18th May 2015, 09:13 PM
How can I correct if misspelled my Father's name in SSC CHSL Application form?
Hello everyone,
I have done a mistake in my SSC CHSL application form. Mistakenly I misspelled my Father's name in the application form. Kindly tell me how do I correct this? |
30th August 2015, 12:48 PM
SSC CHSL stands for Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level exam which is conducted by SSC every Year..
Since after filling the application form SSC does not provide any provision to change any details in the Application form. As you have done a mistake in the application form.. **So its better to fill another form and try with with some other email id and mobile number.. And at this try to be very careful while filling the form... |
16th December 2015, 10:18 PM
Dear sir,
My name is tina chakrabarty from kolkata.i have received my ssc chsl admit card by post. My roll no. is 4410517940. But i noticed that the spelling of my surname as well as my father's surname is spelt wrong. It should be Chakrabarty and NOT Chakraborty.my exam is on 20th dec 2015. What should i do? |
20th September 2016, 12:51 AM
I have filled my mother's name in LDC form incorrect. And I have also written wrong name in the id card that is given in exam in tier 1 exam. But I have witten right name in tier 2 exam. So what should I do so that I would not face any problem in next process.
27th October 2016, 01:23 PM
You made a mistake while filling up the form. It can be only rectified if the site is still open for editing of application forms. If not, then cannot edit anything. If you reach to interview, then have to explain about your mistake.
3rd November 2016, 12:43 AM
I have mistakenly mentioned the Sr. no. of the 10th class certificate in place of mentioning the roll no. of 10th class for SSC CHSL form and submit the application.Kindly give the solution for this blunder as this exam is very important for me.
13th January 2017, 08:05 PM
I have misspell my father name in ssc chsl form apply. I have wrote anoj instead of manoj will i be able to appear in exam. And in case i qualify what problems will i face in document verification.
29th January 2017, 09:22 PM
I filled wrong spelling of my name and my LDC admit card has been issued and I appeared in exam with wrong spelling in admit card and I also filled recently MTS form with that same mistake. What I will do. My candidature will be cancelled?
8th June 2017, 07:06 PM
Sir, my name is Gaurav Kumar in 10th markshet. But during filling the form of SSC CPO 2016 I filled Gaurav. Now document verification has been completed by BSF Jalandhar. They mentioned my name Gaurav Kumar on main file and I submitted an affidavit and an I'd proof during document verification.sir my result will come on 15th August, in my result my name will be Gaurav or Gaurav kumar??
If it comes with Gaurav,what should I do for correction in my name?? |
6th July 2017, 11:27 AM
I Placed the Mismatch my date of birth how solution is this?
My Real date of birth is all highschool marksheet nd etc DOCOMENT But chsl application form my date of birth is 15/10/1995 mistake by me |
24th November 2017, 02:09 PM
Sir, I have submitted my higher educational qualification as B.COM instead of B.SC . now there is no option for editing the form. How can I correct it ? Otherwise I will face problem. Please suggest .
3rd December 2017, 11:04 AM
Sir I make one mistake please inform sir it's right or wrong .
1) in 2nd puc marks card below printed my old sign But I uploaded my new sign in application form, Sir it's different compare to in the marks card.. How can I solving my problem sir!!!!!??? |
16th December 2017, 08:59 PM
I have committed a small mistake while filling the form"they asked as 10th passed out as one of the core sub as maths, but i did yes instead of no by mistake what to do?
20th December 2017, 12:23 PM
I have wrongly entered my email id.. is there any way to get the registration no and password or to correct the email id so that i can further process the application form.
7th June 2018, 04:46 PM
As I use a zero before the high school no. For create new registration because I loss our old registration id in cgl form 2018 now I disturbed from this mistake and I do not focus our study to this please give me solution to my email [email protected]
26th June 2018, 06:07 PM
My name is Deepak Singh.I belong to OBC categry,but by mistake I have filled genaral categary when I have form fill up in SSC CGL.
Tell me how can be changed his real category in Registration . |