20th March 2015, 01:51 PM
What is the syllabus of class 11th science?
what is the syllabus of class11 th (science)
30th March 2015, 06:30 PM
Re: What is the syllabus of class 11th science?
You have not mentioned your board in which you appear. The syllabus varies from board to board. All board syllabus are different, they differentiate syllabus on the basis of Subjects/topics as well as on the basis of marks. Well the syllabus is also available in the concerned board website. If you are appearing in CBSE Board then you can check the CBSE Official website or contact your school.
To get syllabus is not a tough task, every school provides you a detailed syllabus at the time of admission. Here i am providing you the syllabus of CBSE Board (Science Stream), Please check the syllabus and marking scheme. [Physics Syllabus Class 11] Marks: 23 UNIT I: Physical World & Measurement UNIT II: Kinematics UNIT III: Laws of Motion Marks: 17 UNIT IV: Work, Energy and Power UNIT V: Motion of System of Particles UNIT VI: Gravitation Marks: 20 UNIT VII: Properties of Bulk Matter UNIT VIII: Thermodynamics UNIT IX: Kinetic Theory of Gases Marks: 10 UNIT X: Oscillation & Waves [Chemistry Syllabus of Class 11th] Marks: 11 UNIT 1: Basic Concepts of Chemistry UNIT 2: Structure of Atom Marks: 04 UNIT 3: Classification of Elements & Periodicity in Properties Marks: 21 UNIT 4: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure UNIT 5: States of Matter: Gases and Liquids UNIT 6: Thermodynamics UNIT 7: Equilibrium Marks: 16 UNIT 8: Redox Reactions UNIT 9: Hydrogen UNIT 10: s-Block Elements UNIT 11: Some p-Block Elements Marks: 18 UNIT 12: Organic Chemistry: Basic Principles & Techniques UNIT 13: Hydrocarbons UNIT 14: Environmental Chemistry [Biology Syllabus of Class 11th] UNIT 1: Diversity of Living Organisms (Unit for OTBA) - Marks: 10 UNIT 2: Structural Organization in Plants & Animals - Marks: 11 UNIT 3: Cell: Structure and Function - Marks: 15 UNIT 4: Plant Physiology - Marks: 17 UNIT 5: Human Physiology - Marks: 17. |