16th June 2012, 11:01 PM
Where can I get admission after scoring 47% marks in 12th science from HSC board?
I got 47 % marks in 12th science from HSC board Mumbai Maharashtra and MHCET Exam obtained 66 Marks. Please help me how and where get admission in engineering collage any where in maharashtra?
31st July 2012, 05:20 PM
~~~Admission in engginering collage~~~
Hai frend your score in CET is quite less to get admission in any colage. But you may trie folowing collages, there previous year cutoff was least. 1 Dilkap institute of technology, Karjat. 2 Pillais institute of technology, Rasayni. 3 KTBY Colage of Enggineering, Sangli. 4 Sarosti colage of enggineering, Karjat. 5 Tanwar vidya peeth, Solapur. You may also trie collages opening there coarse from this year only. Else you should prosede with diploma coarse and leter do BE. |
26th February 2013, 01:12 AM
friend For getting admissions in engineering stream, you have to write entrance examination. A minimum of 50% is required to appear for entrance examination. What is seen here is that you have scored only 44% in HSC. You are not eligible for getting admissions in any of the engineering stream. Other than engineering, many other options are available for you. As a science student, you can go for regular degree courses. Many courses are available. But, you will get admissions based on the plus two score only. If you are interested in Journalism, you can go for that also. Try to understand your strength and select a course that really suits you. Thank you all the best///////// |
29th April 2013, 02:33 AM
can i get admission for b pharm after scoring 44% in 12th sci
31st May 2013, 12:21 AM
i have got 125 marks in physics, chemestry, math group &139 in electronics .can i eligible for taking admission in engineering
3rd June 2013, 01:08 AM
i hv got 47% in mah hsc sci not maths in which cource i get addmission
13th June 2013, 02:18 PM
can i get admission in F.Y.J.C Science,after scoring 47% in SSC
12th May 2014, 04:46 AM
I have scored 76.3% ( arts) in tn hsc eaxm is it a good perecntage?? what are the courses which I can do with this percentage ?
6th June 2014, 08:31 PM
I got 45% marks in 12th science from HSC board i know i can't get a good engineering coleege, if I repeat 12th again and i will try to get upto 85% in 12th again is this my decision is right or wrong, or what course can i do with this percentage??
9th June 2014, 01:53 AM
I'll got 57%marks in 12th cbse board from Patna zone can I get admission in engineering college and in which college
18th June 2014, 11:27 PM
i scored 127 / 720 in CET 2014 and 45 / 360 in JEE mains. Also 57% in hsc. i want admission in mumbai/maharastra. please suggest me some colleges in mumbai or maharastra for medical as well as engineering.Anywhere admission is allright except outside maharashtra.please do the needful.thankyou respected sir/madam.
9th June 2015, 01:02 PM
I have scored 57% in HSC & 98 marks in MH-CET 2015 so can I get addition for BDS in any college without much donation as my financial condition is not so good????
25th May 2016, 06:18 PM
I got 48% in hsc can I got good engineering college admission I paid donations moren more 4lack RS
3rd June 2017, 09:37 AM
I have scored 47.86 something means 48% in hsc mahatashtra. I had taken all subjects PCMB but I want to go with medical line so what can I do and where should I take admission.
26th May 2023, 01:46 PM
You don't get admission