18th October 2011, 12:52 AM
Will there be a second merit list for ICICI PO Nov Batch?When will they display the 2nd list?
I gave interview for icici po for nov batch on september 6th frm hyderabad region...but i was not selected in merit list ! so my question is... will be a second merit list?if so how many members can be selected for 2nd list..and when they display the 2nd list? please please please help me out ! thanks !
29th March 2012, 01:21 PM
pleas kindly tell me the second merit list of nov 2011 po's is announced or not if not when it will be inoform me to mail id [email protected]
21st October 2013, 09:25 PM
when will 2nd merit list of icici program november 2013 will declared any information please reply
3rd April 2017, 09:58 AM
Hello i'm Vicky, I attended the interview on 18 March 2017 for may / August batch and I am not selected in 1st merit list so can the 2 nd list will be announced or not &if yes then when ??? Please anyone suggest me. - Vicky vikash
29th September 2017, 12:12 AM
Hi, When would be the probable date for the second merit list of batch 40 November 2017 to get announced?.I had cleared gd and interview and eagerly waiting for the result.
Just curious how much time that they had taken last year to release the second merit list after the first one? Thank you so much for your response in advance! |