studies because for appearing in IES exam ,you must have B.Tech degree.
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12th August 2011, 11:08 AM
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Default Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

the upsc ies exam consists of 2 objective and 2 subjective papers besides 2 objective papers in general studies.so it would be better to start preparation from now on.but it might be possible that many subjects will come up later so built a solid foundation in the subjects you have already studied uptill now.prepare from the books that u refer for your graduation studies and also solve objective questions from previous papers.
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12th August 2011, 11:41 AM
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Default Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

1.hi..the sooner the better it is to start the preperation of the indian engineering services examination because the syllabus of this exam is very vast and it requires lots of practice to do well in this examination and hence it would be better for yout to do start preparing from now on itself ,
2.the best way to prepare from the second year onwards is to make your basics and concepts strong in the subject ,if your basics are strong then almost half of the job is don ,there are some very important subjects from the examination point of view which are thought in the second year and hence you should be really attentive in the class and try to make these subjects as strong as possible ,
3.you should also follow the materilas of the institutes like the ace academy and made easy academy because there problems are really good from the examination point of view and you will have an good practice for the examination if you practice these problems
4.i am also attaching the examination brochure of the ies examination hope this will really help you from the syllabus point of view
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Engg2011_ENG.pdf(143.4 KB, 83 views)
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12th August 2011, 12:37 PM
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Yes it is good to start preparing from 2nd year itself because from second year your core courses start coming into picture. IES is a very hard competitive exam, so you must be prepared from your basics, but you should not keep your college studies aside for the sake of IES preparation. During your graduation you must prepare only that much that you can digest and can get easily from your academics. There are other things also which are asked into the paper, like
general knowledge, English vocab, etc. You can prepare those things by reading some magazines also.

You can take previous years papers and can get an idea of the paper you have to face. Later in your final year you can also join coaching centers for IES entrance exams and if your basics are strong it will be very much helpful to you.
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12th August 2011, 01:52 PM
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Default Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

Originally Posted by jyoti raut View Post
hi sir
i m in b.tech 2nd yr by electronics and instrumentation branch and want to enter in upsc through IES .what should i do for this preparation besides college classes.would it be better to start nw or from 3rd yr.?
see dear IES exam is all about related to your syllabus and nothing else..............you have to do nothing for preparing for IES just follow your engineering subjects in deeply............thats all..............you will qualify the exam..............just do hard work .................
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15th August 2011, 10:14 PM
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Default Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

give the name of best author for magazines and books for general knowledge and english vacab for ies,
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3rd June 2012, 11:07 PM
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Default Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

Here is the list of sumbooks.as u hd nt mentioned so it contains all stream books. - Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering: Ranjan & Rao, Venkat Ramaiha, S K Garg

- Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics: Modi & Seth, R K Bansal, Subramanyam

- Hydrology: Subramanyam

- Irrigation: S K Garg

- Highway Engineering: Khanna & Jasto, Kadiyali

Books for IES Mechanical Engineering

- Enginnering Thermodynamics: PK Nag

- IC Engine: ML Mathur and RPSharma

- Gas Turbine and Propulsive Systems: PR Khajuria & SP Dubey

- Fluid Mechanics: Modi & Seth, RK Bansal

- Compressible Flow: SM Yahya

- Heat and Mass Transfer: JP Hollman, RC Sachdeva

- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: CP Arora, Domkundwar

- Fluid Machinery: Jagdish Lal,RK Bansal

- Theory of Machines: RS Khurmi, Malik & Ghosh

- Mechanical Vibration: Grover

- Machine Design: Shigley, VB Bhandari.

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30th September 2012, 04:53 PM
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Default Re: What should be the preparation for IES besides college studies? Is it better to start preparing in 2nd year or should I do it from 3rd year onwards?

Sir .......!!!!!!!!!!!

You want to compete in the INDIAN ENGINEERING SERVICE examination,which is a one of tough exams in India.
Through this examination, one can apply for various engineer posts in INDIAN GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES.This exam is considered little bit tough so you need to work hard for cracking this exam .

So that's why the sooner you starts your preparation the better would be result. it is so because the syllabus of the Indian engineering services examination is very vast and it requires lots of practice to do well in this examination.the best way to prepare from the second year on wards is to make your basics and concepts strong in the subject ,if your basics are strong then almost half of the job is done.

This exam is conducted by the UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (UPSC) every years.
Educational requirement for this exam is B.TECH /B.E. degree from a recognized college.

The b.TECH DEGREE holder candidates of only -

are eligible for apply in this IES examination.




21-30 years for general
21-33 years for the obc
21-35 years for the sc\st candidates


Thank you!!
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